Your thoughts on Gen 8 so far


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
How is it going on Gen 8 for you?

What is great? For me?

Wii U
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
COD: Ghosts

Shadow of Mordor
COD: Advanced Warfare
Dragon Age Inquisition

Xbox One:
Forza 5
Sunset Blvd.
Halo Collection

I'm already a bit spoiled. I'll play some PS3 games, but asking myself, why bother! Play the new stuff! You already bought and own it. And it is pretty! Enjoy!

What is great for you in gen 8?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I couldn't tell you because there's still not enough to me to justify switching :D

It is however very likely that I will make the jump come Christmas this year. There are not a ton of games that are "technically" on both older and newer systems (like Dragon Age and Shadow of Mordor) but I decided to wait until I get the Gen 8 system as I've heard they are much better on them.

I still have to decide which one I'm getting though. I am heavily in favor of the PS4 as I find their exclusives are better (for me), the hardware is more powerful, and PS+ actually gives you something for your money. My buddy wants me to go Xbox One but...ew....


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Still haven't bothered getting a new gen console.

There's been some cool games though. Alien Isolation and SHadow of Mordor were both fun. I just played them both on PC.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Largely disappointing, but I did grab a PS4 for Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, and Guilty Gear Xrd. I want to get a Wii U soon but it's not feasible right now. Besides that though? Mostly playing on PC and handhelds, still.


New member
Jul 25, 2014
Needs more games.

Smash Bros is great and Mario Kart 8 is good (it's my first Mario Kart game), and Nintendoland is fun with friends, but beyond that all the next gen games I play are indie games I got from Playstation Plus, and they could've easily run on the PS3. There's some AAA PS4 games I haven't gotten to yet but most of those have PS3 ports.

I remember a similar situation happening with the PS3 though, so I guess I just got to wait more for the next gen to really kick in. I'm loving the PS4 controller though, it feels so much better than the PS3 one.


New member
Mar 8, 2015
Still waiting to get a PS4 but there'll be a pretty awesome library by the time I do. Especially given that I still haven't played The Last of Us or GTA 5 for starts.

Wii U, 3DS and Vita are all pretty great though. I know the handhelds don't necessarily fit into the same generation definitions, but those are kinda silly anyway with the hugely staggered timetables and given that Nintendo might fit 2 consoles into the same generation as Sony and Microsoft's one.

As for great games: Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Fire Emblem Awakening, 3 Zelda games on 3DS, Xenoblade 3D, Shovel Knight.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
WhiteNachos said:
Needs more games.
Sums up my feelings on this current generation. I own a PS4, and while I enjoyed Dragon Age: Inquisition, Lords of the Fallen, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls II, I still don't get that special "ooooooohhhhh!" feeling when I look over my current library, or what games are on sale. I know this will change eventually with time, but right now I find myself going back to my PS3 more to clean up backlog rather than jumping in to my new system.

Of course, Batman is coming out soon, and then it's all over for a month or so... :)


New member
Jan 23, 2014
I love my Vita. The 3DS is all right too. Not sure if they count though. As far as home consoles go Bloodborne is literally the only console exclusive that I'm interested in and it isn't enough to justify buying a PS4. I was underwhelmed with the current gen consoles when they were first announced and my feelings haven't changed.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Gen 8? Oh you mean the 8th console you'd have to buy to have your complete game library running on?

Yeah, I don't think much of it. #PCMasterrace


New member
Jul 25, 2014
MHR said:
Gen 8? Oh you mean the 8th console you'd have to buy to have your complete game library running on?

Yeah, I don't think much of it. #PCMasterrace
How does Red Dead Remption and Bloodborne run on your PC?


New member
Jul 25, 2014
WhiteNachos said:
MHR said:
Gen 8? Oh you mean the 8th console you'd have to buy to have your complete game library running on?

Yeah, I don't think much of it. #PCMasterrace
How does Red Dead Remption and Bloodborne run on your PC?
You could only come up with two good exclusive games- one if which is not far from overpraised trash- to redeem your peasantry?
No. That was just 2 off the top of my head. There's God of War, Super Smash Brothers, anything else Nintendo made, Twisted Metal, Ratchet and Clank, Naughty Dog's games, etc.

Plus getting decades old games to work on a PC is a pain in the ass. I put in the CD and it just doesn't recognize it while other games it does. At least with consoles you have a definitive cut off point.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014

It's obviously disappointing for most, from a lackluster launch to a second year of being fed bullshit by devs.

