Your Worst Noob moment

Khaos Theory

New member
Aug 14, 2009
My first time playing TF2 on a friendly fire server:

At that point of time my favourite class was Pyro and i had pretty much taken to the whole concept of spy checking like a duck to a liquid based substance. So my thought process could have been summed up in this equation "Teammate on fire= Spy =Continue flaming". Naturally i tried this on a friendly Heavy who lit up like an obese christmas tree, who in return decided to repay the favor by punching me to death....


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2009
In Halo 3 me and my friend were team killing each other and when I threw a sticky at my friend it bounced off him and stuck me than my friend promptly told me (laughing) you can't stick teammates.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Glefistus said:
Daring to try CS:S when I bought it for the Gmod props and textures.
Haha, too true!

For me? Any time I've ever tried to play TF2. Ever.
I find online shooters really daunting. =/


New member
Jul 16, 2008
KaiRai said:
PAGEToap44 said:
KaiRai said:
sasquatch99 said:
Trying to take on a tank in CoD:Waw with just a pistol.
While on Last Stand with a group of guys trying to heal me.
Dude, it only works if you're Captain Miller.
Cookies for reference.
"Saving Private Ryan", oh yeah! There are cookies right? You didn't just lie to me?

This is just... the best moment ...of my life...

"I feel lonely

I am empty

it is true, it is me

or maybe

i am just hungry

for me

its all about cookie" ;D

BTW: I didn't write this poem. I just felt it would be appropriate.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Battlefield 2: My first try at piloting a helicopter. I managed to murder a black hawk full of team mates within two seconds of taking off. Not one of my better moments.

Makeshift Koala

New member
Aug 20, 2009
Gears of War 2.
Friendly fire on.
I had the torque bow and was in the middle of a firefight and it was me, 2 other people on my team, and one person on the other team. I charge up the torque bow aiming for my fleeing enemy.. when my team mate comes out of cover in front of me and i headshot him... but its not over... the bolt goes through his head... hits a wall that my other team-mate was conveniently heading straight towards.... double team kill and the other guy chainsaws me when i go around the corner.. -_-

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
HALO 3 capture the flag on Valhalla. I had the flag almost at our base when my finger slipped an I stepped on the man-cannon, launching me half way across the map. This was towards the end of a grueling 20 minute long, even match/grinder that I could have ended with a victory.

My teammates were not happy at all. i have never heard such cursing in my life before.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
in CoD:Modern Warfare 2 i threw a flash bang then quickly rand forward( i don't know why)and got directly hit with the flash bang causeing everything to buddy playing co-op with me laughed alot at this.


New member
Feb 18, 2005
Playing Hardcore S&D on cod 4, usually quite good at it.. Threw a nade, it bounced off the wall killing me and MY WHOLE TEAM ¬_¬

Another time i thought i'd killed the whole enemy team, so started teabagging one expecting the game to end..
His friend came up behind me and shot me in the face ¬¬ I got laughed at back in the lobby.. alot :(


New member
Aug 29, 2009
ever tried getting in wow?

you won't understand a word of what the other players are saying,seriously the npc's make more sense.

i did it 4 the lulz

New member
Oct 13, 2009
Deshara said:
Team Fortress 2. It was overtime or something where respawns were off, and I was a spy. I managed to get into the ranks of the enemy team, and was following them. They fought with our team and started killing ours down, and by the time we, blu, had 2 people (and me) left and they, red, hadn't lost anyone, I suddenly realised, out loud, "OH SHIT, I'M BLU", backstabbed two people and got gunned down.

My entire team was cracking up at that.
this! everytime!


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Singularly Datarific said:
So, I remembered one time, the only time, I tried starcraft's online play. I soon found out, I was up against ridiculously professional players who have been online for 11 goddamn years. Of course I was squashed, but alas, the stupid game is IMPOSSIBLE to get into! Excuse me for being new, dammit, I suppose I'll play with my friends.
Anyways, what are your worst noob moments in gaming?
(This was sort of an excuse to blow of steam from that stupid occurrence)
In call of duty 4 first time playing online, I saw an enemy run past me, but his name flashed up momentarily so i assumed he was on my team.
I said on the mic, "Hey man, oops sorry, thought you were an enemy".
Next thing I'm dead, and I then responded on mic with "Oh... you were".


New member
Aug 29, 2009
on halo there was an enemy on his own in a warthog,when he missed trying to splatter me i tried to get on the turret and shoot him in the back of the head...i accidently got in the passenger seat next to and was promptly killed by one of his teammates


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Several in WoW but I can't remember any specifics haha

Killing floor, round 10/10 (last round before the patriarch), last level to beat on hard for my friends and me, I buy pipe bombs so we can set up without making a trip to the store. We're holding up in the basement of Bedlam.
For those of you that don't know, pipebombs are the only weapons that can do team damage and are set off by a number of zombies walking on them.
I missclick and put a pipe bomb at our feet, we have to relocate. I do this a total of 3 times in 1 round. Needless to say we don't survive, noob = me


New member
Aug 11, 2009
probably my first week or so of WoW.

i had no clue what in the world i was doing until some player with a few 70 alts took me under his wing (back in the days of the burning crusade)

also, not quite noobish, but i'd been playing borderlands where the grenade button is RB, then i went to play halo 3. I play bumper jumper, so my melee is set to RB.

well i thought i'd be funny and stick some doofus from behind, but i ended up assassinating him. i stood for a moment in stunned silence.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Killerbunny001 said:
I pulled, literally, a hoard of mobs by sidestepping in an instance the other day. Game: Aion + my character: healer = FAIL

Best noob moment I know of : A friend bought Morrowind and played for about 2 weeks without knowing there was a map you can guide by. It took him about 1 week of intense play to get to Caldera...
wow, that's prety noobish. i've forgotten what it's like to suck at that game...


New member
Jul 10, 2009
World of Warcraft: My first 2 weeks of playing the game i was a nightmare. I rolled a rogue and honestly had no clue what was going on.

Didn't know how to level properly (i single wielded a dagger for about my first 30 levels :p). Didn't understand instance dynamics like 'tanking' and 'healer'. Didn't understand why the guys with the dragons next to their names were so much harder to kill. Didn't understand that my level 48 buddy was doing me a favour by trying to run me thru Scarlet Monastary when i was FAR to low a level to be in there and be of any help. I would run into a room thinking i could take them ALL out and aggro every enemy, with my buddy the tauren warrior facepalming all the way with the rest of his buddies.

I didn't understand action points and finishing moves (i kept asking my buddy "why don't you have red dots appearing next to their pictures?")

Looking back, i was possibly the most noobish player of all-time in that game.

Mr. Bojangles

New member
Nov 13, 2009
I was playing a local game against my friend in Halo 3 in Guardian. My friend was at the top of the grav lift and I was at the bottom. So I throw a grenade up. A Plasma grenade.
Then I went up myself.

I freaking stuck myself!