Your Near-Death Experience


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Nearly getting hit by a car, several times. I should stop trusting that people will stop for me.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Which one?
I've been non-severely hit by two cars (no, not at the same time! XD )but if I had been in any other position contrary to the situation I ended up in I could've been in really bad shape.
I've nearly drowned at least 4 times.
Stalked by a cougar (And I don't mean from a distance, the bastard was right behind me) about 3 times.
Been in a couple of fights that could've gone very wrong.
Stuck my finger in a light socket as a kid.
Nearly killed myself sledding down a mountain uncontrollably. (Thankfully all I did was bust up my face XD)
Almost was eaten by dogs on a couple of occasions...okay more than that.
Dodged a train whilst trying to save some unfortunate scooters left on the tracks. Scooters saved, so all was well.
At least 2 instances where a semi driver tried to change lanes whilst I was right next to him, (one nearly killed me a couple weeks ago because he was high as a kite and driving, nearly ran us into the concrete freeway divider. Luckily the breaks work like a charm.)

There are lots more buuuuuuut....yeah, long story is long.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
EHKOS said:
I've survived acidental OD's and poisenings.
Ooo... I guess it depends what you classify as an OD... I've never been hospitalised but I've ended up throwing up and incoherently screaming after a mix of nasty cheap speed, tequilla, weed and valium. And my crazy ex gf showed up that morning too. Nasty hangover.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Well, on december 4th 2003, I was hit by a bus. I was 13 at the time, this caused me to die for approximately 2 minutes until the ambulance got there and defibrilated me (for those unfamiliar to defibrilation, it's that eletric shock thing where they go "Clear!" before slamming both plates on your chest, which hurt... or at least feel like a kick in the crotch, by the way) anyway, I saw red (which may have been hell... or just the blood in my then cut open eye...) which lead into a long dream where I met a woman called Faith (Or Fate... That remains a mystery for me to this day) but that dream happened (presumably) during my 18 day coma after the actual accident.
Case in point, even now, 7 years later, I remember little more than the dream (which is surprisingly vivid) otherwise, I can tell you one thing: Dying ain't all it's cracked up to be.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Which one?

There was the time I was in a car accident. I was driving to the barbers when some jack-ass in an enormous Ford F350 truck came careening around a turn, driving on the center lines. I had to swerve to the right to avoid him. Unfortunately, as I tried to swerve back onto the road, my back tires skidded on the loose rocks along the road side. Ten seconds of absolute terror later, I slid sideways off of the road and into a ditch. Totaled my car.

Then there was the strep throat infection that migrated to my kidneys. Had to be hospitalized for three months as my kidneys nearly failed. It really builds character to see blood in one's urine at the ripe-ole' age of 10.

Or maybe I should speak of the time I, at the age of 8, flew out to Colorado to visit with my aunt. My family had planned a two week trip to Yellowstone National park. However, my parents couldn't travel at the time (job obligations and what-not), but my aunt and they saw no reason I couldn't go out a week early for a visit. So, having setup a special flight-plan with the airline, they put me on a plane and sent me on my way. Pinned a twenty dollar bill to my jacket and everything.

Anyway, long story short, in flight from Pennsylvania, we hit some serious turbulence. Apparently, a severe storm had cropped up out of nowhere and the pilots had little time to alter our flight path. As the plane shook from the intense winds and updrafts, one of the engines gave out. I'm still not sure why. I was only 8 at the time, so I didn't really think to ask. Especially since I was scared out of my God damned mind. We lost altitude and people started to panic. Thankfully, after what seemed an eternity, the pilots managed to fly out of the storm and continue on to the nearest airport.

I'll just stick to three stories, as I don't want to ramble on for too long.

I can't help but think, though, that someone or something is seriously trying to kill me.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
My sister drove a Datson into me. It was like a pleasant experience to say the least..


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Had a heart attack at work at age thirty. In the process, found religion, completely changed my life (whether it's for the better remains to be seen), and I'm about as different as it's possible for a person to become after his thirtieth birthday.

Dark Pythos

New member
Oct 11, 2010
I've surfed the site, looking at zero punctuation for a while, browsing forums, this and that, but this, this thread made me finally make an account.

You see in most respects im a pretty average 15 year old kid, sophmore, i do sports, hang with friends and love gaming, but i have a few to many near death experiences for my age.

The first two where from i think before 3rd grade first time was in a swim lesson, standing at the edge of the pool, i fall in, of course nobody notices, for a while until the teacher noticed i was missing, asked where i was and the snot nosed brat next to me said "he went in the water" she dived in and saved me.

Second time was in the deep end of pool while on vacation, i was on an inflatable so it was all well and good till it deflated, and i fell off, than, my mom didnt beleive my older brother that i actually needed help, waiting an extra 30-45 seconds before even checking, this one wasnt quite as bad as the first but as a 5-7 year old thats freaky.

