Your favorite games of this generation.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Since this generation is now officially on its last legs, let us now start deciding what the best games of this generation were for you.

No limit on the number, just list as many as you want to, because so many great games were released why limit it to just 10 or 5?
1. Mass Effect: Undoubtedly my absolute favorite of this generation was this franchise. Though it started to falter in 3, I still personally believe it ended strong, because we all still remember it. I have an emotional attachment to this one as it came into my life as my high school days were ending, and just before Mass Effect 3 was shown off at that year's E3. Before I played it I couldn't see what all the fuss was about, then I tried the Mass Effect 2 demo and all became clear. It was the only game demo I literally played 14 times in a row, each taking about an hour to play through, and I played it that many times because I was waiting for Mass Effect 1 to come in the mail. When all was said and done, I felt I actually lived in that universe for the time I spent in it, and I had my emotional ups and downs, and I really felt a connection with the characters (except that Chobot-facsimile). Overall I played through Mass Effect 1 and 2 4 times each, and Have yet to get through Mass Effect 3 a second time (because I'm trying to roll a whole new story and it's taking a long time between school, work, and girlfriend) and I have to say my time was well spent.
2. Borderlands: This is a concept that wins on so many levels I bet some developers/publishers were smacking their heads thinking "Why didn't I think of that?!" Combining gaming's most popular genres into one game? Genius in my eyes. Because it utilized easy-to-grasp generic shooting controls combined with just the numbers popping off of enemies as you shot them, it became very addictive to me. The first night I had it I played until it literally hurt too much to keep playing because I hadn't moved from the TV in so long to neither eat or drink. Add to that the fact that it had split-screen co-op (a rarity nowadays) and I couldn't think of a better co-op, loot-based, action-rpg, shooter hybrid. Of course I hold Borderlands 2 in a different regard. I look at them side by side rather than one being better than the other because while 2 made improvements (the badass system, an extra class, the motherfucking gunzerker, etc) it also had a laundry list of flaws such as an overhanging difficulty curve, insane spikes in difficulty, and just difficulty all around. Even armed with ALL legendary weapons and equipment at my level, I still found myself dying in literally one or 2 shots from guys a hundred miles away with obvious improbable aiming skills. Add to that the fact that the inventory is severely limited and the level cap is really becoming a thorn in my side and I can't really say 2 is better than one, but that both are about equal in terms of enjoyability. Still, I love them both and have spent over 200 hours in each game and will gladly place a blind pre-order on Borderlands 3 if it ever gets announced.
3. Crackdown: I never felt Crackdown ever got the chance it really deserved this generation. An urban-themed sandbox game where YOU are the law? SIGN ME THE HELL UP! But the second one and the collapse of the original studio because of its ambitious MMO project means we'll probably never see another one. Which is a shame because I just adored its gameplay. To me, it very skillfully combined mindless twitch shooting with actual skill because of how you could utilize your various skills in the game. And how as you levelled up your skills you could actually SEE a drastic increase in your power unlike in normal RPGs where skills get upgraded so incrementally it has all the dramatic effect of you growing over the course of your lifetime. Crackdown knew what it wanted to be and went for it wholeheartedly, and not many games do that, not before and not nowadays. It's one of the few games that let me live out the fantasy of beating the shit out of punkass gangstas knowing that the law was on my side, and even though Crackdown 2 departed from that in favor of a zombie city and fighting terrorists, (which is still really cool but not exactly what I hoped for), the second one still provided the catharsis of being a super-powered badass in a city that needed one. Man if only we had gotten to see where the story went after that cliffhanger at the end of two, eh? I would put my money down for that right now, ESPECIALLY if they keep the new tools/gadgets/vehicles/powers from 2 and bring back the old weapons from one (I kind of missed having a handgun). I hope someday it will have a PC release as well.
4. Saints Row: I could hardly play the first one for more than a couple of hours before I succumbed to boredom. The second one though? It just kicked it into high gear from the first moment and let it settle into that groove that I loved. What more is there to say about a game that lets you dress up/make yourself look like anyone in the world? I loved 2 so much that I've played well over a hundred hours of it just dicking around in the open world with various costumes. Now the third one, while I still like it, I can't bring myself to love it as much. Maybe it's the way they hamstrung the customization or the fact that the city just has no personality next to Stillwater? Yeah, that's probably it. In Saints Row 2 there were just SO MANY KINDS of pedestrians with all sorts of ambient behaviors, along with an extremely varied city that had everything from ghettos to super luxurious high-rises to stereotypical suburban communities to a mall. A freakin mall! With mall goths and a hot-topic knockoff and mall cops and old ladies and street performers and everything! Yeah, that's why I loved Saints Row 2, it had more kinds of people to scare, run over, and murder.
5. Skyrim: I hated Oblivion and Morrowind. The only reason I tried to get into them was because when I was younger I was on an RPG kick thanks to Runescape, and since I didn't have internet in my house I couldn't play that. So first I got Fable (which I really like, more on that later), but when that got taken away because my mom found out you could have SEX in the game I tried to fall back on Morrowind, which a Gamestop employee told me was great. I hated it. Every stinking minute. It was inaccessible, bloated, ugly, and had these fucking psychic guards that could somehow DETECT if you had stolen something and took it away from me, locked me in jail, and took away my skills as well. I tried getting into Oblivion because I thought maybe they improved on that. Nope. Fuck that too. Then came Skyrim. And oh my lord it was just the best. From the very first few minutes it was already an improvement. It wasn't trying to make me decide my future within the first few seconds of play when I didn't even know how I wanted to play yet, it was letting me just work it out myself. I loved that. It let me just do what I wanted to do and not force me on a path within the first few seconds. Like Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the world oozes with hardcore fantasy love and makes no attempts to stifle it. I could not ask for more in an open world RPG.
