I think I’m done using guides, wikis, videos, etc. after I finish a few games I’ve been wanting to complete; namely RDR2, God of War, Sekiro, Uncharted 4, possibly Lost Legacy.
I’ve had the slow realization that after a while it all starts blending together, becoming unmemorable other than seeing the 100% or Platinum trophy. It ends up being more of a task than an adventure, spoiling the sense of discovery and making the act of playing games feel like the end is ultimately more meaningful than anything before it.
For any future games I start anew, whether it’s a Life Is Strange style walking/choice sim, Elden Ring, GoW Ragnarok, RDR3, etc. I’m going to only rely on the act of playing the games. If by chance I read or watch something spoilery, so be it. Even though I have limited time to play, the thought of missing something won’t bother me, because I find it more memorable to discover something naturally vs reading or watching a how-to before seeking it out.
The days of actively seeking out completion/Platinum status are numbered for me, and it’s kind of refreshing to think.