Your First Kiss


New member
Jul 5, 2010
I was 15, it was Homecoming, it was the first kiss for both of us.
I spent the first half of the dance being a total ass and complaining about the music (which was terrible), and the second half being completely insane with some friends.
It wasn't until the last two songs that my girlfriend of the time (just good friend now) and I put our arms around each other and were determined to slow dance regardless of what kind of music was playing. I kept trying to get in place to kiss her, unsuccessfully, when the song ended and she looked me in the face and kissed me quickly.
Oddly enough my immediate reaction was to laugh hysterically. Then I stopped and we had a much longer mutual kiss, we both left immediately after.

The funniest thing about it was the moment we stopped kissing, my mind was completely gone: I could hardly tell whether or not I had just imagined the whole thing, I couldn't remember what music had been playing, I hardly remembered what it even felt like (luckily numerous kisses in later days would make up for that).
Has that happened to anyone else?

rutger5000 said:
Yup I've got a great way to stop thinking about it: Get over it!
This is my favorite kind of advice, cheers to you good sir!


New member
Jan 6, 2011
When I was 13 some girl kissed me for what apparently was a bet, as for my first 'proper' kiss I was 17 and shitfaced with a girl who I didn't know, who then proceeded to make out with about 3 other guys in the space of 30 minutes. Nothing remotely memerable, noteworthy or heartwarming about either of those two instances...better than nothing I guess.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Oh wait, forgot to give a story.

It was a birthday barbecue for this girl I knew. We had talked about going out 2 months prior, and had set up a date on a nice Friday, but she cancelled said date the Thursday before to go out with some other guy. After one week, she regretted it, and spent the next 2 months trying to earn back my trust to get another chance. I had been rejecting her advances, but she just kept trying.

Anyway, I was invited, had nothing better to do, so I went. At about 9, it ended, and everyone left. She wanted to talk, so I stayed and talked outside for a bit. Right before I left, I said "I hope you liked your gift", as I had got her a typical $20 gift as I would do for any friend. She responded with "Yeah, but you know what I really want ;)". I eventually gave in, and kissed her. For several minutes. In the middle of the road. It was quite nice, and I believe she enjoyed her gift =)


New member
Oct 5, 2010
When I was a few months past 18, after having been in a relationship with the girl for 8 months. Unfortunately, she turned out to be a whore so I'm not with her anymore. (and I have no idea how her whorishness evaded my noticing for 8 months.)

We were in the back seat of a car which was being driven by her father (quite bold I suppose) and it was night. She was resting her head on my shoulder and I just decided to lean in and kiss her. It was so romantic, even though the setting wasn't so great. It was a french kiss too, apparently that is not something you are supposed to do when you first kiss someone? (according to this forum) I had never really thought about lips only kisses except with a closed mouth...

She wasn't so much a whore as a "relationship whore" (relationships/love=meaningless and she flirts so much (even when in a relationship) that she has about five guys on retainer who she could be dating within an hour if she so decides). She was already dating a new guy within 12 hours of us breaking up.

A Daft World

New member
Mar 8, 2011
May 21. Almost a month ago. Before I let it sound creepy that I remember the exact date, it was right after senior prom. I had an amazing time, one that I'll never forget, and had already decided I would kiss her that night. She swooped in to kiss me on the cheek, but I swiftly moved my lips to hers. I'm proud to say that it was one of my better kisses, and that I shared it with someone I really love.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
It was freshman year, high school. We were just chillin at my house and she suddenly had to go, but before she did she surprised me by just kissing me. I was flabbergasted.

Things never really came to fruition between us, and I've always regretted that.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Maraveno said:
Sentox6 said:
Fugitive Panda said:
My cousin. I'd like to disregard it as kids being kids, but she was acting very... Inappropriate.
I'm sorry, but I have to quote this in order for as many people as possible to read it.
what are you trying to do , insult him?
Are you trying to White Knight for him?


New member
May 16, 2011
I don't know, I think I was about 6. Some girl in the lunch line turned around and attached her lips to mine. It was frightening.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Mine was when I was 14, a girl really liked me, and one day, she pushed me up against the lockers and kissed me. It was my first and best kiss I had ever had


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I was 17, she was a drunk, off-work stripper at my brother's apartment... and it was quite sloppy. Too much tongue everywhere, but I wasn't complaining. Until that point I was just working on my brother's computer.
Lost my virginity to her that night as well. I still suspect the whole thing was set up by my brother and his friends... but they deny it (it's been 13 years).


