Your favorite movies

Jack Joe Tip Toe

New member
Jul 19, 2010
Brazil - I could watch this amazing movie everyday for the rest of my life. I just can't get tired of it.

Goldeneye - I love James Bond. This is my favorite out of all 23 of them. Has everything I want in a Bond movie.

Battle Royale - What can I say? I love teenagers killing each other.

Blade Runner - Such an experience that no other movie can match.

The Killer - 2 hours of nothing but pure violence. And I love every minute of it.

To Live and Die in LA - The car chase and the soundtrack are the two things that make this movie amazing.

Batman 89 - So much damn fun. I like it even more than the Nolan ones.

So what are your favorite movies?


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption. It's the best movie ever, and anyone who says otherwise is factually, literally, objectively, and non-hyperbolically incorrect.

Sunrise: A Tale of Two Humans. This is one of the best black and white films, and while it's not as good as The Passion of Joan of Arc, it's not soul-crushingly depresing.

Snow Angels. The most emotionally moving movie I've ever seen (because of how it impacts me personally, not necessarily because it's "the most depressing movie ever"), and contains a couple of wonderful performances.

Vivre sa vie. The best film of the French New Wave, and one of the best films I've seen. Fun fact: The diner scene in Pulp Fiction was inspired by one of the chapters in Vivre sa vie.

Cloud Atlas. An awe-inspiring, truly ambitious movie which contains gorgeous visuals, interesting ideas, and so much to follow.

The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! While I also love Airplane!, this is the funniest movie I've ever seen. I can watch it over and over without it getting dull.

Three Colors: Red. Kieslowski's Colors trilogy is one of the best of all time, but Red is my favorite from it. The anti-romance, romance movie makes for an odd, but strangely powerful viewing.

Sin City. Each story is interesting, the visual style is fresh and looks great, and it's entertaining from start to finish.

That's enough to start. There are so many, and on different days the ones that would make the list would vary. The only constant is Scorpion King 3, because there is no other.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Too tired to say why, I'll just list these and explain in the morning.

Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes
The Big Sleep
Blade Runner
Dr. Strangelove or blah blah blah
The Long Goodbye
Mulholland Dr.
The Thing


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Favorite Horror movie - 1982 John Carpenter's The Thing, love everything about this movie, my favorite movie overall. (the prequel wasn't bad though, could've been much better without the female lead, because it was too obvious that she'll make it out)
Favorite Sci-fi movie - District 9
Favorite Comic book movie - The Dark Knight.
Favorite Action movie - Terminator 2.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Titan A.E. - Original, awesome story (oh look, it wasn't taken from a book/comic/old movie/game) with awesome concepts and great animation, not to mention good characters. Computer graphics combined with cell-shading actually worked out pretty darn good.

The Matrix - GREAT action, cool premise for its time (The world around you isn't real blah, blah, blah.), with good acting, and layers of complexity for anyone willing to go that far into it.

Lord of the Rings Trilogy - This is how you translate a book into a movie. Especially a large one. It stands incredibly well by itself too. 'Nuff said.

The Mummy (1999) - As far as adventure movies go, this movie was practically king. Stephen Sommers knew what he was doing here. While the concept isn't too original at all, it doesn't really matter because it's presented so well with enough new ideas to make it completely fresh. And all the usual hallmarks of a good movie too, such as good acting, effects, etc.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - Another adventure movie worth its salt. Originally started as just a fun movie but it blossomed into something truly great. What I love, though, is how well all the characters work when they're together. Every single one of 'em. There's never a boring main or side character and there's a lot of them too.

Notable mentions: Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Star Wars, The Dark Knight, the rest of the original PotC trilogy, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The Incredibles
My Neighbor Totoro
No Country for Old Men
Disney's Aladin
Lord of the Rings
Back to the Future
The Royal Tenenbaums
Ninja Scroll
Tokyo Godfathers
Spirited Away
Shaun of the Dead
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Total Recall
The Lost Boys

And probably many, many more. I got a lot of favourite movies. As to why they're my favourite... If you've seen them you already know why, and if you haven't, go watch them and you will.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Let me just preface this by saying that I like things on an emotional level, as in I don't really care about why I like something. If I like it, I just do. So please excuse some of these pithy explanations.