6. Fallout 3/New Vegas: I'm going to lump these together because of how similar they are, but both are just so wonderfully memorable in the best ways. Fallout 3 gave me the Capital Wasteland, and I remember the first time I saw this after leaving the Vault (which was so amazing at getting me invested in the setting and characters) I was stricken by the beauty and detail in the destruction. I just stood there in awe of the scenery before me, not knowing what to do or where to go first. Eventually when I did move, I grew to appreciate the level of detail even more. From the little bits of scrap littering every location to the chips in the paint to the cracked concrete, every little thing sucked me in harder than an industrial grade vacuum. I could feel, smell, and taste the wasteland around me in these games. I can't really say any other game has ever made me reach this level of immersion besides Skyrim. Add to the fact that I love this retro-futuristic setting to death and the lore is just all kinds of interesting and the gameplay could have been just nothing more than an open world adventure game with no enemies/levelling/or visible narrative and I still would rate it as one of my favorite games this generation.
-New Vegas is similar in all these regards but unlike 3, the stories present here I would not have this game without. All these fun, interesting sidequests are what make New Vegas so amazing for me. The dialog and voice acting does so much for me in telling me who these people are, why I should care about their plight, and how they are important to this world. Not only that, but the game didn't make me play by its rules. If I wanted to, I could storm the Legion's camp and kill Caesar right in his own tent within the first few hours if I was skilled enough. It really made me feel like this was my story, but that I was just one person in this large, complicated world, and at the end of the day, it would be there even when I wasn't. The western theme was also very awesome to me.
7. Just Cause 2: I felt the need to be specific here because I never tried Just Cause 1. I never saw the need to when 2 had a freakin double hookshot! Seriously, that thing just made the game for me, I was like a super gun-toting Mexican Spiderman! Who surfed on planes! I couldn't ask for more in my games, and that teaser image that Eidos released recently is riling me up something fierce. ;)
8. [PROTOTYPE]: Again, tragically we will probably not see anymore of this because of the collapse of the studio and the fact that the second one didn't turn a hefty profit, but I really loved these games. The first one was a realization of everything I wanted to be in a super-powered being since The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (yes, of course I know they made that too). And the second one literally improved EVERYTHING about the first one in terms of gameplay and story (to me anyways). Now whenever I see a sequel to a game, most of the time there are ways you can point out how it falls short from the original, like Mass Effect 2 took out inventories and was very linear with no sandboxes like the first one, or Dead Space 2 wasn't as scary, or Dragon Age 2 "ruined" Dragon Age or like what I said about Borderlands 2 and Crackdown 2. But Prototype 2 is one of those rare sequels that took the original and leapfrogged it completely. In any case, both games were bloody, gory fun. I can't say I enjoy any game like I enjoy Prototype with its ability to let me literally eat people and become them. How cool would it have been to see this in a different setting, eh? Like London or Japan?
9. Brutal Legend: I'm a metalhead, so this game just spoke to me on so many levels. With a 90% kickass soundtrack and many speeches regarding the power of metal and just a world where everywhere you look is a potential album cover, this is unequivocally one of the best games this generation to me. As any metalhead like myself will attest, the speech that Lars gives before Ironheade kicks the shit out of Lionwhyte will make you want to raise the horns and sound a battlecry. This is also the only game I ever STARTED on the hardest difficulty, because I thought that that was the only way to get the REAL experience from it. And surprisingly, I never lost a battle. I always won decisive victories in the campaign, stomping the enemy with my superior METAL, headbanging my way through each and every battle. It was awesome from start to finish (minus the escort missions, everyone can agree, FUCK escort missions). And I really wish we could have another one, or at least a spiritual successor that aims to be what we all thought Brutal Legend was GOING to be (a quirky hack-n-slash with lots of references to and love for heavy metal).
10. Fable: From the moment I first started Fable 1, I was hooked. This was the game I had been waiting for, I thought when I was 13/14. This was it for gaming, it couldn't get any better than this. Of course I was young and stupid and had no freakin clue about the other games on this list but to this day I can still play all the Fables and enjoy them unironically. You see... when I first played Fable 1 and 2 I was completely unaware of Peter Molyneux or his outlandish claims, so I was never disappointed with them. I loved the personality of the worlds presented, the witty, absurd humor, the easy to grasp combat, the fact that you saw yourself get visibly more powerful over time, I loved it all. When Fable 3 rolled around once again people were up in arms about how disappointing it was and how it didn't live up to expectations, and at that time I WAS a more savvy customer who knew about the bullshit in this industry like homogenizing games and brown and browner shooters, but yet... I still bought and loved Fable 3 from beginning to end, I daresay it was even my favorite one because it was the Fable I always wanted it to be. Plus, I got to wear a crown. So suck it.
11. Dead Rising: These games just ooze with personality. I can really appreciate the sheer amount of detail work that went into making these games settings believable, and they work on every level! The level design of the first, from the lighting to the music to the little color detail in the stores to the placement of the stores, just perfectly encapsulated the feeling of an American mall, and the second one and Off the Record did the same great work in the environments. Of course the stories and characters are groaners but that's not why I'll remember these games. I'll remember them as the games that let me pick up literally anything in sight be it a teddy bear, a dildo, or a lawnmower and cause massive, gory zombie death with them. I just love these games and hope to see more in the future. :D

