Your Five Must-Plays

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I random order;

Shadow of the Colossus
Super Mario Galaxy
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Resident Evil 4
Silent Hill 2

I tried not to decide on which are my favourite (though SotC and RE4 are), but on how important they were for the medium and how well they hold up. A game like MGS1 is pretty rusty now from a mechanics standpoint, and with something like GoW '18 it feels too early to make that judgement eventhough it had a similar impact on me as RE4 and Silent Hill 2 did back in the day. And while Breath of the Wild is barely 2 years old that game it showed something pretty fucking remarkable, despite my enthusiasm for it having cooled quite a bit.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Kyrian007 said:
Must plays? That's a little gatekeeper-ey. At 40 years old all my "must plays" are going to be fairly inaccessible these days. I could hardly fault some random millennial gamer for never playing "Ultima 7" considering the computers it was designed to run on went obsolete before they were old enough to be able to use them.
I mean, if you want to be technical. Ultima 7 didn't exactly run on computers at the time. You needed to do that whole boot disk into a custom OS/memory manager in the original retail release of the game. Which is technically software, but the OS may as well be the computer for most.

This is a pretty fluid question though. Taking that Ultima question, which is certainly a series that would qualify, its the source of by and large every "open world" experience and the DNA Elder Scrolls came. Ultima 4 is kind of the introduction of a lot of unique elements. Ultima 6 is probably the most refined of the experience, but reliant on a lot of Ultima 4 and 5 backstory. Ultima 7 will be more familiar and technically upgraded with the real time, graphics, isometrics, but also is kind of dodgy with the combat system and has a lot of rough edges due to Origins issues at the time. Off-series and grab Underworld, the quint-essential first person Dungeon Crawler and an attributed influence on the development of FPS. Or do we hop series entirely and grab Might & Magic instead, which did many of the same things (not so much the NPC scheduling)


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Super Metroid
Persona 4
Zelda: Breath of the Wild

A must for a good gamer is to have a balanced diet. I want to point out that the OP puts examples limited to movie genres while asking a selection from ALL the games ever regardless the genre. That's weird...


New member
Mar 25, 2015
CaitSeith said:
Super Metroid
Persona 4
Zelda: Breath of the Wild

A must for a good gamer is to have a balanced diet. I want to point out that the OP puts examples limited to movie genres while asking a selection from ALL the games ever regardless the genre. That's weird...
Why Breath of the Wild over one of the more classic Zelda's? I mean I hate Zelda, but most people would suggest Ocarina or Link to the past or something. Just wondering why you chose the latest one. Especially since you went classic with Metroid. The open world?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
CritialGaming said:
CaitSeith said:
Super Metroid
Persona 4
Zelda: Breath of the Wild

A must for a good gamer is to have a balanced diet. I want to point out that the OP puts examples limited to movie genres while asking a selection from ALL the games ever regardless the genre. That's weird...
Why Breath of the Wild over one of the more classic Zelda's? I mean I hate Zelda, but most people would suggest Ocarina or Link to the past or something. Just wondering why you chose the latest one. Especially since you went classic with Metroid. The open world?
Yeah, in part for the open world; and in part to not repeat OoT for the 100th time. I put Super Metroid because every other Metroid has a lot of inspiration on its aesthetics and mechanics, and I think Super Metroid has less chaff and focuses in the core aspects better.


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009
United States
CaitSeith said:
Super Metroid
Persona 4
Zelda: Breath of the Wild

A must for a good gamer is to have a balanced diet. I want to point out that the OP puts examples limited to movie genres while asking a selection from ALL the games ever regardless the genre. That's weird...
You realize that LOTR and Dune were books first, right?


New member
Jun 10, 2017
1. The game I am currently playing at any given time
2 - 5. The games I played before the game I am currently playing at any given time


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
1) Super Mario Bros. 3 (it's fucking SMB3)
2) Deus Ex or Dishonored (immersive sims, 0451 games)
3) ICO or Shadow of the Colossus or The Last Guardian (Team ICO games)
4) Portal 2 (puzzle + comedy game)
5) Bayonetta or Vanquish (ain't nothing like Platinum action games)

Casual Shinji said:
A game like MGS1 is pretty rusty now from a mechanics standpoint
I probably would've put MGS1 on the list if it was 6 must plays. I think MGS1 holds up because it didn't try to be a shooter back when 3rd-person shooters hadn't been figured out yet. Something like Winback or Syphon Filter have aged horribly because they tried being shooters when shooters sucked. MGS1 still plays great now, though maybe too simplistic keeping it off such a list like this.


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
Dark Souls 1 - mostly because although the mechanics aren't as polished as the later games, I think the monsters and implied story were the best realized in the series.

Bioshock - I haven't played the update yet, but maybe that version given the original has splicers that now look like their faces are made of playdoh. Good story, decent mechanics, fun ideas.

