Your teleported to your worst nightmare, you can take ONE video game character as a companion...

Argonian alchemist

Master-level alchemist
May 5, 2011
Raognerrrm said:
Seeing as my worst nightmare is floating alone in empty space, taking a character with me would negate the worst nightmare part of it all.
Hence, anyone would do.

But, if it was just a bad nightmare, then I'd take my Oblivion character, Fyora.
We happen to be rather alike.
haha, I can just picture that...

Character: Hey asshole... remember that time you decided to make me jump off of a cliff?

You: Uh... eh... no?

Character: Ah huh... oh or what about that time you kept dying in that horrid dungeon and then re-loading... so I died from the same death traps over and over and over again?

You: Uh... haha... haha.. haaa... ahem, uh. Taking you was a bad idea...

Character: Yup... but don't worry, only 300+ hours of pain to complain to you about.

You: ...


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
I'd have to pick Alice, from the American McGee games. She's designed as being pretty hot, so that's a plus right there, and she happens to be one of my few favourite game characters who actually has some sort of experience dealing with 'nightmares' and whatnot. Much better than the likes of, say, Kratos or the Master Chief...


New member
Sep 13, 2009
I'm going to go for strange pick here, since it's a dream though it is mandatory that the choice is not one you'd think of if awake. I'm going for Anakin Skywalker, just before he went all Vader on peoples asses. He can kick ass, and it would be cool to catch him during a break in his frantic 'real world' inner turmoil, see if he does anything crazy.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
I love having nightmares...
I always end up as the Evil Overlord god of everything.

I guess I'll bring Gnarl, he's used to serving overlords and I like his sense of humor.

Too bad I have so few nightmares lately...


New member
Jun 3, 2011
I would probably Amaterasu from Okami. Seeing as she is the goddess of sun and most of the elements, I think I would be safe.

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
Cridhe said:
"and I'm betting she doesn't meet a whole lot of men if-ya-know-what-I'm-sayin'! *wink wink nudge nudge*
Monty Python, mate!:D


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
I'd take Zidane. He's got that kind of lighthearted attitude that could help me get through it all. Also, he seems like a nice friend to pal around with in general.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Damn, Dante is a pretty popular contender. I would take him aswell, for his ability to deal with spiders. He's killed a giant lava scorpion-spider thing so normal spiders shouldn't be too much of a problem. Then maybe I'd ask if he had any spare swords knocking around, preferably Alastor.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
Jay Parrish said:
Raognerrrm said:
Seeing as my worst nightmare is floating alone in empty space, taking a character with me would negate the worst nightmare part of it all.
Hence, anyone would do.

But, if it was just a bad nightmare, then I'd take my Oblivion character, Fyora.
We happen to be rather alike.
haha, I can just picture that...

Character: Hey asshole... remember that time you decided to make me jump off of a cliff?

You: Uh... eh... no?

Character: Ah huh... oh or what about that time you kept dying in that horrid dungeon and then re-loading... so I died from the same death traps over and over and over again?

You: Uh... haha... haha.. haaa... ahem, uh. Taking you was a bad idea...

Character: Yup... but don't worry, only 300+ hours of pain to complain to you about.

You: ...
But then:
Me: Do you remember when I wanted you to crouch behind that altar, but you couldn't, and so got seen and slaughtered by the ensuing goblin horde?

Character: But that's not part of the game mechanics...

Me: And that time when you kept getting your torch out whenever you put your shield away and was always killed by that mage?

Character: Bugs, I tell you, bugs!.

Me: How about when I asked you to talk to a guard but instead you attacked him?

Character: ... I hate you.

Me: Ooo, and don't forget when you were in that painting and couldn't jump on a 50 cm high rock to escape the malicious trolls.

I, too, have much to complain about.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Rubi, from WET, without a doubt.
We seem to share the same music tastes, and she's fit.

oh, and has pistols that dont need reloading.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Im tempted to say Issac Clark but everyone he meets dies horrifyingly painful deaths moments after.

So I guess it has to be Liberty Prime or the Big Guy both look like they could get the job done XD