Your thoughts on Gen 8 so far


New member
Sep 9, 2013
There's another generation of consoles?

That hasn't even registered with me.

Does that adequately sum up my thoughts on this console generation? It's just PCs with monopolized markets, restrictive policies, no mouse and keyboard controls and no utility whatsoever outside of gaming (Or far less than PC's, at any rate).

I play modern games on PC - Because then I get to play the games without having to deal with the bull**** the hardware manufacturer feel it prudent to impose on it's customers and I get a choice in what marketplace to purchase from.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Generation 8 seems pretty lackluster to me. Growing up during the ultimate rivalry between Nintendo, Sega and later Sony, I've come to expect certain things, like games that sell consoles. FF7 sold me a PS1. Super Mario 64, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark sold me an N64. FFX sold me a PS2 (even though it was good, I don't think it was worth purchasing a console over) Super Shams Bros Melee sold me a GameCube. And having friends sold me on a Wii.

This generation? The only console selling game I've seen has been Hyrule Warriors, which I bought a Wii U for. The closest thing Sony has for me is the new Dynasty Warriors, as there isn't really a lot out there that interests me. And I'm probably not gonna by an XB1, no matter how good the games are.
Apr 24, 2008
I sold my PS4 a couple of days ago, that's how I feel about it. The money would probably be better spent on making my PC experience nicer. I'm thinking a 34", 21:9 monitor.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
I got a PS3 in 2012, so expect a Gen 8 console in... 2018? 2019? Too many games on my PC anyway. My thoughts are thus mostly indifferent except I'm always ready to diss the bone.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
Elidibus said:
Generation 8 seems pretty lackluster to me. Growing up during the ultimate rivalry between Nintendo, Sega and later Sony, I've come to expect certain things, like games that sell consoles. FF7 sold me a PS1. Super Mario 64, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark sold me an N64. FFX sold me a PS2 (even though it was good, I don't think it was worth purchasing a console over) Super Shams Bros Melee sold me a GameCube. And having friends sold me on a Wii.

This generation? The only console selling game I've seen has been Hyrule Warriors, which I bought a Wii U for. The closest thing Sony has for me is the new Dynasty Warriors, as there isn't really a lot out there that interests me. And I'm probably not gonna by an XB1, no matter how good the games are.
It's sad that, between Sony and MS, killer apps are dying, too. Now they're trying killer features, but it doesn't seems to work when the only worthwhile features are near-identical between the two systems or have been available on separate devices for years. If the 5th gen was called the 3D Jump Era, the 6th known as the Online Era, and the 7th was the HD/Motion Control Era, then this is looking to be called the Homogenized Era.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
The Eupho Guy said:
It is possible to upgrade the hard drive in your PS4, if space becomes an issue. According to the Sony Support page [], the PS4 supports any SATA 2.5 inch hard drive of more than 160Gb in size. It's not really a point in Sony's favour (as it's an additional cost to the user), but at least the option is there, right?
Good and Bad news:
Good: XB1 now supports external USB 3.0 HD. I just spent $100 for a 3 TB Seagate. Setup has not been hard. I will now typically be getting new games for the XB1 as there's no room left on the PS4 already! I think, with a simple firmware update, Sony can do the external thing. If they do, I'll spring for a 5 TB for it. Until then, after only 10 games or so, I already out of space on it. I just got Batman Arkham Knight for the XB1 for that reason.
BAD: On youtube, comparing Arkham Knight on PS4 looks like Hi Def vs. the Nintendo 64. Thankfully, the graphics on the XB1 do not look nearly as bad as one would think on youtube.



New member
Jun 18, 2012
Beats me. I haven't switched yet

I want The Last Guardian, but that alone's not enough to convince me to pick up a PS4. It's gonna need more games that interest me. Lack of backwards compatibility is going to be a problem as well. I've considered the Wii U, which is doing better in the games department, but I'm still not totally convinced. Xbox One? No thanks. As far as consoles are concerned, I'm snatching up PS3 games for cheap. I haven't been playing too many PC games lately, despite my large backlog, and I'm enjoying Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS.

At some point, I may finally come over to next-gen, but we'll see.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Reyold said:
Beats me. I haven't switched yet

I want The Last Guardian, but that alone's not enough to convince me to pick up a PS4. It's gonna need more games that interest me. Lack of backwards compatibility is going to be a problem as well. I've considered the Wii U, which is doing better in the games department, but I'm still not totally convinced. Xbox One? No thanks. As far as consoles are concerned, I'm snatching up PS3 games for cheap. I haven't been playing too many PC games lately, despite my large backlog, and I'm enjoying Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS.

At some point, I may finally come over to next-gen, but we'll see.
Depends upon your free spending money and priorities. I had fun with a buddy running around my house comparing Batman games on different systems and even, tight with his gaming dollar, is ready to go for a PS4.

For me, the Wii U, with a game, was cheap. BC with one of the largest game libraries (The original Wii) of all time. No subscriptions. It's a lark. I got Monster Hunter for it, can't wait to try it.

PS4 is the most powerful system of this gen and some think it has the best controller. PS+ is a bargain... BUT!!!!!!

Xbox one is showing some serious game. It was only $350 with the Halo collection which I adore. Added to price? I had to buy recharge packs for the controllers but easily swapable and cheap. Storage concerns are huge this gen. My PS4 is already full with about 1/2 dozen games. I added 3 TB external USB 3.0 to the XB1 for $109. PS4 cannot do this yet (a firmware update could likely change that. I suggest they get to it fast). As it is you lose your 1/2 gig to replace with a 2.0 tb 2.5" sata. So, for about $120, I'd have 2 tb vs. $109 for 3.5 TB XB1.

And then? Today, long story short: the PS4 sees only the 2.4 Ghz wireless in my home. I connected the XB1 to the 5.0 Ghz for 9 MBPS downloads. Pretty stageringly terrific.