Your tips/rules for a newb.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
If you had a set amount of tips/rules to give a person about to begin a certain game, what would they be and what would be the game.
Mine for Bioshock:

1. Play on the hardest difficulty and turn off the Vita-chambers. It's easy enough that you can save whenever you want, but don't let the Big Daddy be a total pushover. He's meant to be the equivalent of Pyramid-head, not Killer Croc.

2. When you reach the artsy freak, save before you meet him face-to-face. It'll be worth it.

3.Use Telekinesis wisely. It will save you a ton of ammo.

4.Never trust a plastered statue. EVER.

5.If you really like this game for its story, don't buy the sequel!


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Tips for people who are looking to play Heroes of newerth.

1. Do the tutorial, and play no stat games to begin with. If you're new to this game you will probably lose the game for your team BUT don't be discouraged by this.

2. Don't listen to other players when they get angry. They will attack you and in general be very insulting. Chances are though if they're doing this their terrible players themselves and are looking to blame you for them losing.

3. Read guides, not so much the in game guides (some of them are terrible) but look for a guide in the Heroes of Newerth forums of a hero you wish to learn and then any other general playing guides.

4. When you can start getting positive KD's regularly in no stat games move onto matchmaking.

5. Learn from better players, notice what their doing and try to emulate it.

6. Get some friends, play together and have fun. This game tends to bring out a lot of mad out of people (myself included) and it tends to get better if you play with friends.

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
Termagent said:
Tips for people who are looking to play Heroes of newerth.

1. Do the tutorial, and play no stat games to begin with. If you're new to this game you will probably lose the game for your team BUT don't be discouraged by this.

2. Don't listen to other players when they get angry. They will attack you and in general be very insulting. Chances are though if they're doing this their terrible players themselves and are looking to blame you for them losing.

3. Read guides, not so much the in game guides (some of them are terrible) but look for a guide in the Heroes of Newerth forums of a hero you wish to learn and then any other general playing guides.

4. When you can start getting positive KD's regularly in no stat games move onto matchmaking.

5. Learn from better players, notice what their doing and try to emulate it.

6. Get some friends, play together and have fun. This game tends to bring out a lot of mad out of people (myself included) and it tends to get better if you play with friends.

i played HON way back in beta and i was getting...ok at it. my favorite was accursed cause his ult auto triggered back then, which was hilarious! i only recently redownloaded and im terrible, im WAY TO USED TO LOL


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Heh, I used to play accursed all the time when that happened. Got some guys so mad with that ult :D.

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
another reason i like lol is because the community is WAY BETTER and less serious. although hon heroes are way more trolly


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Rules for LoL:

1: Dont chase Singed.
2: Dont attack Rammus.
3: Play 5 bot matches before you even consider a ranked game.
4: Try every Champion free that week.
5: DO. NOT. CHASE. SINGED. *facepalm*

And those are my 5 base rules.


New member
Jan 9, 2007
Rules for Online Multiplayer Games in General (transferable, I hope):

1- Learn to Play to Win (by extension, "There is no Cheap"). Look up David Sirlin's site or book if you can, this tip alone is worth it.

2- Learn Map Awareness. 9/10ths of ganks on a newb happen when is "head is down", and are preventible.

3- Learn to do the Dirty Support Jobs nobody else will do (ie playing medic, chasing down enemies in your back field, fixing tanks all game). Heal botting, engineering, or fixing tanks don't make for sexy Linkin Park montage music videos, but they win games.

4- Learn to hunt down the "noob tube" or "low skill entry" weapon in any game, and whore it until you get better. Haters are going to hate, but at least you will help your team win.

5- Play The f!@#$ing Objective.

6- Stop K/D whoring and Play the f!@#ing Objective!

7- If some tactic, weapon, or unit is really cheap/powerful and is being used against you, get it yourself and start abusing it yourself. One of two things can happen here:
A- you either get the counter shoved in your face and you learn yourself what the limitations/challanges behind your cheap ability is, or B- You become an un-killable God. You Beat the Game, Congratulations.

8- Watch youtube "let's play" videos of experts playing the game. Look for full game clips, not "montages" and watch how the pros do it. Try to emulate their play style, and what they are thinking when they play. When they screw up, find out why they screwed up. Learn from their triumphs and mistakes. Any decently competitive online game (see: LOL, Starcraft 2, Battlefield: BC3/BF3, Call of Duty series, HoN, etc) will have loads of these online, and they are usually free.

9- Take a look at the button configuration in a game's keybinds to see what abilities are available to you as you play. (I learned that the V key in Battlefield 3 switches your firing modes between single/burst/full auto for instance). As an extension to 9, find a good keybind set that works for you and try to stick to it game by game.

