Your favorite game no-one ever heard about.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Tomoyo Fighter Perfect... Its a fan-made, final-fight style download game mostly based off of Clannad... which is pretty cool

Also The Suffering for the ps2... That was a great game... Had enemies based off of the ways prisons killed their inmates... there was also a sequel... not so good...


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
I don't think anyone has mentioned Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War yet.

That game is so much fun, despite being not all that "great", technically speaking.


Average Person Extraordinaire!
May 2, 2010
migo said:
Escape Velocity Nova - I know a couple people who have played it, but it's a pretty niche product.

OT: This mod here.



New member
Mar 30, 2008
demoman_chaos said:
Champions of Norath, Mount&Blade, JFK Reloaded, Sumotori Dreams, and Soldat.
M&B and JFK Reloaded would be two of mine as well. Flashback (also one of ZP's classics) would be another.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Rival Schools for PS/Arcade
Well it not my favorite but close to.
Always had fun time with this fighting game.
I don't think it very well known


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Dark Cloud on the PS2. It did well enough to get a sequel, but the original was superior in every way. Very smooth, decent graphics with solid if not very good gameplay mechanics with a genuinely innovative premise. The first party member you get is your cat transformed into a person with a potion A BAD GUY GIVES YOU because he was being a cocky douche! If not a totally new idea (pets as party members), it's at least interesting.

Basically the premise is the world gets totally destroyed except for you personally and a few lucky survivors. You're saved because a supernatural being who protects you because he believes you can potentially save everything and restore the world. He then gives you the Atlamilla, a crystal he mounts on your glove that can contain Atla, which is the remnants of the world. You have to reclaim the Atla scattered throughout the world and use it to rebuild everything they way it was. One of the main mechanics is reassembling the world by combining pieces of Atla, and you get a lot of very worth-it bonuses for putting each town back to right. If you haven't played it, I highly recommend picking it up.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Close Combat: First to Fight, seriously, if anyone has heard of that game, please tell me.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
i was talking about the 360/pc version. i never heard of shadowrun before that, but i just liked the whole idea of the game. it wa pretty sweet


New member
Jan 30, 2010
I'll give you one better, I'll state my favourite and my least favourite:

Favourite: Teenage Zombies (DS)
Considering that I only paid £4 for this game, it was a pretty good platformer. Sure it may have been a bit easy for those "hardcore" platform gamers, it's a great introduction for those who haven't played one before or for youngsters, especially considering you have to think your way through the level rather than just run from one side to the other stomping on stuff. And you can make it more difficult by implementing your own rules, like not eating brains (which act like health packs).

Least Favourite: Dennis the Menace (Gameboy)
One of the poorest platformers I have ever played. Let's start by mentioning the terrible controls which will cause you to continue momentum forwards after you jump. May seem realistic but not very useful when many of the platforms in some levels are exactly the width of your character. Rocking the d-pad furiously is the only way to give yourself any chance of success with these jumps. Secondly, the levels all have a time limit and a very strict one at that. You need to find a certain number of ...things to progress so if you get lost AT ALL, you're screwed. The enemies kill you quickly too and while you have 3 weapons, only one will kill any particular enemy, the others do nothing. Oh and the game gives you no clue which does which, a very big problem considering how there are hundreds of different kinds of enemy. The game is bloody long too (3 hours is the longest I've gone without a Game Over screen, I never have finished it) and there are no saves or passwords anywhere. Oh yeah, and you only have 3 lives with few opportunities to get any more.

Venom 3135

The Lemon Merchant
Nov 22, 2009
Skorpyo said:
migo said:
Escape Velocity Nova - I know a couple people who have played it, but it's a pretty niche product.

OT: This mod here.

that looks great!!!

demoman_chaos said:
Champions of Norath, Mount&Blade, JFK Reloaded, Sumotori Dreams, and Soldat.
i have played champions of norath, and loved it!!!!!

anyway, where i live, not many people have heard of kingdom hearts, or twewy. but i think the suffering or the getaway win the trophie for this!

Venom 3135

The Lemon Merchant
Nov 22, 2009
Spencer Petersen said:
Gerrawn said:
Hype: The Time Quest. I swear I'm the only one on the planet that's played it.
Holy shit I remember that game!
holy crap! I've played that!. I was really young though, and i couldn't understand it, so i didn't finish the tutorial : (