Special mentions:
Earth Defense Force 2017/Insect Armageddon
All the LEGO games released this generation
Castle Crashers
Batman: AA/AC
Assassins Creed series
Section 8
Dragon Age
Red Dead Redemption
Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires
Orcs Must Die! 2
Rock Band/Guitar Hero
Plants vs. Zombies
Iron Brigade(Trenched)
Spec Ops: The Line
Solar 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Anything I didn't mention I probably just didn't like or never got the chance to play.

So what were your favorites?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
1. Dark souls .
2. Demons's souls
3.Alpha protocol
4.Obivion and to a lesser extent skyrim
5. Metroid Prime 3
6.Alan wake
7. UMVC3
8. 3D Dot game heros
9 Cod Black ops
10. Persona 4 Arena

This is my top 10 list out of the 100 games i own on the three consoles .

Honorable mention goes to :

Lost oddesey for the beautiful written story
Mario Galaxy for being fun as hell .
Heavy rain for an unique experience


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
1. The Orange Box

I must have sunk at least 100 hours into Team Fortress 2, let alone Half Life and Portal.

2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

If it weren't for this game, I might not have gone back to gaming. Seriously. It still holds out as one of my all time favorite games.

3. PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale

I recently realized I completely adore mascot fighters. This game is an absolute blast, the soundtrack is amazing, the controls are tight, and the characters are great. Abe, Jersey Devil, Klonoa, and Gex are missing though.

4. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Without a doubt, one of the best games I have ever played. Everything was top-notch -- graphics, gameplay, soundtrack, story... it is a tidal wave of powerfully mixed emotions that I will definitely play again and again.
Dec 10, 2012
I'm never quite clear on where the divides in generations are. But I don't suppose it matters much.

6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Never played the other Deus Ex games, and I'm glad I didn't have to to appreciate this game. The story is not bad, though not enthralling either, but the gameplay and the sheer sense of style the game exudes is magnificent. I just love the cyberpunk world it creates, the music and art direction is fantastic, and it is so much fun cyborging my way through each level. The fact that I have so many organically occurring choices in how I want to handle a situation is just so refreshing from scripted events and on-rails sequences.

5. Infamous. Most of my favorite games are actually multiple game franchises. Infamous is a great, and somehow underappreciated pair of games. It's hard to say which is better, and as they are both so similar and follow a tight, contained story arc, I don't think I will separate them. The superhero sandbox is just endlessly entertaining, and the story is suprisingly exciting.

4. Dragon Age. And before you ask, both of them. I prefer Origins, but DA2 is also a great game. Fantasy is an overused setting these days, lacking in originality, but Dragon Age manages to use all those tired staples of the genre and reinvigorate many of them. I also love the way you interact with your teammates, both universally and independently of each other, with the friend/rival system. It's great to see an RPG where your decisions can make half your companions like you and half hate you at the same time. And of course the classic Bioware-style character writing is amazing.

3. Borderlands. I have not played any game this generation even half as many times as I have played Borderlands. I think I've gone through it about 25 to 30 times. I can't even say what makes it so endlessly playable, but it scratches so many gameplay itches at once that I just can't stop. The humor in the games is just the delicious icing to round out the experience. The second game I've played only a couple times, but more because of other games coming along and taking attention away rather than any failing in the game itself. It can be pretty hard though.

2. Bioshock. Such a revolutionary experience I rarely come across in any form of entertainment. Everything about the first game shines, from the story to the gameplay to the voice acting, and oh, my god, Rapture. Rapture is, in a word, rapturous. There is nothing like it and I will never forget exploring that city. Also, Bioshock 2 is a great game that failed only because it didn't live up to the original in ways that it never, ever could have in the first place.

1. Mass Effect. It's all about the experience, the total experience, and no game series does it like Mass Effect. I didn't play any of them until 2 years ago, and when I finished ME2 the first time I already knew it was one of my favorite games ever. The emotional connection is undeniable, and the game hits all the most important notes in my personal preferences: strong story, great and lovable characters, solid shooting gameplay, science fiction universe, and just enough freedom and world building to draw me in completely. Any flaws this series has are inconsequencial, because I have not enjoyed anything so much in the last several years.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Out of what I've played I'd say the following are my favourites:

Assassin's Creed II - Great story, I love Ezio, wonderful time period and it improved on every mechanic and addressed every fault from the first game.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - I've spent about 100 hours on this since getting my PS3 in January and barely scratched the surface. Incredible.

Bastion - Fantastic story, beautiful graphics and one of the best indie games out there. This generation's Cave Story.

Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Versions - Enhanced remakes of the best Pokemon games with all the best features of the DS games.

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - Despite the odd dodgy mission, this had great gameplay, brilliant graphics, the usual killer soundtrack and Roxas and Xion's story is heartwrenching.

Dissidia 012 Duodecim: Final Fantasy - I've spent well over 200 hours on this. It might be essentially an expansion to the first Dissidia, but it's the better game and one of the best PSP games available.

Persona 3 Portable - Again, an enhanced remake of one of the best PS2 games out there, but with an entirely new (and more likeable) protagonist option with a slightly different story, gorgeous visuals and slight gameplay changes that make the experience that much more enjoyable than before.

Katawa Shoujo - My first visual novel and an unforgettable experience. Exquisitely written, with all the care and deference the subject needed. While visual novels might not be for everyone, this deserves to be played no matter what.