Moon comes in at number one. Between the score and Sam rockwell's performance, it's just, oh, I can't even describe how much I love it. It was my introduction to Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey (even if it's only his voice) and my goodness, I could not have gotten a better movie to put those guys on good terms with me. It's a beautiful throwback/homage/whatever of the old philosophical sci-fi genre like 2001, the kind that uses space simply as a setting in order to ask some interesting questions. I just love all of it.

Zodiac I'd only seen three of David Fincher's movies (Fight Club, Zodiac, and Social Network) and if what little I've seen is any indication, that man can direct! But as for Zodiac by itself, it really is a murder/mystery that sets itself apart from other murder/mysteries. Maybe it's the way they portray the killer, they do have three different actor playing Zodiac at three different times, I don't know, maybe someone can nail it down for me. Anyway. It's pulling a pretty killer cast too. Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, and Mark Ruffalo are the only names I can really remember but, hey, that's a pretty kicker list. Not to mention this movie introduced me to the song Hurdy Gurdy Man, which I now love.

Pacific Rim I'll be here all day screaming in CapsLock if I go on about how awesome I think this movie is and I'm pretty sure most of you don't need that so moving on... CRIMSON TYPHOON BUZZSAW HANDS!!!!


The Perfect Host I haven't seen a whole lot of psychological thrillers, but The Perfect Host is definitely my favorite. You know that creepy factor of having the bad guy do something horrid and you get all shocked but the bad guy's having fun with it? It pulls that but you actually have fun with it too. Half because the bad guy (played by a fantastic David Hyde Pierce) isn't doing stuff that's *that* awful, and half because, well, dinner parties are fun. And I'm using the term "bad guy" when that really doesn't fit in the context of the movie. I won't give away anything, but the two leads are both bad guys and for some reason, I didn't want to see either one go down. It's sort of a love it or hate it movie on the internet, but I, and everybody I've shown it to personally loved it. And it really is a shame that Mr. Hyde Pierce hasn't seen a lot of work since that movie, the dude's got some serious talent.

And to end this ginourmous post

Bunraku Filled with a bunch of actors whose names I can't remember outside of Ron Perlman and Woody Harrelson, this movie is like a stage-play that just happened to be filmed. I say "like" because I'm aware that filmed stage-plays do exist but this is not that. Anyway. The sets look so cardboard, the acting is overdramatic, the lighting is so un-subtle but that's really the point here. The movie's so colorful and... what I'll call darkly-vibrant. I swear, the lighting and set-building departments for this movie either never want to work for this director again or will never work for anyone else. It's a one-off movie, I won't lie, but it's one heck of a one-off. But if you love it enough, you'll watch it multiple times, as with any movie you love enough. And it's got one of my favorite movie quotes of all time:

Honorable men, well, they die hard, but they still die. - Ron Perlman

Maybe not the deepest quote of all time but Perlman's delivery makes it SO GOOD!

Goodness that is a lot of text.
Guess I liked these movies more than I thought.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
This is probably my 50th favourite film reply but what the hell.

Fantasia 1940 - Some of the greatest animations to some of the greatest classical pieces, yes please. Inspired me to draw to delve into more complex music.

Shawshank Redemption - Almost everything about this one is really well done. I also get much pleasure seeing the villain get caught.

Fellowship of the Ring - I liked all the LotR films, but the first had something that made me enjoy it more, though I didn't like the extra stuff so much. That said, their the biggest adventure films I know of. I saw all 3 in the cinemas twice and I haven't seen anything better for the big screen since.

Poltergeist - It's so simple when it starts, but it turns out as one of the most dramatic. I really love all the casts reactions in this. I only found it scary when I was very young but it's still a very fun film. I'm expecting a terrible remake of it eventually.

The Blues Brothers - Both fun and funny, and with great music performances through out it. My Dad said when he first saw it he was all alone in the cinema with his friend. It wasn't popular at all, till it came back in the cinema 2 years later. This was in Australia mind you.

