Your worst Co-op memories?


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
I used the search bar, bare that in mind before I begin.
Co-op is a very nice gameplay element that can easily help make the game more fun to play. Because playing one game alone is fun and satisfying but doing so with a few mates is all the sweeter. However there are times when this simple pleasure can often be corrupted usually at the fault of other players not the game itself.
A perfect example for me is in Halo 3 where I kept getting team killed over and over again by one guy who had a twisted grudge against me because... I dunno something about me stealing his mongoose... whatever. He kept killing me with plasma nades and every time I died where do I respawn? Next to him so when I am vulnerable and just spawned I'm already dead. You know what when you are desperatley struggling for survival against your own team mates then you know somethings gone wrong. I wish Bungie had gotten the message, being able to team kill in co-op was unacceptable in Halo 1, let alone 3.
So that's my worst co-op memory how about you?


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
SWAT 4 LAN party.

It was epic fun.

But at the end my friend hit me in the face with one of the sandbag shotguns. I got rather irritated and shot everyone with a kalashnikov =/

It kinda broke down after that.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Army of Two, trying to get my friend to actually work with me when he was always the one who wanted to be first into a situation. He wouldn't ever cooperate. I don't the he understood the concept of two equals, rather, one person take the lead the entire time and the other be his personal *****.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I had a dodgy experiance in R6V2.

One guy managed to throw down some C4, he aimed it wrong, and it landed on a doorway next to us. Lucky, it wasnt at risk of being shot, so we carried on shooting. He decided to try and throw out another one, fogeting that that key was now the detonate button. *Mission failed*


New member
Dec 13, 2007
Halo 3, 4 player co-op on Legendary, just that last bit with the warthog irritation and my friend doesnt quite understand how driving works in that game, flying off the level into an abyss after the 23rd time is pretty mind-shattering.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Psychosocial said:
There's a guy on this very forum named Shycte, who I know in RL.

Simply put, I've never met anyone worse at L4D than him, never.

You attacked by a Tank? Don't worry! He'll stand around punching hordes or throw a molotov, at you! Constricted by a Smoker? Don't worry! He'll shoot you and wait until the Smoker has nearly killed you and then he will come and save you, only to die himself!
Trying to start something? PUNK!

If you ever play with someone called Tim Lange, run in terror.

He will TK you until kingdom comes.

Or rather, he will make you suicide.

He shots the barrel, barrel explodes and hit me, I get a suicide.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I've had so many bad, albeit hilarious, incidents playing co-op Halo.

1. I'm driving the Warthog, my friend is on the gun. I say "it's this way, yes?", and he agrees. I promptly drive straight off a cliff and plummet to my death, only to discover that he'd jumped off the gun beforehand, because he knew exactly what was about to happen. He'd told me that was the way to go so that he could see me drive off a cliff.

2. Often, when a Pelican comes in to pick up stranded Marines, I'll wait till it's taken off, and then throw grenades into it to see what the Marines do. In this particular incident, I was standing near the Warthog, throwing grenades at the Pelican.

My friend: Why are you throwing grenades under the Warthog?
Me: What are you talking about? I'm not -
*Warthog flies through the air and smashes me in the face*

Time Travelling Toaster

The Toast with the 'Tache
Mar 1, 2009
Probably Left 4 Dead with a +1 on my name, the other members of our team kept on shooting us so we blew them up, as we went to revive them a feking tank lumbers up o_O


New member
May 17, 2009
Well, Me and three friends where playing L4D on a LAN party, i ''enhanced'' the tank abit with some console commands (including putting his speed up x3 times and making his punch and rock throwing force 100x stronger), noclipped. spawned 6 tanks, watched the show.


Was fun for me, they might have found it very painfull


New member
Jun 14, 2009
Nazi zombies, stuck with 3 12 year old canadians who thought the aim of the game was to get eaten by zombies and squeal ill kill you beech!
May 7, 2008
SomeBritishDude said:
Fable 2.

...OMG. How could a Co-Op system make the game so much worst.
they meant well XD

for me...its (apart from fable 2) because i'm a girl =/...

i have had some really great moments on team fortress 2


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Some of the worst moments for me was when I invited a friend to play co-op on Baldurs Gate
he picked a ranger and I picked the caster, I ran out of health pots and I asked him to give me some, ofc he was like "NO WAY I NEED THEM"

Eventually I got mobbed and killed and he ran around screaming until he ran himself into a corner getting ripped apart and then asking me "How do you use health pots?" -_-


New member
Jun 14, 2009
SomeBritishDude said:
Fable 2.

...OMG. How could a Co-Op system make the game so much worst.
I know
i dont get how they did it
If they actually did it properly like you could bring your own character over and do stuff together it would have been better
but fable never really was a coop game
its easy enough single player


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Fallen_Hitokiri said:
Nazi zombies, stuck with 3 12 year old canadians who thought the aim of the game was to get eaten by zombies and squeal ill kill you beech!
Oh god don't even get me started, that's why I prefer either doing it LAN or split screen.

I'm going to have to go with TimeSplitters 2, and not so just the co-op mode, but more importantly, virus. I would be playing with my friends and we would mutually agree to pick a spot, gear up our miniguns/high end weapons, and mow down any and every infected that came our way (thinking about it, we had our own bloody Left 4 Dead, and this was around 6 years ago!).

But one of my friends in particular, no matter what we are playing, always and I mean ALWAYS felt the need to turn around and gun one or two of us down, watch them re-spawn, and laugh at the fact that he has to suicide run through around 10 infected bots without getting infected himself, which usually didn't end well. His excuse? 'You looked at me funny, I thought you were going to shoot'. Yeah... needless to say we gunned his ass down every now and then to teach him a lesson.