Your favorite evil gods


New member
Sep 25, 2009
I will pick for Slaanesh. I have always liked Nurgle in the fluff, but to be a poxridden, boil bestowed dirty piece of crap...isn't my cup of tea :p

HAIL TO THE PRINCE OF EXCESS, lots of boobies, food, gaming more boobies food gaming yayayayayayayayayaya MOOOOOOORE GRANT ME MORE! xD

So yeah, Slaanesh it is!


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Set (or Seth) has always interested me. But since he is a real historical deity, I guess I should pick something else. Beliar would be the obvious answer, but as much as I love the games, Gothic lore isn't too particularly fleshed out.

Probably Mehrunes Dagon of Elder Scrolls lore. Not only is he master of my favourite Elder Scrolls race (Dremora), he is also the deity of destruction. He also looks pretty cool and has a realm of hellfire. Aedra and Daedra are divine beings, I'm pretty sure, so I'd imagine he would count. If not, then I have no idea.

The Great Purtabo

New member
Aug 16, 2010
CODE-D said:
I will be god of the new world
-Light Yagami(almost)

^his true maniacal form

and castiel the angel had the power of god for an episode or two

He wasnt really evil, just sorta pissed off at everyone but he healed a blind man....

...after killing several angels who wouldnt conform to him and others he deemed wrong.
dude spoilers

AM City Watch

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Nov 10, 2010
Well, I'm something of a traditionalist, so I'm going to have to say Lucifer. The Light-Bearer, the Morningstar, First of the Fallen, all that jazz.

Any dark god can fuck people up with blood sacrifice, armies of devoted followers, and powerful magics.

It takes class to screw over reality with a single piece of fruit.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
DugMachine said:
inb4 Cthulhu.

My favorite evil god is Cthulhu lol :D
CTHULHU is not a god, he is a Great Old One, and yes, there is a difference.
Erhm. Now that my rage has subsided (and yes, this is one of my berserk-buttons, people speaking of the mythos - and almost always of Cthulhu - yet knowing little)
I'm gonna put my vote with the Wyrm from World of Darkness (which is technically more of a force of nature, but fuck, it's the closest I can think of)

Edit: Wait, what defines a God? What requirements must be fulfilled?


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
Atum-Ra, what a pretender to the throne!
Too obscure?

Kronos has always been pretty badass on the scale of evil gods.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
AM City Watch said:
Well, I'm something of a traditionalist, so I'm going to have to say Lucifer. The Light-Bearer, the Morningstar, First of the Fallen, all that jazz.

Any dark god can fuck people up with blood sacrifice, armies of devoted followers, and powerful magics.

It takes class to screw over reality with a single piece of fruit.
Is Lucifer a god, though? What defines a God?


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Darkseid, lord of Apokolips, from DC Comics

And Mr Wednesday (aka Odin) from Neil Gaiman's American Gods. He's sadistically charming.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Apocalymon is pretty good, what with "destroy all the universes" as a special attack.

Does Hades from the Disney movie count? He's awesome.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Realitycrash said:
DugMachine said:
inb4 Cthulhu.

My favorite evil god is Cthulhu lol :D
CTHULHU is not a god, he is a Great Old One, and yes, there is a difference.
Erhm. Now that my rage has subsided (and yes, this is one of my berserk-buttons, people speaking of the mythos - and almost always of Cthulhu - yet knowing little)
I'm gonna put my vote with the Wyrm from World of Darkness (which is technically more of a force of nature, but fuck, it's the closest I can think of)

Edit: Wait, what defines a God? What requirements must be fulfilled?
Okay, sorry SHEESH. I'm not that big on lovecraft lore so my mistake for calling him a god.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
The Great Horned Rat comes to mind. Mostly because Grey Seers and Rat Daemons kick complete ass.

And the Nightbringer and Deceiver before C'tan were nerfed. Strength 10 power weapon hits with WS 5 and 5 attacks in a turn? I think YES. Or perhaps how the Deceiver could re-arrange the entire board before the game started.

And since Set and Kronos have already been called, I'm gonna say Loki. He basically INVENTED douchebaggery.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Regiment said:
Apocalymon is pretty good, what with "destroy all the universes" as a special attack.

Does Hades from the Disney movie count? He's awesome.
I'm not sure why Hades is constantly shown in popular media as a villain. In actual Greek mythology he was a pretty cool guy.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009

Dude never dies, holds infinite cosmic power, has repeatedly shown that he can never die, subjugates worlds, has crushed his "nemesis" on quite a few occasions and then let said nemesis find a series of power boosts just to have someone on relatively equal ground to spar against. The only reason he loses is that he gives a fair chance to his rival, that it might be fun.

That or Sheogorath. Almost entirely because I'm fond of the batshit crazy fuckers who play with their own non-euclidean die when everyone else is rolling d6's.

Dirty Hipsters said:
Regiment said:
Apocalymon is pretty good, what with "destroy all the universes" as a special attack.

Does Hades from the Disney movie count? He's awesome.
I'm not sure why Hades is constantly shown in popular media as a villain. In actual Greek mythology he was a pretty cool guy.
Well, relatively. It's not like there were good and evil gods in that mythology, each god acting in turn savior and prickhead, depending on which mortal we're talking about. He's not exactly bad, but the whole pomegranate/Persephone thing doesn't exactly scream "I'm a nice guy".

Flailing Escapist

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Apr 13, 2011
Speaking of Death Note I kinda like the death gods (from Death Note) and how they just do not give a fuck. They could do just about anything and toy with people like ants but they got so tired of all that they decided that, "fuck it, we'd rather play cards anyway".

They can't even be bothered to clean up after themselves

Oh and Sheogorath - I fucking love that guy.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
I am surprised that no one has mentioned Zuul yet...
Hands down one of my favorite evil Gods.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Tharizdun - god of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity, and Cold.

I've used the guy as a key source of villainy in a long running D&D game back in the day. He's an imprisoned god and all other gods regardless of alignment want to keep that way. His key to release was broken into 333 shards and scattered around the planes.

What few insane followers he has just want to release the poor guy. So as you can see he's clearly a sympathetic deity.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
TheBobmus said:
Atun-Ra, what a pretender to the throne!
Too obscure?

Kronos has always been pretty badass on the scale of evil gods.
If you study Greek mythology, you'll find that Cronus isn't considered to be a strictly "evil" god. He was only afraid of losing power in one myth and ate his children because of that. Otherwise, he is the god of the harvest and there was a festival in his name. Oh, and he also castrated his father (Uranus), but that's because Gaia (his mother) told him to. He may not be a paragon of virtue, but he isn't outright evil. At least, the Greeks didn't think so.

OT: By nature, evil gods are evil, so I have a hard time thinking of one I like. I suppose the Daedric Princes from TES are interesting (though not strictly "evil").

Edit: Oh, and the Old One from Demon's Souls. And in Dark Souls, Lord Gwyn or the "Dark Lord"
(the player)
depending on your perspective and your beliefs in regards to the lore, which is vague at best. ALSO Gwyndolin and Nito.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Was torn between Disney's Hades or Loki (The Mask) when I slapped myself for nearly forgetting my all-time favorite - Lufia.
Okay, so she has a change of heart at the end. She needs to have gotten her title of 'Death' somewhere, though. >.> (If the words 'Devastation Wave' ring a rather frustrating bell, you know what I mean.)