Your life events through the life of The Escapist


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I first heard about the escapist, because I was watching Halo Wars reviews, and I stumbled across the ZP video on it. I then lurked for about 7 months, before finding the forums and deciding that I want to respond to something. I remember a thread about what the worst thing you had ever eaten was. It was great.

In my life, though, when I joined, I was... 13? Probably a bit too young, but here we are. So, safe to say that I was still in school back then.

Since then, I have done my GSCEs, started my A-Levels, dropped out of college, and done an apprenticeship in IT. Im just about to leave my current job as an IT tech at a school, to go and join a bank's IT Team, so it is a pretty big accomplishment for me.

Its been a big old run on the Escapist.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Since joining this site I've finished secondary school, done a four year college course, and then decided to take a few months off. Those few months are now approaching three years without a huge amount to show for it.

I tried to be in a band for a while, but that all fell through (though I maintain it wasn't my fault). I have just finished recording my first solo album though, so that's something. I have, in recent months, been thinking about what I want out of life and what I need to do to achieve those things, and I think things are looking well for me. Hell. 24's a good enough age to start trying to get your shit together. I'll be fine.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Samtemdo8 said:
That Yatzhee at one point destroyed my enthusiam for gaming and replaced it with cynicism and jadedness.

Something I am trying to get out of. But other youtubers shitting on the gaming industry is not helping matters.
See I like the cynicism and jadedness. Its a good counter-balance to the AAA trend following and desperate marketing ploys. And maybe I'm cynical, but it seems the cynics and jades are right more often than not.

No Man's Sky has a billion-gillion-GooglePlex planets sized universe so large no one will ever meet another played. And my jaded thought was 'I'll bet they're lying about that'
Or TitanFall 2 claiming it has a full length campaign that's not just a multiplayer demo, and my cynicism didn't believe it for a second.

Just saying, when it comes to games and marketing, its easier to assume they're lying than take what they say as a truth.


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
I was 15 when I created this account... ah shit, I've been visiting this site for 1/3 of my entire life.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Signed up late in September of '08 while on a two/ two and a half year run of unemployment (put in applications but nothing took). Got hired on st one retail chain- got let go at the end of the ninety day probation period for just barely failing to meet expectations, got diagnosed with mild ADHD (more attention problems than hyperactivity) and medication for it.
Got hired on at a different retail chain-passed their ninety day probation period eventually quit taking the ADHD meds because I didn't like the side-effects. Worked at the same store for about seven years and recently transferred to a different store working the opening shift (4:00am to 1:00pm).
I've also started looking into taking compute programming courses so I can eventually move away from retail and have decided to start working on a handful of fantasy novel/short story ideas that I've had bouncing around in my head for several years now.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
I cared for my father during his final years before he passed away, Sold my house, have been travelling to countries all over the world,(although not for recreation, either for Medical conferences or with MSF), contracted a "superbug" while doing so that knocked me down for a while and I may never fully recover from it but am glad to have survived, most everything else is still the same...,


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Thank you for making me feel old there :p

Let's see... I graduated from university in 2012.

Was cheated on by my boyfriend at the time. Met another one. Had a long distance relationship. He cheated on me. Met the man I'm with now, and have been with him for five years now. I've been penniless, been lost and confused. Got my first job working in GAME, then in other places. Got fired for something I didn't do. OH moved out of my parents house. Got 2 cats. Made some damn good friends and lost some old ones.

Stopped playing league of legends and started playing Final Fantasy XIV.

It's been a great 8 years guys. At some points I wouldn't have gotten through it so well without this forum. Thank you.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Fostered over a dozen puppies (so sad when they leave you, but I kept one!), bought and sold a house, ended a very unhappy marriage and went from not being able to cook at all to being a pretty kick-ass amateur chef.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Aw man, 2011. I was a young lass of 25 at the time, and now I'm 32. Jesus, I'm old.

I was working all over Phoenix in bars, clubs, theatres, churches, and some random places for sound gigs. Got a pay cut from a place that used to give me steady pay. Got mad and went back to school out of spite, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Went some really awesome people that I would call my closest friends.

Moved out of the country to Vancouver for graduate school, and living in a place with two other people. They're good boys. And I broke my right ankle back in February that needed surgery and now I'm walking kinda sorta again.

Some major things and some minor things happened as well, but I have discovered that Vancouver has amazing scotch so I don't think I'll ever leave.

Oh, I even went to the two Escapist Expos! Met some great people, some forum peeps, and the staff and content creators that were still around. Good times, man.

Been a wild ride, let me tell you.


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Oh, I thought this was going to be about the impact the Escapist had on us, not just about our lives.

Because, man, has the Escapist ever had an impact on me. It expanded my taste in many genres of media, there have been so many great games/shows/youtube channels that I've discovered through the Escapist. In fact, I started relying on these forums for honest opinions on games, which were far more valuable than any review. Reading these forums has expanded my worldview on a great many issues and topics. Who I am, and what I currently believe has been influenced a great deal as a result of being exposed to so many differing perspectives and ideas on these forums.

My biggest regret is that I didn't start to actively post here until after the site had already passed it's heyday. But lurking was a lot of fun too.

Th3Ch33s3Cak3 said:
When I joined 8 years ago, I was a 30-something no-life loser.

8 years later, I am a 30-something no-life loser.
If only all of us could have made such progress!


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
Since joining this place?

