Your Sega Memories and Thoughts


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Maybe that's an anecdotal sign how weak Sega's position had always been.
That is blasphemy, heretic talk, sir!

Mmmhhmm. In all seriousness was always in a strong position, they just kept fucking up and have huge ego problems. The numbers do not lie. There is a reason why they are a household name. They, along with Capcom and later SNK, were the kings of the arcade, and bringing the arcade home. Even after all these years there is a reason many people still know who Sega are, whether it be US/North America (CAN and Mexico included), UK/EU, and Japan of course. Various parts of South America too. I can't speak for the Netherlands, but I guess Sega's presence was not as strong in that region compared to the rest.

I have the impression that Sega was kind of big here in Brazil in the early 90s, but my best "Sega memories" involve Nintendo. It was too expensive here, so the Master System was the only console I owned until someone gave me a PS3 they weren't using anymore, I even had the Sega Light Phaser gun.
It's true, the Master System was more popular in Brazil than the US or even native Japan.

I 'member being talked into getting a dreamcast by an only friend at one place just cause it was supposed to have tinterwebs and wouldn't mean having to meet to do multiplayer stuff. Got it 2nd hand somehow but wasn't aware more stuff was needed to get it online and were too poor and scared of parents to solve that, so just was stuck with it on its own for years. You could get chu-chu rocket for free by phoning their hotline at one point too. Oh and shenmue. Oh dear, shenmue.
I take it you never tried SF III, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Code Veronica, Power Stone 1 & 2, House of the Dead 2, Dynamite Cop, Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Phantasy Star Online or even any of the Sonic Adventure games? If you didn't, you missed out on a lot, though I don't blame you for hating Code Veronica.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
I take it you never tried SF III, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Code Veronica, Power Stone 1 & 2, House of the Dead 2, Dynamite Cop, Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Phantasy Star Online or even any of the Sonic Adventure games? If you didn't, you missed out on a lot, though I don't blame you for hating Code Veronica.
Oh, I did get through quite a few games on it, as it was the only console for some while and the pre-owned market (satan bless that beautiful beast) meant I could trade in for different games when done with little extra money required. Both the Powerstones were great fun, house of the dead too of course. Ahahhh Jet Set Radio, yes! Loved those games and their music, could do with more of them now actually. Space channel 5 too, the sonic adventures were mandatory but still had a good time with the weird Chao garden side-content, especially in the sequel. Had Metropolis Street Racer; the original Project Gotham Racing where it played any track the same time of day from reading the console clock in the specific time zone.
Skies of Arcadia was a good'n too, got pleasant memories with that behemoth.
Now, Code Veronica wasn't good, but seeing it with these modern eyes is truly an awful experience. That and the Shenmues makes me really cautious with past self's opinions.
The others haven't tried, apart from Phantasy Star Online round a friend's house. Am sure I had Ecco too, eventually, after literal years of failed searching for a copy as they were apparently quite rare.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Old fart here. I still remember the Master System and that built-in game Alex the Kidd. There were some pretty cool games on that now ancient console like Phantasy Star which is probably the first RPG I played(or one of the first). Megadrive absolutely blew me away at the time. Got that Altered Beast pack for christmas. My favorite games were probably Sonic 2 and Castle of Illusion(atleast those are the ones that stick out in my memory). Saturn was also really cool. I was really impressed by Daytona when it first came out. Ofcourse it couldn't compete with the popularity of the first Playstation but I think that is also because it's 2D capabilities were sadly underutilized. Every game had to be 3D even if they looked and played like ass(even at the time). Saturn is probably still a heaven for shmup fans. I even bought a Dreamcast for the (then exclusive) Code Veronica though I also really enjoyed Skies of Arcadia.

Sega definitely earned it's place in videogame history but the Megadrive/genesis era was no doubt Sega at it's peak. But to be honest I feel the same about Nintendo and the 16-bit era.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Started with an NES, but took the Sega side of the Great War between Sega and Nintendo fans of the '90s. Lots of fond memories, particularly Shining Force 1 & 2, oh man, so many hours put into those games. Also when the first Mortal Kombat was ported to the Genesis and SNES, but only the Genesis could show the blood cuz we were the cooler system.... then Sega "Sega'd" all over itself becoming an industry laughing stock almost immediately afterwards.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The first time I encountered House of the Dead 1 was at my local movie theater at the age of 7. It, and later RE2, were my real exposures to zombies. The HotD1 scared the shit out of me at the time. There was also LA Machine Guns later in 1999. I had no idea it was even a sequel to NY Gunblade. A game I did now about until 2001/02. Those are some of my favorite rail shooters/light gun games. If you got a Wii, NY and LA are in two pack collection. I wish Sega would port this to the Switch. Thankfully, I never gave up my copy on Wii.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
My first actual gaming console was a Master System (remember that secret snail maze game that you accessed by turning it on with no cartridge and holding Up, 1 and 2? I beat that) but didn't have a whole lot of games for it. I never ended up having a Genesis (I did rent one a few times, along with the Sega CD; Heart of the Alien wasn't as good as Out of This World, but it wasn't terrible), but my family got a Dreamcast, which had what I think was the gold standard of arcade ports of its day, Soul Calibur.