Honourable mentions:

God of War: Ghost of Sparta - The best story in the series, but too short and almost bereft of the former challenge the series once held.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Would have been on the list, except Skyrim came out and trumped it in every way.
The World Ends With You - Brilliant soundtrack, great style and unique gameplay make this a must buy for a DS, but the fact that the player drives nothing in the story is disappointing.
Pokemon Black/White Versions - A great revitalisation for the series, but for me the remakes were better.
Pokemon Conquest - The best Pokemon spinoff, if a little easy and a tad repetitive.
Portal and Portal 2 - Brilliant first-person puzzling. Inspired, wonderfully written and masterfully executed, but unlike the ones on my list, I didn't really get anything more than one or two playthroughs out of them.
Okamiden - Like Okami, this is nearly perfect. Not quite as good as it's predecessor. The HD remake would be on the list, but it adds almost nothing to the original experience, unlike the remakes on my main list.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - The best gameplay in the series, and the three separate stories make for good value, but the difficulty is all over the place and you find yourself playing the same levels with the same characters, which is a bit dull.
Professor Layton series - Gorgeous visuals, a beautiful soundtrack and brilliant stories make these must buys for the DS. The odd irritating puzzle slows progress though and the interactive novel format between puzzles may not be for everyone.


New member
Sep 21, 2012
Out of what I've played:

Team Fortress 2-Best shooter out there.

Journey-This is my favorite game ever. And I can't quite pinpoint why.

Skyrim-Bethesda is the best at their game (that being creating amazing, immersive worlds that can suck you in for hours on end.) Morrowind is also on my to-play list.

Portal 2


FTL: Faster Than Light-One...more...go...

inFamous 2-This is Sucker Punch's best game ever. The story has heavy, HEAVY comic book influences, has a great, tight, easy to follow arc, and characters that are interesting.

Specs Ops: The Line- This game is the industry's Sucker Punch (a film which isn't about what you think it's about.)

Honorable Mentions:


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
Spec Ops: the line
Dark Souls
Demon Souls
Final Fantasy XIII
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Farcry 3
Persona 3 Portable
Lost Odyssey
Mass Effect 1
Batman Arkham City
Orange Box

And thats all I can think of off the top of my head but I REALLY feel like I'm missing something. Just not sure what it is....


New member
Dec 1, 2009
EscapeGoat said:
Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Versions - Enhanced remakes of the best Pokemon games with all the best features of the DS games.
This game made me buy a DS :) I always considered GSC to be the most expansive of any Pokemon game since it includes two whole regions and has a wide range of plots and subplots to follow. I only wish that they'd do that with a new pokemon game again... because that was the best.

Then HeartGold/SoulSilver came out with an even BIGGER stories and more areas than the original, and I couldn't ask for more from a remake :)


New member
Feb 27, 2012
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl - thus far my favorite shooter ever
Witcher 2 - such an excellent RPG all around
Alpha Protocol - I'm one o the few who prefer this to Deus Ex: HR
Fallout: New Vegas - best sandbox RPG the gen
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising - this game got me to play RTS for a while, no small feat
Spec Ops: The Line - best post-game afterglow I've had in years
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - made my PSP purchse worth it by itself
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles - 2.5 great games in one

I'm not done expandin my PSP library, and I intend to buy a PS3 probably still this year, so the list is far from complete. However, because it looks like my Steam wishlist is full of games that were released before late-2005, I think that side of my list is done, maybe with the exception of Mask of the Betrayer

Arslan Aladeen

New member
Oct 9, 2012
Let's see...
Super Meat Boy
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
InFamous 2
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Batman: Arkham City
Dark Souls
Geometry Wars
Castle Crashers
Portal 2
Hitman: Blood Money (It's more last gen than current, but I'm counting it anyway!)
Rayman: Origins
Valkyria Chronicles
Hotline: Miami


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
In no order (cause I love em all!)
*InFamous Series
*Mass Effect Series
*Assassin's Creed Series
*Dragon Age: Origins
*Uncharted Series
*Fallout New Vegas

I know I'll be buying a PS4 (thank you Sucker Punch for giving me a big reason to buy one!) but I'll be keeping my PS3, too many good games that I'll want to go back and play over and over!


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
I'll get back to you when they stop making games for this generation.

