Your favorite book, and the best book you've read

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Dornedas said:
Is it allowed to write "I, Dornedas, am"? From a grammatical standpoint? It just feels wrong.
I, Queen Michael, can assure you that it's okay. It sounds a bit pretentious, but it's allowed.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Probably The Name of the Wind. It's hard to describe the writing, but the author has a way of making the most menial things seem incredibly interesting. The world he describes seems so real and the dialogue is fantastic. Plus, he created an entire magic system that is actually explained quite thoroughly.

The second book of the series is also great, but the first one is on another level.

Chris Mosher

New member
Nov 28, 2011
SonOfVoorhees said:
The Descent by Jeff Long
Flood by Richard Doyle.
Imajica by Clive Barker.

All three are really long novels and fun.
I second Imagica and really anything by barker. Imagica is the only book to make me cry.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
My Favorite Book is also the Best Book I've Ever Read. It's called The Messenger (or I Am the Messenger), by Markus Zusak.



New member
Oct 8, 2012
The Silmarillion, I've read it close to 12 times. I'd be reading it again but I lost my copy. I don't care what people say, it is fantastic, the best High Fantasy book ever written.


Not ever, if possible
Jun 28, 2012
My favorite book is definitely American Psycho. I've read it 3 or 4 times and I never love it any less. It's a shame the movie wasn't very good by it's own merit. It's more like a highlight real of good moments from the novel, and they only really make sense if you've read it already.


Also a Social Justice Warrior
Feb 13, 2012
Definitely The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. This is both the best book I've ever read and my favorite book, and I've read a LOT. In a lot of different genres.

A close follow up for best book would be Beloved by Toni Morrison, or (if I can cheat slightly) The Parables duo by Octavia Butler(Which, yes, is better than Kindred. Get over it).

Close follow ups for favorite book would be the first in the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson and The Parables duo by Octavia Butler.

RedDeadFred said:


New member
Jun 11, 2013
RedDeadFred said:
Probably The Name of the Wind. It's hard to describe the writing, but the author has a way of making the most menial things seem incredibly interesting. The world he describes seems so real and the dialogue is fantastic. Plus, he created an entire magic system that is actually explained quite thoroughly.

The second book of the series is also great, but the first one is on another level.
It is a pretty good book. There were moments where I was like, "well, this is terrible" as in this writing/plot point is bad, but then there were moments where I was like, "damn, didn't expect that, this guy is good". I liked how even though he is a really powerful dude, stuff stills goes badly for him. Makes him more realistic, or something.
lol when he jumped off the building expecting to be saved, and the guy is just like "trolololol"
Or when he thought he was clever and tried to bind the wind, and he almost dies cause his lungs aren't strong enough. Genius.

One of the best books I have read though, is Shogun by James Clavell. A real good story, and it was interesting to see the culture of Japan.
Also, The Forever War was enjoyable. I liked how he used science in the story, and the ending was interesting, if maybe a little easy to guess nowadays.
Also, I really like Game of Thrones series. Currently re-reading. It is a good bathroom read. Can't wait for GRR to friggin finish the series, I want to know if a certain someone is a certain someone reborn, and if a certain someone is the son of a certain union, and other story threads.

IDK if I have a favourite, maybe this one greek myth book that I have read a bunch. Nah, I don't have a favourite.

Zen Bard

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Sep 16, 2012
Favorite book: Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny.
Hands down the best balance of fantasy and science fiction to ever grace the page. An insanely creative retelling of story of the Buddha set on a far off alien world. And in middle of the book is probably the best bad pun in the history of literature.

Best book: Slow Chocolate Autopsy by Iain Sinclair.
The story concerns Norton, a man trapped within the space of London...but not in time...and how he impacts certain pivotal events in the city's history. The writing is tough to get through sometimes. But it's a fascinating study in economic writing. Sinclair can convey more mood, tone and imagery in one line than most authors can in a whole paragraph.

(And yes, I came to it via The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century)

Zen Bard

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Sep 16, 2012
Favorite book: Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny.
Hands down the best balance of fantasy and science fiction to ever grace the page. An insanely creative retelling of story of the Buddha set on a far off alien world. And in middle of the book is probably the best bad pun in the history of literature.

Best book: Slow Chocolate Autopsy by Iain Sinclair.
The story concerns Norton, a man trapped within the space of London...but not in time...and how he impacts certain pivotal events in the city's history. The writing is tough to get through sometimes. But it's a fascinating study in economic writing. Sinclair can convey more mood, tone and imagery in one line than most authors can in a whole paragraph.

(And yes, I came to it via The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century)

(Sorry for the double post. Captcha issues...)


New member
Nov 9, 2009
My favourite individual book; Mogworld by The Escapist's very own Yahtzee. It's my favourite because it was tons of fun to read, had characters and a setting that interested me and was different from anything else I had read. Compared to Jam, which is better written and has a better story altogether, Mogworld edges it due to the insane amount of fun I had reading it.

My favourite book series; Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe novels. I like things based on the Napoleonic wars, Napoleon: Total War being one of my favourite games, so this fits right in. As with Mogworld strong characters and a setting that interests me, the TV adaptations are damn good too. If I could decide between any of the novels in this series they might have replaced Mogworld as my favourite individual book, but alas I cannot.

The "best" book I ever read; Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick or J.R.R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Dick's novel is very though provoking and, in my opinion, a great example of sci-fi literature. LOTR is just a truly epic narrative; very meticulously written and it is high fantasy at its finest.
Dec 10, 2012
For a bibliophile such as myself, this is a hard question. Well, favorite book is easy: Frank Herbert's Dune. It really has everything I want out of a novel. Sci-fi setting, fully-realized and interesting world, action, deep intrigue, cool characters, mysteries, awesome stuff, and more awesome stuff. That book just blows my mind.

But the technically best book I've ever read is probably either To Kill A Mockingbird or Catch-22. TKAMB is just such an important and poignant thing; but I think I have to give it to Catch-22. Joseph Heller does a magnificent job of weaving a loosely connected series of events and characters into a convoluted timeline, all while hammering home a collection of themes with never a heavy hand and such a feeling of absurdist tragedy that it makes you want to change your life. It's vicious and beautiful.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Well, the top two spots for each are probably the two books in the Kingkiller chronicle, so why don't i just say that and call it a day.


Sep 21, 2010
I don't really have a favourite book, but if you'll allow me to pick a series I'll go with the A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series by George R. R. Martin. I also very much enjoyed Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko.

I think I'm going to go with Flood by Stephen Baxter for best book, but I'm not really sure that it entirely fits the category. It can be a slow read at times, and the characters are a bit flat, but I felt like the point of the book was really to explore the premise and describe the events of the story, and this was very well done. The sequel is also very good.

Phil the Nervous

New member
Jun 1, 2014
Oh heck.. um... hold on....
Skin game! By Jim Butcher. and it will remain my favorite book until the next Dresden Files is released.
As far as the best book though, if Worm counts it's the best. It's been sorta rare to see new and unique ideas in this generation of novels and a million (billion?) word novel full of life and story (and terror) is a welcome addition to the world.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I loves me some Discworld. Aside from Hogfather, my favorites are the three Death-centric books; Mort, Reaper Man and, Soul Music. I kinda need to re-read though but there are a lot of other Discworld books that I need to check out considering the circumstances...this was probably the first and only time a celebrity death makes me actually cry...

Other than Discworld, I love re-reading the Harry Potter saga.