Yeah, that's enough for now.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
Too many to mention them all, thanks to my shit memory, but here's the few I can remember:

Sin City
Grave of the Fireflies
Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan
True Grit
The Godfather
The Avengers
Red Cliff
The Good The Bad and The Ugly


New member
Oct 6, 2012
In no particular order:

Fight Club
Shawshank Redemption
Blade Runner
Dark Knight
The Good, the bad and the ugly


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Overall, my favourite movies would have to be:

Casino Royale
Batman Begins
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Avengers Assemble
All of the Lethal Weapon films

I just never get bored of watching these films.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
In no particular order.

The Master
Let The Right One In
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
The End of Evangelion
Back to the Future
Lord of the Ring's Trilogy
There Will Be Blood
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Kill Bill
Blue Valentine


New member
May 8, 2013
Blade Runner
Natural Born Killers
Fight Club
Pulp Fiction
12 Monkeys
Blazing Saddles
Monty Python: The Holy Grail
Ninja Scroll
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
The Big Lebowski
A clockwork Orange
Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
Training Day
No Country For Old Men


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
hummm let me think... in no particular order
Bram Stoker Dracula by Francis Ford Copola
Jurassic Park
Alien + Aliens
Species (somewha a guilty pleasure... love the H.R. Giger designs)
Fight Club
Terminator 2


Feb 9, 2010
Star Wars original trilogy
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Indiana Jones original trilogy
Back to the Future
Terminator 1&2
Total Recall(1990)
Die Hard
The Thing(1982)
The Avengers

There's probably more that I'm forgetting about but those are the ones that spring to mind right now


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
torno said:
Pacific Rim

Where the HELL is my shoe?!


OT: Anyway, I divide my 'favourite' films into two broad categories: those I like for the entertainment; and those I like for the quality. (To qualify: Grave of the Fireflies is damned good, but fuck it isn't entertaining in the least; while Down Periscope is hilarious, but isn't actually that good.)

To lists we go:

The entertaining: Kelly's Heroes, Lord of the Rings x 3, Ip Man
The good: Grave of the Fireflies, Copenhagen, Sky Crawlers
The both: A Bridge Too Far, Inception, Life Story


New member
Jul 15, 2010
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is my all time favourite films. The setting, the characters, and was the first movie that ever made me cry! Jack Nicholson was fantastic in it and Chief was just awesome! Fantastic film that I can watch over and over again.

Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas is one of my personal favourite. I just love everything about it! Mr. Depp had Hunter S. Thompson down to a tee! I also loved how well it followed the book and in general just loved everything about it ha ha!

Pontypool is my favourite horror movie. I adore the fact that it is pretty much ALL in the work place, I love the way the infection spreads, I love the atmosphere and Grant Mazzy is an absolute legend.

For a few more... Clockwork Orange, Star Wars (4, 5, 6), Pulp Fiction, All the Monty Python films, Jay and Silent Bob movies, Evil Dead series.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
The Truman Show is the best movie I've seen.

Honorable mentions:
The Matrix
Silent Running
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (and the sequel)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
L.A. Story
Mission Impossible
The Island
You Only Live Twice
Last Emperor
Lethal Weapon 4
Pulp Fiction
Elephant Man
Taxi Driver
Porco Rosso
The Fountain, Requiem For a Dream, The Wrestler
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Top 20 in order from 20 - 1

20 - Warrior
19 - Zodiac
18 - The Usual Suspects
17 - Fight Club
16 - Road To Perdition
15 - In Bruges
14 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Wall-E
12 - The Secret In Their Eyes
11 - Apocalypse Now
10 - L.A. Confidential
9 - Collateral
8 - The Descent
7 - Taxi Driver
6 - Gone Baby Gone
5 - The Departed
4 - The Lion King
3 - OldBoy
2 - Magnolia
1 - Trainspotting


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
My list would have to be

Lord of the Rings Trilogy+ The Hobbit
Austin Powers Series
Star Wars Saga
Transformers (that's right I like them)
Lastly Saving Private Ryan