Until then, we're still good.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
My favourites in no particular order:
Halo 3
Halo 3 ODST
Halo Reach
Halo 4
Ninja Gaiden 2
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Mass Effect 1,2 and 3
Geometry Wars 2
Pokemon Diamond
Prototype 2
Dead Space 1,2 and 3
Super Hexagon

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Borderlands 1 and 2, Metro 2033, Killzone 3, Serious Sam HD and 3, Flatout UC and Driver San Fransisco.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
In a move that should surprise absolutely nobody, i'll go with League of Legends. Really it's just fun, behind the really simple "kill their base and defend yours" overall objective you do have a lot of deeper stuff to learn underneath the surface. Plus I LOVE playing a few select Champions, I.E Ezreal. Preferably Pulsefire. I mean his ult lets off a massive sonic boom when it finishes channeling and fires off all blue and fancy like. Awesome.

*game starts*

"Pulsefire Systems, online"

"Let's do this."

I just love PEARL chiming in occasionally.

"Taking a break, Ezreal?"

I'll also say BlazBlue CS:EX because it has a really good story with some really interesting characters and probably the best soundtrack in gaming. Also it scores an instant 10/10 for having Hazama in the cast.

^ example of the badass soundtrack

Oh and Katawa Shoujo for being genuinely amazing. Cannot believe how well written that game is. BRB continuing with Hanako's route now.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
So Uncharted 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Katawa Shoujo and To The Moon were all close to the top on my list of 20 best all time games, so they definitely count.

My complete favourite list would probably be Uncharted 1, 2, MGS4, KS, To The Moon, Deus Ex:Human Revolution, Valkyria Chronicles, inFamous 2, Heavy Rain, Batman Arkham Asylsum, Alpha Protocol and then maybe the Mass Effects, but I'm not sure which one, they've all got amazing things combined with things I really dislike.

So to gush, Uncharted 2 was an incredible experience all the way through, it looked incredible and the characters were charming, Chloe was a nice addition, the controls felt incredibly smooth and most of all I loved that they weren't afraid to beat Drake up and have scenes with him at an incredible low. And fighting on a floor thats collapsing with everything sliding around you is pure fun.

I love the way Metal Gear Solid 4 completely changed up the gameplay and environments, war-stealth in the middle east, revolution in the green, following people around in rainy parisian streets. It's got my favourite story of the series, with a lot of pathos and a powerful showing of Snake getting more and more beat up and worn down and it combines that with the genius of the microwave corridor scene. Finally that finally fight with Ocelot on top of the battleship is the single moment in all gaming history that stands out the most for me.

Katawa Shoujo I like so much that it scares me a little. I'm trying to force myself to space out playing each character because I don't think it's healthy to be so attached to a piece of fiction. Incredibly mature to the point where its themes are worth incorporating into your life. It uses disability not as a freak show but to draw heart and bring out a wider message that everyone can understand, the act of which reinforces the theme that disability doesn't have to define you.

To The Moon, I've learnt to play For River on the piano and now I do nothing else.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution invented the genius that is conversation boss battles. Whats more it was saying something and it felt confident enough that the end of the game was asking you to really understand and give your opinion on something that will become increasingly important in the future. The moment with Malik was powerful and the characters fun and the world looked great

The gameplay in Heavy Rain proved just how powerful gaming-narrative is, because the story sucked and yet I was engaged because the button presses made everything feel real. The thing I can't understand is why someone hasn't copied them yet but employed a writer who isn't rubbish. The Walking Dead is the closest thing we have and honestly, the gameplay in the Walking Dead is utterly banal compared to Heavy Rain (luckily the writing is much much better)

inFamous 2 is a good game. But it's a good game that might be near darn perfect. I struggle to find a single blemish, the characterisation is excellent, the open world is excellent, the story is excellent, it's the right length, the travelling powers are fun. The missions are varied. Little stories run through the sidequests, there's lots of interaction with AI foes and allies. I like the way being good forces you to be more careful with your powers, the gameplay innately shows the responsibility required (maybe the story/mission application wasn't so good. The one flaw with the game is you can't choose your ending unless you have sufficient evil points

Valkyria Chronicles had great gameplay, I loved how it forced you into very real tactical situations and the story was good, if it was a shame how much it broke it down into little chunks (I'm sure it was originally meant to be a PSP game). It's a shame the sequels didn't come out for the PS3.

Finally, I've never enjoyed choice as much as I did in Alpha Protocol. It's the first game where you can really play around with what you do. I've done a normal run, a run where I just spammed the left most choice to see what happens in the story, I'm going to do an angry run, one where Thornton is a manipulative bastard whose really in it to give into his rage and the thrill of murder, but is smart enough to get on people's goodside so they can't stop him. I'll do a run where everyone hates him and then one where everyone loves him etc. It's incredible.