[li]2009: Started A Levels[/li]
[li]2010: Appointed a mod here[/li]
[li]2011: Left the mod team to get ready for uni[/li]
[li]2011: Started uni[/li]
[li]2011: Came out as bi[/li]
[li]2013: Got my first job[/li]
[li]2014: Had my first experience of a career in research[/li]
[li]2015: Graduated[/li]
[li]2015: Started my PhD[/li]
[li]2015: Got into running[/li]
[li]2017: Did my first 10k[/li]
[li]2017: Came out as trans[/li]
[li]2018: Did my first half marathon[/li]


The Noble Nuker
Dec 22, 2008
I joined in the middle of a failed attempt at my first year in college. Since then, I've gotten a degree, done nothing with it, gotten married, gotten two kids, and one fuckload less of free time.
On the whole it's been a decent ride.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
2007-2008: Zero Punctuation was my only connection with the Escapist. Was faffing about at uni with duel degrees in Comp-Sci and Sociology.

2009-2011: The golden age of the Escapist. Was a halcyon time in my life when I dropped out of university to get a degree in IT at a polytech (technical college for you burgers).

2012-2014: The decline of the Escapist. The in-between years of life where I was caught in the maw of Arse Effect 3's terrible ending (where the Escapist staff stuck up for those of us on the correct side of history) and figuring out how to go from polytech to my current job.

2015-16: The Derek Smart dick-sucking years of the Escapist. Multiple surgeries to remove potentially cancerous moles and starting my journey to where I am today work wise.

2017-: The end of the Escapist. Satisfactorily where I am work and life wise, though might move away for a fresh start.

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Neonbob said:
I joined in the middle of a failed attempt at my first year in college. Since then, I've gotten a degree, done nothing with it, gotten married, gotten two kids, and one fuckload less of free time.
On the whole it's been a decent ride.
Dude, I remember when you joined because I laughed my ass off at your avatar, and you only had like 22 posts at the time. That was back when I had been a member for just over a year at that point, on my original profile; Darth Mobius.

I had a bit of a melt down after my daughter died, and ended up getting banned, but came back quietly several months later and mostly kept to myself, mainly using the page for keeping in touch with my old friends rather than trying to stir up shit or get back at anyone who may have felt like I was going to be a trouble maker.

I got my shit in order, bought a project car, moved on with my life, had a kid with another woman and also helped her raise her kids, and we have been a family for 7 years as of the 13th. I still pop in every once in a while to watch the videos and rarely discuss things, but mainly still come for the videos, so it shocked me to find out how little traffic there has been here for quite a while because I just never really posted.


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
Let's see, since I joined I have:

-Gotten two degrees
-Started my first job
-Met Neil Young and Los Lobos
-Quit that job
-Worked Walmart for a year
-Finally moved out of my parents house
-Started my third degree
-Developed a crippling alcohol problem
-Lost my third degree due to a prof strike
-Reconnected with and have started dating one of my best friends from high school, who has two kids of her own
-Had to move back in with my parents

On the whole, it's been one hell of a wild ride. Gonna miss this place.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Not much. Maybe its because I'm one of the old guys here, but I was already well past the "formative years" when I found The Escapist. I was already in the industry I'm currently working in (same company, I've just moved up some since then.) And that's it. I have a newer used car since I had then. I'm 2 major computer upgrades up since then. Back then I lived in a house with a couple of my friends (one inherited it from his grandfather and needed help paying bills and upkeep so I rented a room there.) Now those (and most of my other) friends are married... I'm not. I've been in and out of several relationships since then... but none that were particularly meaningful. I live in an apartment now, and it kind of doubles as the clubhouse that the old house used to for me and my friends. I'd say things have changed very little over the life of The Escapist.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
Let's see...

April 2008 was ten years ago and looking at my diploma, that was right around the time I graduated from university though I don't remember much of the ceremony. Or university in general.

Other milestones:

Went to grad school immediately after my undergrad and finally became an RA, which was a goal of mine that I managed to keep screwing up in my undergrad. Got to teach undergrad seminars which was a trip. Met the love of my life who was also an RA.

Did a summer working as a Conference Assistant for the Department of Housing where I met a fuckton of cool people.

Finished my MA in 2011. Got dumped by the love of my life and couldn't get a job. Spent almost six months depressed, unemployed and occasionally drunk.

Came to South Korea mostly for shits and giggles (and also to teach a bit). Stayed in Korea, drank a lot, made some really awesome, (hopefully) lifelong friends and worked at various private schools. Got my heart broken a few times before meeting a woman whom I've been seeing for some time now.

Eventually got a job with a wonderful elementary school that was so kind and welcoming I stayed there for three years and made various other friends as they came and went from the ROK. Went home and visited my family for the first time in years and surprised the hell out of my lovely parents.

Because of a close friend from my early days in this country, got a job teaching undergrads at a safety school on the east coast. Aside from having an actual tenured uni job, which are reserved for those more educated/qualified than I, this more or less the pinnacle of this industry/country.

Eldest brother passed away suddenly. Thankfully because of my awesome new boss and the flexibility of this job, I was able to go back home to my native Canada, be with my family and say my goodbyes to him. I wish I could have had more time with him, obviously, but I guess everyone thinks that at some point in their life.

So I guess you could say things are going well now, even though life has been a bit of a roller-coaster. Though the market for ESL teachers is slowly drying up and these kinds of dope uni gigs are becoming rare, I'll be happy to get my two years experience (worth its weight in gold) and see where I bounce off to next. As for now, the east coast has some gorgeous beaches to I intend to do my share of summer BBQing and camping while the weather stays nice. Might try my hand at surfing as well.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
As probably the oldest regular poster, since joining, I've had two and a half degrees, two jobs, married once (so far), and moved property twice. I'm about to move for a third time. I've attended two escapist UK events, and will be attending my third in July. That's more than ten years now.