Pokemon - I can't decide which one. Probably not the most recent releases, but also not the originals since they really suffer from outdated or painful mechanics (even at the time I knew Bill's PC and box organization was bullshit).

Crash Team Racing - if you had a playstation instead of a nintendo, this was the racing game for you. Fun maps, decent weapons, and a surprisingly well done story for a racing game. There were even boss races that had interesting twists (the last guy straight up cheats at the start line and laughs about it).

Spyro the Dragon - The character of the mascot was grating at times, but it was otherwise a solid game with a good sense of humour.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
In no particular order:

Dark Souls
The Darkness
TES: Morrowind


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Chessrook44 said:
CaitSeith said:
Super Metroid
Persona 4
Zelda: Breath of the Wild

A must for a good gamer is to have a balanced diet. I want to point out that the OP puts examples limited to movie genres while asking a selection from ALL the games ever regardless the genre. That's weird...
You realize that LOTR and Dune were books first, right?
Your point? Genre is a genre, sci-fi is a genre. Media contains more than just one genre, games are media. Their scope have no comparison.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Phoenixmgs said:
Casual Shinji said:
A game like MGS1 is pretty rusty now from a mechanics standpoint
I probably would've put MGS1 on the list if it was 6 must plays. I think MGS1 holds up because it didn't try to be a shooter back when 3rd-person shooters hadn't been figured out yet. Something like Winback or Syphon Filter have aged horribly because they tried being shooters when shooters sucked. MGS1 still plays great now, though maybe too simplistic keeping it off such a list like this.
It's mainly for both Sniper Wolf Boss fights and the final fight against Liquid that I qualify it as rusty. Those fights were a fucking pain to get through back in the day, now they're an agony. Other than that I'd say the game still plays fine, as indeed it suffers from the least amount of third-person nonsense that would come to bare down on the series with each new installment.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Monkey Island
James Pond
Kerbal Space Program

I can't narrow down the other two because it would mean excluding a different two that I don't want to.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
It's mainly for both Sniper Wolf Boss fights and the final fight against Liquid that I qualify it as rusty. Those fights were a fucking pain to get through back in the day, now they're an agony. Other than that I'd say the game still plays fine, as indeed it suffers from the least amount of third-person nonsense that would come to bare down on the series with each new installment.
I recall it being somewhat easy to cheese Sniper Wolf hiding behind a tree or corner or something. I don't recall the Liquid fight being too bad. The only thing I recall being a ***** was mashing a button for the torture sequence.


New member
May 28, 2016
Quest For Glory 1: So You Want To Be A Hero
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Double Dragon
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Chronicles of Mystara.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Trying to hit landmarks of major genres:

- Super Mario Bros
- Baldur's Gate
- Starcraft
- Civilization
- World of Warcraft

Other strong contenders: Ocarina of Time, The Sims, Goldeneye, Halo, Morrowind, Knights of the Old Republic.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
1. Adventure for the Atari 2600. When you have no memory, no cycles, and an eight-directional joystick with one button... You can still make this. (Or if Adventure is absolutely not your speed, try Pitfall 2, which is probably the absolute height of what could be done with the hardware.)

2. The original X-Com:Enemy Unknown. So much depth, so many options, so much tension. From the first time you fight an enemy with mind-control to the first time you successfully make a blaster bomb rip open the side of a flying saucer, it's amazing. It even stands up to replay.

3. Silent Hill 2. Beloved by so many people I don't think I have to say anything about it.

4. Rock Band. Music games have pretty much come and gone, but for a while there, local, social gaming became something really new, fresh, and exciting. It's still a blast to play, but if nothing else, it reminds you that things can come out of left field and storm the whole industry.

5. Street Fighter 2. Ideally, play Street Fighter 2, then go back and play Street Fighter. How can so many of the same basic ideas be a niche game, a curiosity, in one instance, and then get the refinement and love they need and become the game that filled arcades for years? Street Fighter 2 is for fighting games what Dungeons and Dragons was for Role-Playing Games. There may have been games kind of like it before it, but it defined everything that came after.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Phoenixmgs said:
Casual Shinji said:
It's mainly for both Sniper Wolf Boss fights and the final fight against Liquid that I qualify it as rusty. Those fights were a fucking pain to get through back in the day, now they're an agony. Other than that I'd say the game still plays fine, as indeed it suffers from the least amount of third-person nonsense that would come to bare down on the series with each new installment.
I recall it being somewhat easy to cheese Sniper Wolf hiding behind a tree or corner or something. I don't recall the Liquid fight being too bad. The only thing I recall being a ***** was mashing a button for the torture sequence.
The second fight with Wolf you can cheese with the Nikita, the first fight is still a massive *****. And with Liquid it's the maneuvering around a small space, coupled with his annoying invicibility state after being hit. If you don't properly combo him he'll go into this state after just one hit, and not only will you have to wait that out, he can still hit you. And then there's the fact that even after you empty out all his health you still need to actually knock him over the side of the arena.