Lastly ive had two while living in the new house we moved too, its on a road called Thompson hill, very windey, steep, and narrow road, but id taken to biking it all the same, one day a friend needed to use my bike so he biked and i scooterd, well that was fine until going down, i couldnt slow down, my backwheel lifted and was launched into the road, it was either an escalade or an explorer, but it was a big black truck and the driver was scared shitless, it stopped a good 10 feet infront of me. Now recently I do take caution on thompson using the linked neighborhoods on it to ride it as little as possible, but onday while going down a hill the i make a right off of to get onto thompson, my brakes went out, i was squeesing them both as tight as possible and only speeding up, i approached the turn, turned as sharp as i could, but still ended up going into BOTH lanes of traffic, fortunitly there were no car's and the next neighbor hood had a hill going up so i used that to stop and walked the rest of the way.

SO yea... People wonder why im religous, i dont know what it is, but someone wants me dead, and someone else REALY wants me to live, im not an adventerous kid even, dont skate board, ski, or snowboard, just the phrase "Shit happens" really is a fall back for me.


Sep 19, 2010
Almost drowned once. Thankfully my little bro was standing near the border so he and his friend pulled me out.

Dr. Whiggs

New member
Jan 12, 2008
thiosk said:
Note: as compelling as the stories have been so far, near-death experiences are not "oh shit this truck almost hit me lol" anymore than a being at a bar in jersey during 9/11 is a near death experience. Usually NDEs are referring to "i could see the doctors working on this body, but the one kept drinking whiskey, then i realized it was me, but this lady came in with a zap paddle and pulled me back in."
Please tell these people how their experiences are invalid, Lord Thiosk.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I got ran over by a train. I had my feet up against the axle getting pushed up along the track. It was muddy, so I slid fairly easily. It stopped before I got too damaged. Don't mind saying I was scared shitless.


New member
May 29, 2010
Two for me:
1. When I was seven years old I nearly drowned at the beach when I got caught in a rip, only to be saved by a rock shelf.
2. Some random attacked me with a knife about a year ago, but it doesn't really count because i subdued them.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
I usually post the "Did I ever tell you I got struck by lightning seven times?" joke from the Backwards Life of Benjamin Baggins (I forget the title), but I'll post a few real life ones.

Almost shot myself in Iraq. Almost got shot by friendly fire. Almost got shot by intentional not-so-friendly fire. Uh...tempted Fate quite a few times when I got back Stateside by walking along a heavy traffic road usually populated by campus buses. I did this for half a year, both in the day, and especially at night.

I know, suicide is for cowards. But apparently I'm not allowed to kill anyone outside of a war zone. The only option left is to keep on living.

And come up with a way to destroy all of humanity with me.

Unfortunately, I'm lazy. Also, I don't stay angry and depressed long enough for it to be a driving force. I'd have to be continually angry and depressed for...10 constructive years. It's only been about seven years, on and off.

I wish I told my psychiatrist these things when I had my meetings. I always find myself being too polite to admit to...uh, destructive inclinations. Anyone else have this problem?


New member
Mar 15, 2010
thingymuwatsit said:
Two for me:
1. When I was seven years old I nearly drowned at the beach when I got caught in a rip, only to be saved by a rock shelf.
2. Some random attacked me with a knife about a year ago, but it doesn't really count because i subdued them.
I have really never had a near death experience, but I'm still very young. To put it into perspective the nearest I've ever gotten was probably going down a hill on my scooter and there was a driveway not yet finished. I swerved onto the road, hit the curb and flung onto the grass. That sounds dramatic but it was really not.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
In December of my Freshmen year at high school, I was in a car accident.

My uncle was taking me home after we had a baby shower for my older sister. The car was packed with gifts, and I ended up holding what was left of the cake. I wasn't really feeling too well, since some kids at the shower pretty much annoyed me to death and I had a pounding headache. My uncle, trying to cheer me up, tried blasting some music, which didn't help things at all. I laid my head on the door(was sitting in the front passenger side), I looked up at the traffic light. I thought it was red, so I picked my head up to tell my uncle, but as I did that I realized the light was actually green. I short of shrugged it off, then a second later, BAM, car hits us.

Scary part was, it hit us on the front passenger side. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't pick my head up in the nick of time.

Then a month later(just as I was done with my Physical Therapy), as I'm going to pick up my younger sister from school, I get hit by a car. Unfotunately, it came from my left side, the same side I'm blind in, so I didn't really see the car. Don't even remember getting hit, only my elbow hitting the street. Found out that I cracked my elbow and had to be in a cast for like 2 months. Course, that isn't really that bad.

Then in 7 months later, I was caught in a riptide of sorts while at the beach. I was trying to swim back to shore, but it wasn't exactly helping. Then some dude(who wasn't the life guard even though my mother and sister were yelling for someone to help me) managed to get me.

So yeah, wasn't a good year. Not exaclty near death since I wasn't exactly dying but hey, it counts I suppose.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
WOW how unlucky can you people get? the only time its happened to me is when i skied of a cliff that i thought was a minor jump i thought is was awesome afterwards though because i landed right next to someone else's mark in the snow that looked exactly like a cartoon because it was exactly his shape.