Your proudest moment in a multiplayer game.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
In Savage 2 Razing 3 Subs and Killing 56 people in one life and pretty much winning the game for my team. it wasnt a competetive match but it just felt so great


New member
Jul 8, 2009
In Mount & Blade Warband, taking out a charging cavalry unit while it is in midair with a headshot using one throwing axe and the taking out the rider with a second. The best thing about the kill? I created a unicorn.


is most likly drunk righyt noiw!
Apr 18, 2010
The moment when I looked at my gamer rep and saw a few 'Too Aggressive' responses.
Considering I never use a mic in MP, I doubt it could have been anything nut my playing XD

Most likely, it followed my 3 nukes in 4 games on MW2...
/smug bastard

Other than that would have to be getting my third Chimera in a match of Homefront. I would have gotten a fourth, nut the game ended before I died in the third one XD

Or my successful helicopter flip/guided rocket dodge in BC2...
Or my cross map rocket barrage in a BC2 helicopter...
Or my.... Screw it.

80% of my time in a helicopter in BC2 XD

Edit: This is my 10,000th post!
Cool XD


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Tf2 arena-13 kills by me from the 16 enemies in the match...Oh yeah....


New member
May 30, 2009
mount and blade warband, single handedly storming the castle killing 15 guys then proceeding to lead the charge into the gate house before killing 2 more guys who were hiding there.

If you imagine the scen from the holy grail where lancelot kills everyone in the castle, it was basically that.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Sh1nobu said:
Wakikifudge said:
Title is pretty self-explanatory. What moment in a multiplayer game do you feel was your best?

Mine would have to be in League of Legends. I'm using my main (Malphite) and I was late for a team fight in mid. I was coming down from top to see if I could get a jump on them and salvage the fight that had gone poorly (none of the enemies died but two of my teammates died). My teammates had gotten the enemies to pretty low health and as I came out of the brush to gank I saw that the enemies had all clumped up together and were all going back to kind of taunt my team.
They did not know what hit them. I used my ult right into the clump and immediately ground slammed (this killed three of them) and then rock sharded another to get a quadra kill.
Sadly, the only one to survive was a Shaco who saw me coming and managed to go invisible and teleport away before my ult hit.
BTW, Malphite is a tank who does not usually ever get even double kills, let alone quadras.
What? Malphite is a very effective assasin until late mid-game. Excuse me to burst your bubble, but a quadra with the Rocky Menace is not a thing to brag about. Ive done it atleast twice and I think i've only played him on free weekends

My best multiplayer moment has to be when I killed 5 semi-pro players in a DotA match with a semi-support (Abbadon).
You're kidding. Teams are almost never stupid enough to clump up when they have low health when there is anyone with major aoe damage. Also, Malphite shouldn't be getting lots of kills like this unless it's this situation where there is no carry around to take the kills instead.
Also, this happened late game and because of it the three alive members of our team were able to get Baron and with it, push and win the next team fight, then win the game.
Did you just get incredibly lucky or were you versing complete noobs? Mine happened against all level 30s (it wasn't a ranked match though) so I considered it very lucky and hilarious because their taunting cost them the game.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
2 of those moments for me, first one was in league of legends playing cassiopia , getting chased by the enemy (4 of them) we're 3 people im the one who's most behind and will get killed, 2 of them flash to catch up, i turn around and ult just as they flash into me, but i get all 4 of them with my ult, we turn around and pwn em.
Second was in WoW, playing my DK after 3-4 months after WoTLK came out, im level 80, walking around with pvp on, a lvl 80 DK and a lvl 78 DK jump me, i solo kill both of them, they revive 80ish one spawns army of the dead, i kite him while the 78 is beating on me, healing of rune tap, army starts dying out, kill the 80ish again, the 78ish tries run away but futile. Tho the second time both were on half health due to reviving

Alex Cowan

New member
Feb 13, 2010
One match in Star Wars: Battlefront - 52 headshots. My God that was a good game...

That was a long while ago, though. I recently got TF2, probably my finest moment so far was a fairly well-timed melee kill on a lone scout that was capturing our last control point. Never would have thought my best kill would occur whilst playing as a medic.


is most likly drunk righyt noiw!
Apr 18, 2010
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Had to be the time I sniped a helicopter down in Bad Company with a tank.
Oh I do so love that feeling XD

Especially those tricky shots when it's moving quickly...

To bad they don't happen to often :(


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
My Black Ops 50-1 on a couple of weeks ago was a pretty good moment.

Domination on Havana, 2 Chopper Gunners, good fun.


New member
Jul 30, 2011
Im only allowed 1? aww but im sure everyone has loads of great shit they did in games

greatest single player moment was trapping vivecs soul in azura's star in morrowind

multiplayer would either be winning a 4 way 2man team of swords on halo3 single handedly with 25 kills and the other 3 teams kills put toghether less than mine


Halo 3 where i took out a mongoose and a banshee with 1 spartan laser shot while in the passenger seat of a warthog


MW2 hardcore search and destroy when i killed 4 of the enemy team with a random javelin missile for the fun of it and won the round there and then:p

thats about as finite as i can get lol, and id never do it again if i tried :p


New member
May 6, 2009
world of tanks
me in a KV-2 and a frien in a priest, was the last two on the team against a tiger, jagdpanther, sherman M458 something and another priest. it was daaamn glorious


New member
Apr 15, 2009
In tf2 I dominated the entire enemy team as a heavy with my buddy playing as a medic. My entire team was just dicking around because they really didn't have to do anything while the entire enemy team spent most of the time dead and all of the other time running from my bullets. I did die once though, when the enemy team decided to fight fire with fire and 3 heavy medic combos rushed me, that was too little too late though.


New member
May 31, 2011
I single-handedly wiped out the entire opposing team with a TMP in a Counter Strike Source LAN tournament back in like 2005. Good times.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Mine would probably be in LoL too, when myself and my best friend were doing Baron and we got ganked. I was xin zhou and I got my first penta kill, I had to do everything, ignite then flash through a wall to chase a caitlyn and finish the penta. Then the rest of my team came in and we finished baron and ended the game. two bloodthirsters and maxed attack speed ftw.

Sure getting a penta with Xin is not the hardest thing but the timing of everything was what made it look flawless.

Or possibly in Halo three when my same friend was on the warthog turret and I was driving (driving is kind of my thing, weird I know) and i cleared the river on Valhalla splattering three mid air and him getting turret kills on the other two stragglers.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Probably for a game in Halo, the solo deathmatch. I got my first Overkill (and the achievement too) and ended up winning the match pretty handily, I only died like 2 or 3 times, and the next closest was 14 kills.