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Thinking about my first kiss is kinda depressing, but like most bad memories once they come up they don't just go back down. Ya know? In the end I had hand print bruises on both of my arms, one of my shoulders had been cut, my left hip nearly dislocated, and bleeding knuckles! Bastard tried to take what wasn't his and I broke his nose... I was only 13.

I'll be seventeen soon and I have a boyfriend who wishes he was there lol.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
Drunk at some party when I was 15. She was a terrible kisser, she bit my lip and it started bleeding. The large quantities of alcohol in my blood made it bareable. If you are just talking about a quick kiss then it would be when I was 11 or 12, right before I started high school.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
5 years old in Kindergarden. Now I'm 19, and that was still my favorite kiss. I've made out a few times, but never with anyone I had real feelings for. I'd always think I was getting way too much tongue, so I'd tongue back and they would stop and tell me I was giving way too much tongue. For me I'd rather go back and change it so I met a girl I liked at 12, kissed her at 13, lost virginities to eachother at prom, the American Dream. I kick myself every day for not getting that. Now I just have to scavage for sloppy seconds, myself being virtually baggageless.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
It was New Year's day. A friend of mine decided to drag me around the place as he did damage control. He was severely hungover and barely remembered anything from the previous night. For the record, he was eleven, and I was ten.
As he collected friends of his that weren't horrible dorks with stupid hair, he somehow got it into his head that he couldn't be seen hanging around with me if I was a "frigid". So he slipped away and convinced some chick to rectify that.

We roamed around for a while and at some point I got separated from the group. After a bit of looking around, I decided to check this small alleyway between two houses, where I was jumped and vigourously dry humped by a thirteen year old girl.
It was terrible. She was fervently trying to suck the tongue from my mouth or something and the grinding kind of hurt. I kept trying to push her off me but I was the puniest fucking ten year old ever. I guess she just figured I was trying to cop a feel because she started putting my hands up her top. I tried to yell something to the effect of "I don't even fucking KNOW you" but with her cavernous maw furiously devouring my face, all that came out was a sort of muffled cry.

Maybe ten, fifteen minutes later, I guess she got bored because she buggered off. I still have no idea who the fuck she was.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
I think i have one of the best okay so i'm 9 years old and i get to school and theres this 10 year old that was toatally flirting with me being the hopeless romantic i am i avoid her at all costs then she couaght me by the drink fountain and i was struck how beautiful she was. So we start "going out" like walking and holdinh hands and spening 24 hours of my time with her. about 2 months later she shows me her 11 year old freind so i just went with it about 2 days later she breaks up with me i was more suprised than everything. after all that the next day the 11yr starts flirting with me within about 3 hours we she was a good as my old one(just rember i am 9 she is 11 so i was thinking freicken score!) after school while walking home i came to my turn of my house and had full about 20 second kiss it was the best thng ever. Then she left the school and i never saw here again still havent had one that was that good

(sorry for my bad grammer and spelling)


New member
Aug 21, 2010
My freshman year of college. I was a piss-awful kisser (she didn't tell me that, but looking back, and having gotten better, I can say that's true.)


New member
May 28, 2011
It was kindergarten, she was considered the hottest chick in the class, and she kissed me. That was (no joke) my first and last kiss.

Divine Miss Bee

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Feb 16, 2010
it was awful. i was ten years old, and good friends with a guy who lived across the alley behind my house. the day we were getting ready to move, he was hanging out in the alley, so my siblings and i went to play with him while the movers were getting our stuff. we played hide and seek, and he hid with me. while we were hiding, he kissed me. and it was scary and weird because i'm not all that into boys and he was not a good kisser.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I can't remember what age but it was in a dingy night club. I was extremely intoxicated and I ended up making out with a fat ugly chick. I'm not trying to be mean here so I'm sorry if that's how my post appears... But I definitely wasn't attracted to her the next time I saw her when I was sober.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
14 years old, about 3 months ago actually. It wasn't anything really special, it was in the back of a night club with a girl that I'd frequently written to via MSN.