Your Gaming Wishlist

Darth Rahu

Critic of the Sith
Nov 20, 2009
Hey guys, fun little thought experiment. Let's say hypothetically we had the ability to wish a game, port of a game, sequel reboot or revival of game, etc. What would you like to see? I'll start.

I wish to see a Shin Megami Tensei Persona Collection in the vain of the recent Silent Hill and Metal Gear Collection. Persona's 1-4, all there, and I don't care if it has to be on multiple PS3 Blu-Rays, I just want to be able to play them. Disclaimer: Yes, haven't played any of them, was raised Nintendo so for shame.

I wish to see more Phoenix Wright games getting ported to the iOS App Store. I didn't touch the original when it came out on Game Boy Advance and I'm loving the iPhone port a LOT. I want Capcom to get the rest of the series on there!

I know this next one is a pipe dream, what with Factor 5 being closed down, but I wish to see a Star Wars Rogue Squandron Trilogy for the Wii, with Classic Controller support obviously. Those games were my introduction to the Star Wars universe and I would love to play through them again.

I wish to see a Bayonetta/Devil May Cry team-up game. Bayonetta against Heaven, Dante fighting the forces of hell, it would be awesome, and let's face it we all know where it's going to end: in a bedroom.

I wish a Bomberman reboot, because ACT ZERO DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!

I wish for a Nightmare on Elm Street game. Either as Freddy Krueger or his victims, I don't care which. On one side you have a horror stealth game with a Lucidity mechanic that will allow you to have temporary control over the dream, all while a timer goes down until you finally wake up, and on the other you have a bloody fun guilty pleasure experience where you can kill people with bad 1980's fashion sense.

So what about you guys? Any big Gaming wishes? Come on, throw realism out the window and ride the ride of glorious possiblities!


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I wish for AAI2 to get localized in the states.

I wish for a PokePark game akin to the Wii titles for the 3DS

I wish for a Super Smash Brothers style game that has just Pokemon in it

I wish for a port of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment just like Innocent Sin got

I wish there was a Gauntlet style co-op game starring the Jack Brothers

I wish they would make a Raidou 3 and round off a Devil Summoner trilogy.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Darth Rahu

Critic of the Sith
Nov 20, 2009
Forlong said:
Megaman Legacy
PLOT: A time warp opens up and sucks in Megaman, Megaman X, and Megaman Striker. The three have to team up and fix the damage to the timeline and stop whoever is doing it.

Now doesn't that sound like the most awesome idea ever?
O_O... that... would be... awesome!!! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Do it! Yes!!!!

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
Pokemon the MMO, with Pokemon Snap mini-game. Perhaps have Snap unlock Pokeballs with different effectiveness. Or even just make them look different.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
RDR on PC. I mean what the hell man why am I still waiting for this?

However I would like a Cowboy/Western/Horse Opera RPG, maybe set in the Black Hills, with Ian McShane in it.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney to get localised.

Dark Souls for PC, except actually getting done instead of just being "we'll consider it for 85,000 signatures".

A Killer 7 re-release (not even in HD besides widescreen) so that future generations (including me) can enjoy the insanity.

(last but not least...)

An official translation/localisation of the Touhou Project series. Possibly even box sets for the first and second generations, and everything from Mountain of Faith separately. People will buy it - even if it never reaches digital networks; even GoG.


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Since Deus Ex and Thief have recently been necromanced, I guess the next logical franchise would be Ultima Underworld (or System Shock, but I'm a wuss...) Arx Fatalis was more of a delicious appetizer than a main course.

I'd also REALLY like to see the Jedi Knight and X-Wing franchises given another go. I mean, what the fuck, Lucasarts? Do you hate money? Because that is the only conceivable reason you would abandon these two relatively safe, acclaimed, amazing properties.

Speaking of LA games, I'd kill for another entry into the Maniac Mansion series, but since Tim Schafer is already making a point-and-click (partial courtesy of yours truly) I guess that will have to do.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Really can't decide, as I've got a few actually...

Aliens vs Predator: Either remake AvP 2 for the PC with modern generation graphics and a 360 port, or make a new one that was as good as AvP 2 (story wise and gameplay). I'll be the first to admit that neight the Aliens, the Predator, nor the AvP incarnations in any source of media have been known for fantastic stories. But AvP 2's was pretty good. You could actually clearly follow a bigger-picture story by playing through each of the campaigns and seeing how each storyline intertwines with the other. Hell, I think they really could have made a good movie just by basing it off that game's plot.