10- Learn from your mistakes, and don't be afraid to lose. Mistakes and bad games don't become failures unless you fail to learn from them on what went wrong. You also learn far more as a player from a tough fought loss than a ROFLstomp win. For every killwhore montage video you see on youtube, that player probably had 5 shitty games where they got rolled, or was learning the ropes off camera, so don't be discouraged.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
My MW2 tips:

1. Camp

2. One Man Army

3. Noob Tube

4. Win

My Black Ops tips:

1. Ghost

2. Silencer

3. Sit in corner, aim at doorway

4. Profit

My COD4 tips:

1. Practice and actually get good at the game.

2. Learn about spawns, map layout, when to rush and when to play defensive

3. Watch good players on Youtube

4. Realize no-one plays it anymore and get sad.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
For Fallout (can be applied to both 1 and 2)

1. Save

2.Use all 10 Save slots

3. Use a mod to grant more save slots!

4. Make a charater build you are going to stick with, without it, you may get stuck 20 hours in

5. NEVER GO SOUTH TO START WITH! (Not without tons of saves)

6. Never trust anyone.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
For Silent Hill 2 :)3)

1. Check every door. Press the map button and ensure every last damned door is red.
2. Check your head. James stares at any important items.
3. Play at night, with headphones, in the dark. Trust me.
4. Play on Normal action difficulty (the hospital basement becomes incredibly frustrating on Hard), and choose either Normal or Hard puzzles.
5. Explore, and absorb the environments. Allow the atmosphere to overwhelm you.
Oh! And 6. If you see a humanoid with a large red pyramid for a head, run!

Almighty Words

New member
Oct 13, 2011
General MMORPG tips:

1.)Read about the classes strengths and weaknesses.

3.)Pick a ranged or fast or warrior or combination class anything else is clearly for pros as you will be told over and over...

2.)Abuse early areas for slow steady leveling -Unless you have a ranged class
then just make sure you can do at least one damage Profit. Eventually.

4.)Do quest until you find any form of party with a healer and profit form the
in game exp. boost which will be there to punish soloing.


1.)Buy items and exp. boost form in game cash store and profit. (Kind of.)


1.)Join because of a friend.

2.)Power level.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:
My COD4 tips:

1. Practice and actually get good at the game.

2. Learn about spawns, map layout, when to rush and when to play defensive

3. Watch good players on Youtube

4. Realize no-one plays it anymore and get sad.
In retaliation, my COD4 tips:

1. Take MP5.

2. Take Stopping Power and Steady Aim.

3. Spray from hip and kill things in 2 bullets at nearly every distance.

Though to be fair, I just personally preferred Black Ops because it had more funny / gimmicky weapons like the tomohawk, shooting knives, and the crossbow, and it didn't have stopping power. I always played for the silliness, guess that's just me. Sometimes when I did well playing with the normal guns and stuff it was pretty damn good, shame I was shit.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
For Demon's Souls:

1. Have your shield raised.
2. Don't run.
3. Check your corners.
4. Rolling > blocking.
5. Make sure you have a bow and arrows.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Engarde said:
In retaliation, my COD4 tips:

1. Take MP5.

2. Take Stopping Power and Steady Aim.

3. Spray from hip and kill things in 2 bullets at nearly every distance.

Though to be fair, I just personally preferred Black Ops because it had more funny / gimmicky weapons like the tomohawk, shooting knives, and the crossbow, and it didn't have stopping power. I always played for the silliness, guess that's just me. Sometimes when I did well playing with the normal guns and stuff it was pretty damn good, shame I was shit.
Yeah, the MP5 was pretty beastly in the right hands.

If Black Ops didn't have the atrocious hit detection issues and Second Chance, it would probably be my favourite COD too. I just hate that everyone sits in corners nowadays instead of rushing around. Stupid kill:death ratio stat ruined everything.

I'm with you on the wacky weapons though, those are crazy fun in private lobbies.


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
Termagent said:
Add a few to that list:

7) KS-ing the carry is ALWAYS a bad idea unless it's another carry.

8)Wards are your friend

9)Don't whine when their Pyro / Pebbles / Witch Slayer / Devourer can insta-gib you. Instead, invest in a Mystic Vestment.



YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
mezorin said:
5- Play The f!@#$ing Objective.