I tried to do this with Mass Effect, I wanted to do one where Shepard was aggressive towards everyone and didn't care about what she said or hurting someones feelings, but at her heart she was a good person who'd help people when it came to the crunch.

But you can't do it because roleplaying in Mass Effect sucks. The wheels don't give enough information to know what Shepard will say, if you haven't been 'good' enough it stops you from being able to resolve a situation correctly, so choosing a mixture of choices really hurts. It's very unresponsive to what you say (no proper relationship system) and if you're a dick to people, half the time it doesn't even let you try to help them out. The game is designed for a good playthrough and an evil playthrough and trying to mix that up fell completely flat. Also the voice acting for FemShep is so loaded that even when she actually says what you thought she said, she doesn't say it in a way that fits with what you want.

AP has none of these problems. They have the philosophy that everything has consequences. There's no bad/good divide and the idea is that the game recognises whatever you're doing and responds.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Out of curiosity, this generation begins when, 2005 or 2006? Either way, I'm not counting the Wii U in this and, I'm on the fence when it comes to 3DS games as well...I'm pretty sure the 360 launch was the beginning of the current gen but I don't know where next gen starts (Wii U obviously but what does my opinion matter when compared to the popular opinion!?). Either way, let's get this list started!! ALRIGHT! I'm going by the Wikipedia page and limiting myself to games from 2005 on for the 3 big consoles (360, PS3 &, Wii) and 2 big handhelds, PSP & DS (not 3DS). Also unlike OP, I'm just going to list off individual games as opposed to franchises.


I put this down as one entry because I'm one of those infuriating people who imported Soul Silver as soon as Japan got it. Pokemon Silver was my favorite game from the before time (then my cousin stole it) and when I found out about the remake I just couldn't wait to get my hands on it. This is probably my favorite entry in the series at this point too; Johto is huge with various Pokemon and Kanto is also really big once you're able to unlock it. Every Pokemon is able to follow you (if they're heading your party) and I love watching their sprites follow me; it must be the Gigapet owner in me. The game is challenging but that challenge has also been upped a bit more in this incarnation which make high-level grinding that much easier later on. This is completely personal too but my all time favorite starter is Totodile.

So you know all of that Wii-mote flailing you can do in games like Skyward Sword? So does DKCR and it doesn't care much for it! I haven't beaten this one yet but I love how simplified the control scheme has been made for this one. It all flows nicely and seems intuitive but all of the movements are small and just the sort of thing you may do on your own anyway. I dislike the lack of Kremlings but the platforming is solid and the new enemies are varied and challenging. Like other DK-Country titles this is a difficult game too which is kind of refreshing. It's really satisfying to complete a level ya know?

I had a tough choice between this and New Vegas but Fallout 3 won out in the end because of how open it is when compared to New Vegas. The combat may be a bit less refined but I can go literally anywhere I want once I escape Vault 101 whereas in New Vegas, I can only go one way if I don't want to be eaten by giant, mutant flies. Fallout 3 is pretty easy to break but I still like it despite that and indeed partially because of that. There's a charm to games that I can potentially break apart to the point that I am God before the first boss but anyway, I love the setting of Fallout 3 in that I literally live there. I've been to Olney, Germantown and, various placed in DC and love revisiting those places in real life after a couple of hours of Fallout. Really my biggest complaint about Fallout 3 is how The Reflecting Pool isn't highly toxic and infested with feral ghouls and Mirelurk Kings/Queens.

This game is made out of fun. Taking on the template of a Grand Theft Auto but drawing out the goofier elements into a game that is almost surreal with how off the wall it gets, Saint's Row 2 is my favorite of the Saint's Row series. The first was alright and, the 3rd is absolutely insane but the second is just restrained enough to make the really crazy moments shine that much brighter. Also, unlike the 1st and 3rd, there are a pair of minigames that I absolutely love called Septic Avenger and, Crowd Control.