Predator Sandbox: :p Yeah, I'm an AvP fanboy I guess. Specifically the Predators though. I really enjoyed Predator: Concrete Jungle...I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to that game. Perhaps in a true sandbox open envirnment and not just levels based on different chunks of the city.

Portal 3: Come on, you know you'd play it. :3

And for nostalgia, a new Dark Stalkers game: This was probably my favorite fighting game back when I was a kid...mainly because it was the only one I was ever any good at (my best fighter in Street Fighter II was frickin' Dalsim(spelling) for crying out loud). I also really like the characters, I was rather disappointed when Marvel vs Capcom III didn't feature Jedah.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Forlong said:
Megaman Legacy
PLOT: A time warp opens up and sucks in Megaman, Megaman X, and Megaman Striker. The three have to team up and fix the damage to the timeline and stop whoever is doing it.

Now doesn't that sound like the most awesome idea ever?
What the heck is a Megaman Striker?

You don't mean Megaman Trigger AKA Rock Volnutt AKA Megaman Volnutt, do you?

What we really need is a total remake of the real Megaman series (not that Battle Network/Starforce "we forgot we're supposed to be robots" alternate universe nonsense) that brings them all into a coherent graphics presentation that has a style that evolves through progression of the setting in the games rather than according to what is possible with the technology available on whatever system a game happens to be made for (I get tired of the inconsistency of X being short and stubby one game and then tall and sleek the next. It was born from necessity, but now we can overcome those limitations).

So, remake all the Megaman games in the style of a polygonal 3D version of Megaman 8.

Remake all the Megaman X games in the art style of Megaman X4, but in the polygonal 3D format of X7 and X8 (but don't anyone dare change any gameplay away from the original style). Maybe remake X7 not not have any of the stupid non-sidescroller stuff that made the game suck.

Remake all the Megaman Zero and ZX games in polygonal 3D.

Remake Megaman Legends 1 and 2, and the Misadventures Of Tron Bonne. Bring the graphics quality up to modern standard (I'm not just talking HD reskins. I mean redo everything from scratch.

Go back to the beginning and ending of every game in the series and add in cutscenes that explain more clearly all the stuff that connects one story to the next.

Fix the names of the gorram bosses in X5 and X6. Fix X5, X6 and X7 so that they don't suck.

Make Megaman 11, Megaman X9, Megaman Legends 3, and any sequels to Zero and ZX that are obviously needed for everything to flow coherently together.

Get all those spin-off games (the fighting game, Command Mission, the cart racing game, etc), remake them and make them fit into the whole story line coherently with new cutscenes. Maybe make stuff like the cart racing game and Megaman Soccer into minigames within whatever part of the story they fit into.

Add new features to all of the games, the same way they added the ability to play as Vile in Megaman X1 when they remade it as Megaman Maverick Hunter X.

Do allllllllllllllll that....and then release it in "chapter sets". So the "Megaman Chapter", the "X Chapter", the "Zero Chapter", the "ZX Chapter" and the "Legends Chapter".
Available on all systems (including PC via Steam). None of this starting a saga on one system and then being forced to use a handheld BS (I'm looking at you Legends 3 and Okamiden....).

So yea, that's all what I want.

Also, Megaman Online and Megaman Universe.

And an open-world 3D Pokemon MMO where the gameplay style is still classic Pokemon but there are other people playing as trainers wandering the world, I can catch ALL the Pokemon, I can visit ALL the regions (which are obviously MASSIVELY more fleshed out), and all the Pokemon battles are fully animated affairs (maybe the Pokemon circle each other menacingly while awaiting commands from their trainers?).

And the moon.

And the kitchen sink.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
All pokemon games from Gen 1 - 3 on iOS.

That's all I want.

It's all I've ever wanted.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I am longing to see sequels to Phantom Crash, Gotcha Force, Phantasy Star Zero, No More Heroes 3 and another Okami game for the Wii.


Dec 3, 2010
A sequel to The Saboteur is what I would like to see. Loved the first game and had a blast(get it?) blowing things up. When I heard Pandemic Studios had gotten closed down it was a sad day...