6- Stop K/D whoring and Play the f!@#ing Objective!
This. In fact, I think it should have been in the list more than twice. I especially hate it when a game mode specifically has a deathmatch only mode, but people come to objective game modes instead just to try and boost their KDR. Either play the damn objective or go back to deathmatch. The only one who gives a crap about your KDR is you. Nobody else is all that impressed; they might offer you small congrats on a forum but after that you fade from memory as if they never even knew you or your KDR. And they'd be even less impressed if they knew you boosted it in objective games rather than actually earning it in deathmatches.

Really, I wish some dev out there would make an objective based game that doesn't track your kills, deaths, and KDR at all. If there's a deathmatch, have a deathmatch KDR, but keep the stats for the objective modes completely free from any kill and death records. Only show wins and loses and various objective completion and support stats. Then they just have to stay firm when the KDR obsessed people roll in to beg for/demand/rant about adding KDR stats in and keep them out no matter what. Maybe, just maybe, people will only play to go for the objectives if they realize they'll never have a KDR in those modes to worry about.

Anyway, here's my tip for all those Gears of War 3 newbs. And by Gears of War 3 newbs, I mean Gears 1 and 2 vets who keep getting owned by the Sawed-Off:
Stop ranting about how unfair the Sawed-Off is and start using that other gun on your back. You know the one, it's the one you spawned holding but promptly put away so you could use your Gnasher. This is Gears 3, the game is actually balanced this time, and your Gnasher skills will not carry you to instant victory. Rifles have a purpose now, use them!

No, seriously. You need to tell these people that. I even saw one person claim he thinks that the Lancer is too nooby and thus he won't use it. Then he goes on to whine that the Gnasher should have stopping power so that he can stop the advance of Sawed-Off users who are rushing him instead of having them just run up and blast him. But hey, you know what gun does have stopping power for just that situation? The Lancer. It's time to realize that the only thing that's too nooby here is your "I think it's still Gears 2" playing style and your lame excuse for not using the Lancer, so put down the shotgun and use your rifle when appropriate. That or go back to Gears 2. Just stop whining about how you keep dying in Gears 3 because you refuse to play it properly.


New member
May 15, 2011
Anybody got some tips for Victoria 2?

Here are mine for The Guild 2:

-Start as a rouge with a Thieves Den and pickpocket some people with the help of your goons. Buy a title too.
-When you have enough money, upgrade your Thieves Den
-Start a courtship with anyone who's not rouge.
-Kidnap a rival dinasty member, preferibly outside the city and in the dark of night (just for added effect).
-After having a kid, make either your PC or your spouse hold the title of torturer of the city (and another office too).
-If you haven't already hired thugs for your house, do so now, and send then to ask around the city or tail somebody, if they find dirty stuff about them, you can use them to extort him or charge them in court.
-Have more kids, the more the better since if one dies, you have more to back up your dinasty.
-Murder, imprison, bribe or cleanly win your way into the title of mayor.
-When you obtain that title (or some time before that) buy a bussiness for the class of your spouse (if you have an artesan, then buy a mine, although those cost a lot).
-Send one of your kids to school, that way they have more experience when they reach adulthood.
-Keep reducing the members of other rival dinasties.

After all of that, the rest it's easy: Kill more people (or wait for them to die of old age), hold offices, bribe, more murder, get married with people of different classes or just send your kids to become apprentices of other classes and expand all your bussiness. People will either fear you or respect you, and once you become a noble, trials won't be so harsh on you. And if you're a mayor, then you're untouchable.
Feb 13, 2008
Root's Very Important and Quite Informal Rules For Being a Newb in Any Multiplayer Game.

1) Read the instructions.
2) No, seriously, read the instructions.
3) CAPS or repetition will get you hated far more than lack of skill.
4) Learn your class.
5) Help your team.
6) Say "Thanks", "Good Game" or "Nice Shot" once in a while.
7) You are NOT a Lone Wolf. They get taken to the Vets and put to sleep.
8) Have fun.
9) If you are not having fun, practice a bit more on a server away from the elitists.
10) It was a great shot, but putting it up on YouTube is probably a little excessive, no?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
For Metro 2033:

1- The revolver is your best friend.

2- Never use the shotguns and sell all the ammo for them.

3- Grenades are never the answer.

4- Don't waste your Military Cartridges on anything but Demons and Librarians.

5- Look the Librarians in the eye and never EVER turn your back to them.

6- Overhead cover is your best defense from Demons.

7- Over pressurize the pneumatic weapons before and after you use them.

8- Check every nook and cranny for items and ammo.

9- After Polis there are no more shops, feel free to shoot those Military Cartridges.

10- Arrows from the Helsing and throwing knoves can be recovered from corpses.

11- Only spend your money on extra ammo, you can find almost every weapon for free if you're willing to look in every nook and cranny.