Your skill level compared to your friends


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Everybody I know who plays Dota 2 is light-years ahead of where I'll probably ever be.

It makes it really hard to actually play the game without getting disheartened every time. I suck at Dota. I still haven't reached the point where I get people of my approximate skill level, because I'm still going down. Getting told what I should have done after the fact is small comfort when I'm never going to encounter that matchup again. I should have been less aggressive in that last game, so next time I go into that lane as that hero, I go passive, against Anti-Mage, who then gets a lot of easy farm and wrecks us all.

I've heard that it's easier if you play with a few friends, but playing with people well above my skill level wound up with me getting completely destroyed every time I tried it in League of Legends, even playing as a relatively easy support like Sona. It's not something I'm in a hurry to repeat in a game that's a billion times harder. People keep telling me to make friends through playing games, but all the people I ever get partnered up with are either total arseholes or don't speak English if they say anything at all.

This leaves me with three options. One is to just try and endure the game on my own, which isn't really an option at all since my patience does not actually outlast the heat death of the universe. Another is to play against bots, which gets me used to the way that bots think and act, which is different from even not-very-good humans, so I'll never be able to play against humans. Harder bots would probably also kick my ass, and 'I'm so bad, I can't even beat bots' is not a very motivating thought.

The third option, therefore, is the only viable one: declare 'f*** it' and give up, which is what I'm in the process of doing. I haven't uninstalled so I can watch my friends play without sucking and fantasise about being at their level. Otherwise, since Dota was about the only multiplayer game I actually ever played more than a few games of, and I'm done with League, I now pretty much don't play multiplayer at all.

I can't really get a feel for how good any of them are at any other kind of game, since I don't play online that much.[footnote]Sorry about taking so long to get here.[/footnote]

Anthony Wells

New member
May 28, 2011
I'm a jack of all trades. Master of few. I excel at Real time strategy, tower defense, First person shooters, Third person shooters, jrpg's (when i can bother playing them), and 3d and 2d platform games (varies form game to game). But I can pick up and play any genre Fairly well. My favorite being rpg. As for amongst my group of friends...i would say im better at them In rpg, first person shooters (again varies from game to game. twitch games like COD require little skill. while games like tf2 require different skill sets per character. and games like left 4 dead and killing require a different set of skill sets altogether.), and especially tower defense and real time strategy.

Ix Rebound

New member
Jan 10, 2012
in FPS games when i play with my friends im usually 4th on the scoreboard with them taking up positions of 1st, 2nd and 3rd and some below me, occasionally ill rip shit up (e.g 42/2 k/d ratio)
but if im playing on a small team with a couple friends (e.g a 4 on 4 game) we will be videogame gods in human form


New member
Jan 11, 2009
I'm... generally in the middle to bad amongst my friends.

I'm not even bad at most games, my friends just tend to be really, really good.

Except RTS, but that's just because I've never really properly played the genre so they have a BIG advantage in terms of practise.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
I'm the best out of my group in any FPS games and possibly racing games. The moment it goes to PC gaming I am dead last though.


New member
Nov 26, 2012
I typically feel like a big fish in a little pond with my friends. I have the uncanny ability to grasp a game rather quickly, and it irks people when I beat them at a game I've never played before.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Depends on the game, I'm better than most at Halo, Ninja Gaiden, Geometry Wars and some others.
I suck at most fighting games and on FIFA it depends on the day, sometimes I rock, sometimes not.
Most of my friends play games and we are pretty evenly matched


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
I'm a jack of all trades, but I excel at grand strategy and RPGs. Relative to my friends, I'm the pro/hardcore player now and I spend the most time playing games. Just don't ask for competitive multiplayer. I have to suck it up and say that's my weak point in general.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
It depends on the game. I'm the best person I know at Sonic games. I'm great at a lot of other games too. It really does depend. We are all well matched. Aside from league of legends, my boyfriend and friends are a lot better than me at that! Though that depends on what champion I am and how lucky I feel that day, yesterday I was just terrible as Riven and was losing every game. That was not a good Riven day! But today I'm going to play Irelia and I will kick butt! Or maybe I'll play Janna.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
In terms of Assassin's Creed multiplayer; my friends get from 2000 points to 6000 points. i get 10,000 points quite often in deathmatch... yeah.


New member
May 25, 2010
I am all-round through the roof at gaming compared to my friends.

Hang on...
Oh. I accidentally rolled over. That's not the roof, it's the floor.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
janjotat said:
Hmm there's been a spate of these types of threads recently, "How well do you compare to your friends", "Are you really good at one thing or a jack of all trades". Thanksgiving must really bring out the competitive spirit in us. :p

I'm above average at spunkgargleweewee's, among my friends I'll place in the top three usually. Fighting games I don't usually play, but I'm not very good anyway. Racing is the same, the only thing I'll do okay at is Wipeout. RTS I get my ass kicked, partially because my friends are all really good, and partially because I have the tactical skill of a moderately dyslexic howler monkey choking on a pistachio. Puzzles I'm just plain bad at.

Recently I've been playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and I'm terrible at it. Somewhere between the laggy controls, ping issues, and archers being completely and utterly OP, me going along as a standard Man At Arms is a recipe for disaster.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
I r lyk so leet compaird to my m8s.

It depends what game really, if we were talking about league of legends then I would class myself as best in 3 of the 5 roles (I can't support and one of my friends is slightly better at AD carry.)

Rylee Fox

Queen of Light
Aug 3, 2011
Here is the scenario I often end up with: A friend says he is stuck at a part in a game, typically a game I never played before. I say I'll look at it since I have a quite extensive history of playing games. I give it back to him in less than a minute having solved his problem. He's not very good at games really.

Unfortunately its similar with the rest of my gamer friends. Online friend was stuck on Sonic Riders saying the game was too hard and it was impossible. I bought the game and found, yeah it's definitely hard but I finished it anyway.

I just don't have any friends that can compete. I don't like it. :(


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
I'm decent at most genres, but definitely not an expert at any. I'm not quick enough for RTS games - I get very easily stressed - and have raged quit a lot of those. A LOT.

Heck, I've even rage quit turned-based tacticals; I once found myself seriously contemplating throwing the controller at the TV and taking my friend's PS2 and tossing it out the window. I never did play Disgaea again...

My friend whose aforementioned PS2 it was is much better than me at most games. She has more patience for one thing!


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Friends eh? What is this mysterious thing you speak of?

I've always been pretty good at games, regardless of system or genre, I'll usually beat people around me, it's different online, where if you're good at something, you inevitability end up playing with people of comparable skill.

That's one of the reasons I still play Starcraft II, the ladder system is great for keeping things challenging.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Can't do RTS almost at all, much better at Armored Core than virtually anyone I personally know, better than 60% of my frinds at FPSs and maybe better than 75% at racing games, although I don't like them that much.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I tend to be better at my friends at just about everything but shooters and simulations. Not necessarily good, mind you, just better.

I'm not sure how good I am really, because we tend to be horrible at objectively judging ourselves. But I'm better than my friends and below the serious/hardcore/competitive level.