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Final Fantasy VII-2 starting Tifa, the story begins showing how she trained under Zangan traveling through out the world eventually meeting all of Zangans students and Barret and crew in the miners town pre Shinra invasion, Jesse, Biggs, and Wedge get better character development. The party consist of Tifa another student of Zangans (his son maybe) and Cissnei, who then leaves the party to join Shinra or from the start she could be on the run. The story then jumps forward to after Dirge of Cerberus and everything we did in the past we now get to see what they've turn to. Decisions made in the past are varied and based on who you save, what towns you decide to fund, who you help, inspiration you give, etc. When you reach this part the world will have changed. The story concludes with a semi cliffhanger where Tifa admits she won't be able to take on this new upcoming menace by herself and sets the stage for the FINAL Final Fantasy VII.

I know that will never happened so I'll just say Mega Man X9


New member
Jun 13, 2011
GZGoten said:
Final Fantasy VII-2 starting Tifa, the story begins showing how she trained under Zangan traveling through out the world eventually meeting all of Zangans students and Barret and crew in the miners town pre Shinra invasion, Jesse, Biggs, and Wedge get better character development. The party consist of Tifa another student of Zangans (his son maybe) and Cissnei, who then leaves the party to join Shinra or from the start she could be on the run. The story then jumps forward to after Dirge of Cerberus and everything we did in the past we now get to see what they've turn to. Decisions made in the past are varied and based on who you save, what towns you decide to fund, who you help, inspiration you give, etc. When you reach this part the world will have changed. The story concludes with a semi cliffhanger where Tifa admits she won't be able to take on this new upcoming menace by herself and sets the stage for the FINAL Final Fantasy VII.

I know that will never happened so I'll just say Mega Man X9
haha nice idea Id buy that but then I am a sucker for anything that has FFVII characters in (except Vincent and Cait Sith, looking at you Dirge of Cerberus seriously why pick the least popular characters for a stand alone game? and Cait Sith even had his own bad stealth section *sigh*). Actually I would like to see another FF beat em up game since they did such a good job with Duodecim if they expanded it and tweaked it a bit more it could be awesome especially if they let you create your own scenarios (over more than just a few lines of text) and it was on PS3/360.

other than that I wish they would release another Valkyria Chronicles game on the PS3 or SCV but with a few game modes in it this time and the ability to alter facial appearance in the character creator and more clothing options.

Also a sequel to the K-ON game on psp would be nice as I frikkin loved that game admittedly its not for everyone but I had great fun with it as I like rhythm action games and I like K-ON so perfect fit, make the sequel!

Oh and another karting game on the same level of awesomeness as CTR would be great as well.

Thats all for now on a slightly more realistic note I hope they release Persona 4 the ultimate in mayonaka arena outside Japan so I dont have to faff about importing.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
Left 4 Dead with classes, fully customizable in both gear and appearance for the survivors. The infected get more types and also the ability to control one of the swarms of normal zombies.

In addition, the survivors get someone on their team (player controlled) circling in a helicopter, proving support such as maps, spotlights for outside sections and the ability to lock/unlock doors to support players and hinder infected.

The infected get a similar player, who becomes a bit like the AI director, controlling when infected spawn and where. However, like the helicopter player, they get limited resources which regenerate slowly and can be collected by the players.

In addition, it would have a forge like mode to create and share custom maps and gametypes.

Also, the survivors can split into multiple factions, as can the zombies. So you can go solo if you want, or a group can split off and attempt to help/hinder others..

Not that iv'e put much thought into or anything...


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
Final Fantasy Collection for PS3 and 360. All of the main series games up to XII, plus their sequels and prequels.

FFI and II would be based on the 20th Anniversary versions. FFIII would be based on the DS version. FFIV and The After Years would be based on the Complete Collection version. FFV would be based on the GBA version. FFVI would be based on the SNES version, but it'd have the bugs fixed, and some of Ted Woolsey's blatant translation errors would also be fixed. FFs VII through IX would remain the same, with a refined translation for VII. FFX, X-2 and XII would be based on their original PS2 releases.

All the sequels would remain the same as their original releases, with the exception of Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII, which would be remastered to GBA quality, and FFXII: Revenant Wings, which would be optimized for gamepad use.

I've dreamed of the idea so much. I'd love for it to happen.