Your most dissapointing game you played?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Mass Effect 1, Oblivion, Fallout3.

And yea, once you see one part of the game in oblivion or fallout, you've seen it all. And the wandering around in mass effect sucks (elevator rides)


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
The most disappointing game I ever played was also the latest I bought, C&C 4. A cheap DoW rip-off with a horribly limiting leveling system, a story that is far too cheap and bizarre even for a C&C game, and a DRM that punishes me gimp-style for not getting a bootleg version of the game.

It may be far from being the worst game ever, but I've never been so disappointed as to see a once great series go out with a whimper.


No duckies...only drowning
Apr 22, 2009
Prototype - I paid £20 for it, only managed 3 hours before I just got so bored I never returned to it. And it didn't mention Spartacus at all which was really annoying.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
*Sighs* I was younger, dumb, and didn't realize the downward pattern the games had been going in.

I put it on my Christmas list, hoped and hoped for it. I got that game, started playing...

It was then that Shadow the f***ing Hedgehog destroyed my faith in Sonic Team, and I never imagined any of their games would be good again.

Unleashed ALMOST rekindled my faith, but then I saw the Werehog and thought "Oh god DAMMIT Sonic Team, can't you go one game without destroying my faith in you?"


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Spore. Overhyped all the heck. After playing the game for a week, I was so disillusioned with it that I ended up uninstalling it and tossing it into my "games I don't play anymore" pile.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Sonic and the black Knight......i payed like $70 and completed the game within an hour. i thought i would be a challenging game but yeah............


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I would say dawn of war 2. When I played the beta I expected a sequel of dawn of war, not a completely different w40k game.
Overlord 2 is another game that dissapointed me. I liked the first game (can't understand why so many say that it's their most dissapointing game), but the sequel didn't improve anything.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
asam92 said:
People loved the Bioshock Series, I did not.

Also GTA is probably my biggest let down, but I still finished the game. It wasnt bad it just wasnt as good as it should have been, especially looking at's rating of 10/10 WHAT ARE THOSE GUYS SMOKING! Probably high grade stuff that they bought with their money that Rockstar paid them off with.

Spore was also very bad

Star Wars Force Unleashed got very repetitive, very fast.

Lots of people are saying Borderlands, personally I love that game, me and 2 mates where playing for 8 hours straight from 9pm to 5am last night. Alone I have a hunter on Second Playthrough half way, a soldier on second playthrough just started that I only use with one friend, a Siren near the end of the first playthrough with another different friend, and a Berserker just starting singularly on first playthrough. Last night I created a new Hunter account, he is so much better than every other class.
Aww, come on. About eight sites gave GTAIV a perfect score. Personally felt it was an accurate score, but then again, different opinions.

Fable II definitely, that game isn't bad, but it's way too shallow to be called a RPG, and definitely isn't a great one. In my opinion, anyway.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Silent Hill: Homecoming. God, this awful game wasn't only incredibly bad, it was absolutely unplayable!


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Resonance of Fate.

Riddle me this: How do you make a cinematic, gun-fu fantasy game completely boring?

By making us spend hours fighting the same three enemies hunting for magical polygons in order to get to the next part of the map or even get to a dungeon. Sometimes the game bugs out and NEVER gives you the map piece you need so you need to go back to a previous save to try again.

...and again, and again, and again, and again, get the point.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
splinter cell double agent.
On the bright side it only cost me 5,00 and it was satisfying to smash the disc.


Professional Lurker
Mar 19, 2009
DIZ-17 said:
EmeraldGreen said:
Prince of Persia 2008. The parkour was too easy and terribly repetitive. The combat was dull and awkward and finger-hurtingly full of QTEs. Restoring the cursed areas was just a faded imitation of Okami. And instead of the Prince's and Elika's relationship developing while you actually played the game, you had to get to some solid ground, command the Prince to talk to Elika and then twiddle your thumbs while they talked, stared at each other blankly, and alternated between their two different "I'm talking now" hand gestures.

On a positive note, that scene where the Concubine clones Elika was absolutely brilliant. However, even its extreme excellence was not enough to save the game.
I agree. The epilogue dlc was disappointing too.
Didn't play the epilogue, since it didn't come out for PC. I could rant about that as well, but it would be rather like the lady who went to a restaurant and complained that the food was terrible, and such small portions too!


New member
Jan 22, 2010
merceanries 2. I loved the first one. it was fun, you got to blow shit up, i liked the charcaters (even if they didn't really have any backstory worth telling) and the mechanic of having to track down the deck of 52 was awsome (especally going after the ace of spades). The second one didn't bother to improve anything. instead it over complicated things. in the first if you wanted an airstrike or a vechical or supplies you just paid for it and threw a flair. now you have to collect the airstrikes, collect the gas, and then pay the money and they're really not worth it anymore. the game is bugy, the villian is boring and the last boss fight is a GOD DAMN QUICK TIME EVENT!!!! the sad thing is that the core gameplay i loved in the first one is still here it's just now someone has taken a shit all over it.


New member
May 1, 2009
Bioshock, because it wasn't as divine an experience as it had been made out to be, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, becuase it was garbage.


Honorary mention goes to Mass Effect 2, because it mercilessly raped an otherwise flawless franchise-in-the-making. That's just low, no matter how you look at it.

Matt King said:
okay everyone is going to hate me for this but HALO now its not that bad but it was a huge disapointment everyone said it was perfect and awsome but its just average and quite dull
Protip for you, Facebooker: if it's popular and wasn't made by Valve or Bioware, it's vogue here at the Escapist to casually heap scorn and disgust on it. Keep that in mind and you'll go far, either as a well-informed Escapist or a well-informed internet troll.