Your early days in the internet

I Have No Idea

New member
Aug 5, 2011
My first foray into the interwebs was on Netscape in elementary school. Then when I got to middle school, I started going into online forums. I was astonished at all the swearing and the way it seemed that everybody was an atheist. After a while I stopped being a noob and realized "Oh, that's just how it is."


Crafting Stars
Nov 22, 2010
I was pretty young when we first got our dial-up connection, but I do remember hating Macromedia to bits.. damn thing just wouldn't work properly.

I also remember a time before google was big.. using Alta-Vista (was this one even known outside Sweden? I have no idea..) and MSN Search.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
I got the internet in 1995. I was on AOL and used the internet mostly to look up Eek the Cat showtimes and Dracula Dead and Loving It quotes.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Oh god, I don't have any fond memories of when I started. I talked like a twat. Typical young teenager stuff that could easily send grammar nazis into a rage-fuelled killing spree. It's embarrassing.
I never had dial-up, but I started off on Bebo and flash games. Mainly Heavy Games. Nice to see that site's still around.

Devi Darkside

New member
Sep 3, 2009
I mostly remember (Later known as and getting on fairly quickly at the time, being able to hook my Dreamcast up to it and everything. And on either the computer or the Dreamcast I happily kept stumbling into porn sites.

Then that service provider went to hell and then we had AOL in the house and that oddly went way slower then the service I was getting for free.

That's what I remember most from the early days of the internet.

Hugo Artenis Rune

New member
Mar 19, 2009
Can't remember the year but I started developing "websites" for Mosaic 1.0. At the time I used the Lynx browser and can remember being utterly *stunned* when 56k modems came out.

I have been Hugo Rune since, ooh, perhaps 1996, maybe earlier..

And the one thing I have noticed about the internet? You still have to spend the same amount of time looking for anything good.

Oh, and Lonely Tylenol? The guy who made the Viking animation up there is Joel Veitch from I spent a large part of 2003 to 2005 getting very drunk with him thanks to the boards at He's doing stop-motion animation now: (not safe for work)

Hugo Artenis Rune

New member
Mar 19, 2009
Vakz said:
I also remember a time before google was big.. using Alta-Vista (was this one even known outside Sweden? I have no idea..) and MSN Search.
Yes, Alta-Vista was the engine of choice in the UK for a while :) Isn't there a hackers site of similar name still out there?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
My earliest internet memories were quickly corrupted. I had, rather early into my internet forays, discovered the once legendary &TOTSE and realized the insanity and depravity the internet/BBS system was capable of rather early on. My illustrious internet career started nowhere and went rapidly downhill from there.

One thing that's certain, I've been a BBS/Forum whore from day-one, damn near.

It's been fun!

Dawns Gate

New member
May 2, 2011
I first used the internet in 2005(at school, we didn't have a computer at home until very later) when my friend told me about this website that had a bunch of random videos from all over the world called 'youtube', I told him that sounded really stupid and then he showed me a video of a guy holding a frying pan and it was on fire, I laughed and we agreed it was going to get popular so we told everyone else at school about it but they told us "that's really dumb, who would want to put videos on the computer so other people could see them?"

Allow me to say.... I WAS RIGHT

Hugo Artenis Rune

New member
Mar 19, 2009
Rawne1980 said:
Remember the early days of the internet?

I remember the time BEFORE the internet arrived in our houses. No mobile phones, no internet and Atari 2600 was considered the master of gaming ..... oh, and flares were cool.
Oh yes, Joust on the 2600 was simply brilliant. At the time. Then I got a spectrum z81. Can you imagine? It had almost 8 colours and would load a game off tape in about a week. Happy days.


New member
Nov 27, 2009

Used a program called Pine for mail. God, it was ugly. Only knew about five people to email.

A few chat servers around; massive multi-player online text-only netsexing. Let's see, there was some nude manga/anime based art - I think actual images just took too damn long to download.

Oh, and the odd MUD or two. Good ole Albion.

That was about it until Ultima Online and EQ rolled around a few years later.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Hugo Artenis Rune said:
Rawne1980 said:
Remember the early days of the internet?

I remember the time BEFORE the internet arrived in our houses. No mobile phones, no internet and Atari 2600 was considered the master of gaming ..... oh, and flares were cool.
Oh yes, Joust on the 2600 was simply brilliant. At the time. Then I got a spectrum z81. Can you imagine? It had almost 8 colours and would load a game off tape in about a week. Happy days.
One of my kids asked about the 80's a few weeks ago so I was filling her in on all the fun we had back then.

After recounted all the tales of my youth I realised that, no matter how much I loved my childhood, i'd never want to go through those days again.

I remember the Spectrum. I had Chucky Egg and Manic Miner on the same side of a cassette and it took me literally hours to find where Chucky ended and Manic started so I could play that bloody game.

We had a black and white TV for playing games on when the Master System was first released. I remember trying to play Operation Wolf on it and not being able to tell when my health was low and needed to shoot the med pack so I never got very far.

Nostalgia is fantastic to look back on but I couldn't cope if we had to relive it.

And Joust was awesome

Hugo Artenis Rune

New member
Mar 19, 2009
Rawne1980 said:
One of my kids asked about the 80's a few weeks ago so I was filling her in on all the fun we had back then.

After recounted all the tales of my youth I realised that, no matter how much I loved my childhood, i'd never want to go through those days again.