This game is a Dynasty Warriors game repainted to emulate the Fist of the North Star anime series. In my opinion, this is one of the few anime that would work as a Dynasty Warriors game since I can't think of another anime with a body count as high as Fist of the North Star. Dynasty Warriors is cathartic and wonderful but when elements and, characters from one of my favorite anime series is added in it makes for a game that I absolutely couldn't refuse to play. At present, I'm 98% complete with this one and this could be one of those rare games that I complete 100% of the way. It may be mindless button mashing but it's one of those simple pleasures that I absolutely adore.

I've played all 3 Mass Effect games but the first one is my favorite overall. I remember eagerly awaiting this one, watching developer walk-through teasers and, patting myself on the back for choosing the Xbox 360 since at the time this was an exclusive. The combat is easy to break but it was my favorite variation in the trilogy. I also loved being able to explore worlds and, moons on the MAKO. My favorite part of this installment is right at the end, where a high enough persuasion skill coupled with a high enough paragon skill can...well, you'll know it if you've done it. It really made putting skill points into persuasion matter to me and it was a way of resolving a boss fight before it became a boss fight that I've never experienced before.

I had a hard time choosing between this and Oblivion but this one ended up winning out over the other because of 2 key factors: First of all, I hated going to Oblivion. I just dislike lava worlds. I loved Sheagoroth's DLC in Oblivion but that was about the only area of Oblivion I enjoyed. Secondly (though more importantly) was the level up and, progression system. Yeah, it's still easy to get 100% sneak by trolling town guards but I love the new perk system and hope to see it used more in other Bethesda sandboxes. I probably put more hours into Oblivion but I liked Skyrim a bit more overall.

If you haven't heard of this one, that's because it was a Japan exclusive (I think...did the PAL regions get this at all?) Anyway, JUMP Ultimate Stars is similar to the Smash Brothers games in that you pick one of very many Shonen JUMP characters. Well it isn't quite that simple, as you play the game you earn manga panels which unlock playable characters, support characters and, items. The stages are based off of pages of Shonen JUMP manga and there are three modes of play (death match, coin match and Star match). For those of you who aren't familiar with Shonen JUMP characters, here's a sample of the roaster: Naruto Uzumaki, Kenshiro, Kenshin, Monkey D. Luffy and, Goku. I'm guessing you're beginning to see why I love this particular game so much now!

Final Fantasy VII wasn't ever my favorite game in the series but it was one of the one I was able to beat. Playing a more action oriented game set a few years prior to the events of FF7 really appealed to me though in a far more positive way than Dirge of Cerberus. Playing as Zack was a ton of fun and I really liked the was Materia were implemented. I can't say I cared for the slot system but that's just a little nit pick. The story was excellent though, especially the emotional ending.

I put this one instead of Arkham City because while I've played City, it was on the Wii U. Anyway, I think Asylum has tighter narrative anyway. You are Batman and you must Batman around the asylum in order to stop The Joker who has taken over the Asylum. Running into Bane and, Poison Ivy seemed more natural than they did in Arkham City for me and I loved the character progression. I didn't really like the final boss fight and the Killer Croc section was also really weak but other than that, Arkham Asylum is a really solid experience.


Red Faction Guerilla
Smash Bros Brawl
Just Cause 2
Sony All-Star Battle Royale
Little Big Planet
Assassin's Creed & Assassin's Creed 2
Mass Effect 2&3
Fable 2
Batman: Arkham City
New Super Mario Bros & Wii
Xenoblade Chronicles
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbados Treasure
The Last Story
Dragon Age: Origins
Fallout: New Vegas
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Guitar Hero 2, 3, 4 and, Metallica
Halo Reach
Left 4 Dead
The Orange Box
Saint's Row
Saint's Row the Third
Portal 2
Silent Hill: Downpour
The Simpson's The Game
Dark Void
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Dirt 2

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
My top 2 this gen are:-

Valkyria Chronicles - just an amazing game I got it on a whim and was blown away easily the best game this gen for me and my 2nd favourite game ever. Usually I dont enjoy strategy games but this one is definitely an exception.

Xenoblade Chronicles - one of the few games I am glad I bought a wii for it refreshed RPGs for me which I had recently grown bored of I just wish it was on more powerful hardware but there was little to dislike about this game for me except maybe the combat system wasnt that deep or fun after long playing but thats a minor gripe.

There are loads of others I have enjoyed but these are the stand out 2 from this gen for me.