2015 is looking up for me though.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Do portables count? Cause home consoles have plateaud so hard graphics-wise that they're really not worth getting right now with that many gen 7 games still out there for me to play.

I honestly don't care about how much better a game looks on ps4 as opposed to ps3 if it plays about just as good and no exclusive ps4 game has been my cup of tea enough to justify the expense of buying a ps4. The other two systems I don't think I'll ever get but the Wii U is closer to being justifiable than the ps4 right now, which is sad. PS4 just has Disgaea 5 and Bloodborne right now. I'll have to wait for like 2-3 more years before it has enough stuff to be worth it and I still have a bunch of ps3 games to play.

Vita and 3DS though, I'm happy owning both of those.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
I don't know... There's not enough info on how many new Pokémon it will have/what they would look like... Oh wait... Forgot this wasn't off-topic...

Anyway, go Wii U! PS4, I'll see you probably before your Kingdom Hearts-based climax! And sorry, Xbox One... Not even the Master Chief and the possibility of chainsaws could sway me to the Kinect-able side of the force...


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Meh for now. I grabbed PS4 lot earlier than I had planned..

By the time Persona 5 and Uncharted comes out I think my opinion will change for the better.


New member
May 12, 2014
Ehh, I'm pretty satisfied with my Wii U but honestly, I don't really see any value in the other systems, I would want a stead stream of solid exclusives that will stay exclusives in order to be interested. As is only Bloodborne mildly interests me but not nearly enough to buy such an expensive paper weight for. I have a gaming PC and a Wii U, I miss out on so little of value that it's pointless to me (for the record I didn't buy the 7th gen Xbox or PS due to similar reasons).


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Not got a PS4 as no games have yet enticed me, but I've been enjoying my Wii U and Xbox One just fine, if only more games were released for the bloody things.

Wii U:
Bayonetta 2's been a blast, though sadly I didn't pick up Bayonetta 1 with it.
ZombiU was great, shame about the whole lack of sequel thing.
Super Mario 3D World was reasonably fun.

Oh yes, and Black Ops II turned out better on the Wii U than I had anticipated. Turns out the controller's not awful for shooters (but still more awkward than the other pads).

The Xbox One's my go-to platform for newer releases. I do have a PC that could run stuff, but I've always been one to jump between two, makes stuff feel less monotonous.

Dead Rising 3 was great, but not as good as Dead Rising 2 (apparently the PC port is shit).
The Master Chief Collection was a lot of fun, my only issue being that they added in an option to have New Graphics with Old Music in Halo: CE, but not in Halo 2, meaning that I have to play in old graphics for some of the music heavy levels of Halo 2. Only getting one game of multiplayer before going back to the lobby is weird, as well.
Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood are wonderful.
Alien: Isolation was really good.
Saints Row IV: Gat Out of Hell is good.
Sunset Overdrive was fun, if a bit monotonous.

Plus the remakes feel better with my Xbox One controller than they do with the 360's.
Tomb Raider 2013, yup, I want more.
Saints Row IV.
Rayman Legends (which I got for free, yay!)

I'm interested in seeing how good Rise of the Tomb Raider will be. I'm also interested in seeing how bad Halo 5 will be.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Oh I got myself a new mid-range pc instead and it works wonderfully.
Windows 7 boots up in like 4 seconds due to the SSD which is also completely silent and it can play everything at max settings without the graphics card even breaking a sweat.
Literally, it won't even climb over 50°C most of the time, you could put your hand on that!

I've connected it to the TV and can watch movies or youtube vids on it while working and due to big picture, I can turn it into a full blown console that I can fully control with my modded 360 wireless controller that has more comfortable aluminum thumbsticks which have lots of grip and will never get slippy through sweat because they cool the thumbs since it's metal, not rubber.

Ori and the blind forest runs quite well, so does blood dragon, mirrors edge, transistor and defense grid 2.
So far, gen 8 works out greatly for me!
I only miss bloodborne and bayonetta 2 but that's fine, more reason to visit friends who have a ps4 and wiiu!


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Nothing. Not a damn thing. Nothing is aimed at me, and none of if it wows me.

Though I'm betting The Witcher 3 will be something special, and there are some indie games I'm waiting for as they clean up the bugs.