I remember the Spectrum. I had Chucky Egg and Manic Miner on the same side of a cassette and it took me literally hours to find where Chucky ended and Manic started so I could play that bloody game.

We had a black and white TV for playing games on when the Master System was first released. I remember trying to play Operation Wolf on it and not being able to tell when my health was low and needed to shoot the med pack so I never got very far.

Nostalgia is fantastic to look back on but I couldn't cope if we had to relive it.

And Joust was awesome
My kids asked the same so I devoted a weekend to tooling up Mame and all the 80's and 90's emulators, from spectrum to N64.. And each game that held so many fantastic memories for me was about as interesting as watching celery grow (with the exception of Bubble Bobble and the early Sonics)..

Strangely, my kids LOVE the retro games and will choose them over the new gen games 9 times out of ten.. I guess their simplicity appeals more to young 'uns.

But the black and white TV's (the ones where you had a dial to tune it in? Correct reception point for good display of computer signal was between 10:45:32.013 and 10:45.32.019 if you imagine the dial as a clock.) and tapes with more than one game on them? Arragh.. And 99% in the tape would corrupt!

I did purchase or steal a modem for my Amiga though and went on BBS at the heady speeds of 1.4k or something.

You're right, screw those days. I'll keep my 4 core cpu with 2gb gfx card laptop, blu ray and 50mb internet!

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
0 back in maybe late 2000 when I was 6 (or 7, I dunno). Signed up for their forums and considering how young I was I probably wasn't the most well behaved person there. Pretty sure it was my first experience with any online forum or significant website, and I loved it to death.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
when i first discovered the internet, i was with a friend. i thought the only thing the internet was for was porn. porn porn porn porn porn. and now, i'm amazed by how far i've cum...

Melon Hunter

Chief Procrastinator
May 18, 2009
Mostly I remember the days of browsing sites like UGOPlayer and Albino Black Sheep for Flash movies and games: there were some pretty good ones out there, as well! I think my favourite series was the Decline of Video Gaming. I will also never forget the time my friend showed me the Demented Cartoon Movie. 30 minutes of my life spent watching an animation that:

-had me crying with laughter
-was a prime example of 'random' comedy
-was an excellent reason why 'random' comedy rapidly deteriorated after about 2003.

Oh, I also remember my first steps into the world of social networking: a crappy 'educational' one done by Oracle called, which my school was ordained into in early 2004. It was supposed to be used for homework sharing and the like, but most people filled their pages with random stuff (in fact, one of my friends kept a 'blunder list' of all the stupid things I said/did whilst at school). As this was during the era of 'paedophiles will hunt your children through their INTERNET CONNECTIONS, AAAAH!' paranoia, you couldn't use your full name (only the first letter of your first name, and surname), and your avatar was drawn from a stricly controlled list of pre-approved pictures. Eventually, we were all kicked off of it in 2007 because people were using it to bully others at our school. Ah, good times, good times.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I wasn't a big internet user back when my family had dial-up, I was only allowed on if I had to do research for homework and being in Elementary School that rarely happened. I remember later on when I was around 10 spending a lot of time on Addictinggames and Ugoplayer and watching a lot of flash animations.


New member
May 22, 2010
The first time I ever went online, I couldn't have been more than three or four -- which would place the date around 1993 or 1994, on a laptop running Windows 3.1. The first site I remember visiting was this weird educational thing about Australia, which had educational games and stuff. I never found it again, though. Prior to about 2002 (which was when we got highspeed internet and I no longer had to ask my parents to put in a password every single time I wanted to go online) most of my internet memories involve Does anyone else remember that col 3D tour they had of Nickelodeon studios? Oh, also, my first exposure to pornography was online and on dial up. Even back then, the internet was very much for porn.

Around this time, I also remember Macromedia having a website that showed off the best things people had done with their Flash and, especially their Shockwave products. There were videos, but also a lot of games. I remember this one fully 3D game that involved tanks fighting in an urban setting; I didn't see anything else like it until years later.

Moving forward to 2002, I spent a lot of time lurking on Gamefaqs. It got to a point where I had been lurking for so long that I was actually too embarrassed to create an account and start posting; I knew a little bit too much about the users on the boards that interested me, and it would just be weird to come in with 0 karma but having memories of the board going back far enough that I should have been on the edge of being a vet. I remember being pretty big around that time, and it's also when I started gaming online.

Shogo: Mobile Armour Dvision was my first and, for several years, only online game. By the time I stopped playing it (around 2008), the skill level needed to compete was so high that I, a completely mediocre player (made worse by the fact that I didn't learn that you could turn off mouse acceleration in Windows until a year or two later, let alone that it would make a difference) was so much better than the few newcomers that we would occasionally get that any time someone new came in, I was accused of cheating. I'll never forget the time I went roughly 50-2 K/d with two noobs double teaming me.

Anyway, the internet was really different prior to Youtube. That's when the whole web 2.0 thing started happening, and flash started being used as a basic part of web design, instead of as a method of making crappy (and not so crappy) cartoons. It's hard to describe just how different things looked, but everything was boxier and less fluid looking; the internet was mostly text based, with pictures being used more to spice up a boring design than as content in and of themselves. Most design was done in HTML, not PHP, and certainly not Flash. It was actually so heavily text based that, if you want to look at some old bulletin board and usenet posts from the early part of the last decade, you'll actually see people complaining about how all these new-fangled pictures were detracting from the real content, which was of course the text. How things have changed.