Arcade-wise, Sega was pretty much king; I couldn't tell you how much money I spent on Daytona USA, or any of the various light-gun games Sega put out (LA Machineguns: Rage of the Machines was my all-time favorite).

Now, suffer like G did.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I actually didn't know a single person who had any of the sega systems. My only sega memory is playing the dreamcast demo station at my local Blockbuster Video. I played Sonic Adventure, and it was fucking terrible and cemented my hatred of any 3D platformer that makes you run toward the camera.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2020
United States
Not that specific, I never even knew who made it at the time. But the Sega Dreamcast will always have a place in my childhood and my heart. Still have several lying around, and a sports edition one on display.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
My sister has a genesis. I've played some of the games on it such as sonic 1 and 2 but I honestly don't remember much. Altered Beast, Ecco the Dolphin, off the top of my head.

Not really much. I was a NES/SNES kid at the time so my genesis experience at the time was limited.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020

I liked a lot of games on Sega but just trying to remember which games I played on Sega and which ones I played on other consoles is difficult and I am not about to go digging through boxes right now just to check. XD


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I think it would be cool if SEGA came back at full power to give Nintendo another run for their money. Some of Big N’s best stuff was in direct response to the pressure from SEGA during the nineties. Then when Sega went on to compete and fail against PlayStation, Ninety was left all alone to their own proprietary-discs-and-motion-gimmick devices.

Since Sony is basically more in tune with American and European markets now, it would be cool if Nintendo and SEGA rekindled a second coming of the golden age to liven things up some more.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010

I liked a lot of games on Sega but just trying to remember which games I played on Sega and which ones I played on other consoles is difficult and I am not about to go digging through boxes right now just to check. XD
Mutant League Hockey was da bomb!

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Someone needs to get on a remake of this, or at least release it again on current systems. I think Mutant Football League is on PS4 so why not hockey.
Yea, I don't really like football, but Hockey is so much fun. This is a great party game. :)
I agree 100% they need to remake or re release. Chainsaws kick ass!
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Virtua Fighter was is my first 3D fighting game. I played it at an arcade that had a swimming pool. It's been too long I don't even remember the exact location. I know it does not exist anymore. Looking and playing at the time was so amazing back then. Sega revolutionized a lot in 3D fighting games, and was one of their biggest innovations in the industry.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
My earliest Sega memories are probably arcades. Outrunners, Daytona USA, Virtua Cop, Virtual On, probably other arcades that were Sega that I didn't realize were Sega. That Sega AM2 logo was a common sight whenever I had a chance to go to the arcades in the 90s.

My family's second PC also came with a copy of Panzer Dragoon and Virtua Fighter 2. Good old Pentium MMX 166mhz. I also had the PC versions of some other arcade titles. Used to play Virtua Cop 2 alongside my brother on PC, but of course he gets to use the mouse cause he's the older one. While I'm stuck with the keyboard and aiming with arrow keys. We also had Daytona USA Deluxe. Which was basically an enhanced version of Daytona USA with more cars. I remember it being pretty silly, cause the new cars basically broke the game. You had the default Hornet/Gallop cars, which were the OG cars. But they added some beginner cars with low top speed, but incredibly high acceleration and grip. They could drive offtrack without losing speed or control and you could take some massive shortcuts with those cars.

Sega also opened some local amusement centers here in Malaysia. One was Sega Satellite, which was just a regular arcade place. Another was Sega City, which was a bit more like an indoor theme park. No big rides, but they had like a number of attractions. I went there once for my school trip, though we didn't really get to do the fun stuff like the arcades and videogames. There were some weird activity rooms, like an upside down room, mirror room and honestly don't really remember that trip all too clearly. I also heard they had Battletech pods at some point but I never got to try them before it all closed down. My parents were rather strict about such places and I wasn't really old enough to go by myself. I recall there being plans to open a Sega World here, but it never materialized.

Some relatives/family friends had a Sega Megadrive, so I played some Streets of Rage, some Power Rangers brawler, Sonic and whatever on it. I also toyed with the Gamegear of my sister's classmate. Whose mother was a friend with my mother so we went over to play every now and then.

One of my close friends in high school has a Dreamcast. We spent countless hours playing various 4P games together. Most notably Rush 2049 and Powerstone 2.

In more recent times, I've played the Yakuza 0/1/2. I also spent a fair bit of time in Yakuza 2 just playing Virtual On. Too bad there isn't a PC version of Virtual On Oratorio Tangram. I have a PS2, but MARZ was pretty terrible. I tried some VO4 while I was in HK but was essentially getting bullied by veterans with account cards and stuff and never really got a feel for it.

I played some Phantasy Star Online 2 on the Japanese servers when it was in beta. I did play some New Genesis, but there's basically fuck all to do in that game and you can't even play story missions with friends.
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