Your worst scar stories

Mar 9, 2010
I have three.

I decided that it would be a good idea to start shaving at the age of 3. Being 3 I chose a dry shave and ended up cutting my life open. I fell down the stairs and got a scar somewhere, though I can never remember where it is. Finally I ran into the door and split the front of my head open when I was 8 or so; we had ox tail for tea that day, I remember it well.

My favourite is the shaving one, man I was an awesome child. I grew up to be just as awesome too.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
I have a scar on my tounge. When I was little, I tripped and bit it really badly.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I got a scar on my right forearm from falling off a footbridge because I was climbing along the outside of the handrail and didn't realize that my shoelaces had become undone. ...again. Needless to say I fell and hit the rocks below the bridge and scraped up my arm pretty good.

I've got another one that's not really stupid, just bizarre. I've got a small scar on my pinkie finger on my right hand from a tomato slicer at McDonald's. To this day I have no idea how the hell that happened. I was sent to get the tomato slicer for some reason, I forget, and so I went to the back to get it and picked it up by it's handle, like you're supposed to, and then I felt a sharp pain in my finger and had to put it down. Like I said I have no idea how it happened my hand was nowhere near the blades; the handle was broken, but not broken in such a way that would've allowed the thing to cut me.


Dec 1, 2011
I had a scar on I think my left leg that I got a few years ago. We were setting up platforms for the audience while building the set for the play we were doing. We had borrowed several of the platforms, some of which were two 2x8s instead of the normal 4x8s. Well, after we had been walking over them for a while two of the 2x8s decided to split apart when I stepped on it(which was stupid because people who weighed two or three times as much as I do had been walking on it with no problem). I come out of it unscathed but it isn't until we're fixing the problem that one of the leg of the exact same platform from before somehow managed to get me in the leg as I was passing by to get something. Guess it felt robbed for not getting me earlier.

Also, want to know the best way to begin the first day of the new millennium? By getting your left middle finger burned by a pillow.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
from a stupid event? i thought it would be just awesome if i shot a pen out of a wrist rocket. it didn't get far. straight into my hand. that was dumb.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
I somehow managed to slice my hand open on a can of condensed lemonade... yeah... it hurt... still not really sure how it happened.

still have the scar, it looks like a little smile on the side of my knuckle...


New member
Dec 6, 2010
In high school, I was late finishing a leaf catalogue for biology so 10 minutes before bell on the last day, I had to run out behind the school, across the football field, under a barbed wire fence to the surrounding woods for my last sample. On the way back I didn't duck low enough and caught my shoulder on the fence. I was in such a hurry I barely felt it. My shirt got shredded and I still had P.E. coming up. So the nurse cleaned the shoulder best she could and stuck gauze over it. Doing laps in P.E. not only stretched out the cut but ruined the bandage. I ended up with a scar about 4 inches long, half an inch wide. If I could afford it, I'd go to a tattoo parlor and have some crazy cover job done to the scar, maybe a knife or arrow coming out of it.

Captcha: mother earth.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
I guess this is a kind of scar, but the toenail on my left big toe actually has, I guess a corner, running up the toe nail? to explain this. I you were to look at my toenail from front on, with it parallel to the ground, it would look similar to this not not as steeper angle. /\

When I was 10, I was ridding my brand new scooter I got for christmas at my nan's house, and instead of putting my foot ON the metal bit at the back wheel to slow down, I accidentally jammed my toe between the spinning wheel and the metal break.

I shudder still thinking of that, but damn was I stupid for not wearing shows.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
I have a few scars on my right leg and right arm from the time I flew along a barbwire fence. I was young and stupid and I decided that riding down a very steep dirt hill on a bike that has no brakes was a good idea. Lost control and hit a rock that sent me over the handlebars. I was close enough to the fence that the whole right side of my body dragged alongside it as I was flying, which ended in a hard landing that fractured my left clavicle. T'was not a pretty time, to say the very least.

Is is considered a scar of sorts if my left clavicle didn't heal properly and sticks out maybe a cm or two further than my right?


New member
Jul 24, 2008
I have a nasty 6in scar on my left arm.
Y'know those plastic covers they put over big, important wires that are lying on the ground? The one's that are meant to keep you from tripping over them and unplugging the big, important camera/speaker/whatever. Yeah I slipped on one of those and gashed my arm.
Granted, it was at a punk concert in a circle pit, but I leave that part out usually...


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I've got two small scars around the outer corner of my right eye from 10 years ago. I was at a swimming pool, the type where a lot of kids divebomb. I was one of those kids. So I jump in the water, touch the bottom of the deep end, and push myself up. Almost at the surface I feel this blow to my head. Turns out some dumbass decided it would be funny to jump on top of me. Got me in the side of the face with his knee. Lots of blood, but luckily didn't need stitches and it didn't mess up the eye. Two to three weeks later I was deemed healed and ready for some more swimming pool chaos by my parents. So I go to the damn place, excited as all hell, jump into the water AND THE SAME FUCKING THING HAPPENS. I MEAN, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, WHAT ARE THE ODDS?

I also have this stupid horisontal line-shaped burn mark across my abdomen from around the same time. I got it when I was taking a hot tray with cookies from the oven. So I ask you: what would you sacrifice for cookies?

the doom cannon

New member
Jun 28, 2012
Back at some random camp I was in, I wasn't paying attention and walked into a rectangular metal stake about mid shin height. Surprisingly enough, it didnt bleed at all. But the cut was a good 1/4 inch deep, and I still have the scar 10 years later

Cerebral Force

New member
Jun 8, 2011
I have 3 scars that I consider stupid. My first one, I was about 8 or 9 and I was playing in the backyard at my cousin's house. They outlined their gardens with bricks, and we decided it would be fun to race around on them. I slipped on the corner on a brick, dropped my knee on it and gouged deep enough to see some chunks of bone. I think, t'was ages ago. The pain was excruciating.

My second scar also happened at my cousin's place. My younger brother and I were playing basically tug-of-war with a wooden pole, something like the handle of a broomstick, without the broom on the end. I decided I'd had enough and let go, not knowing there was a nail at the end of the handle. MY end of the handle. So I cut 2cm or so of my right index finger with a rusty nail. Luckily, I has still protected by my tetnis shot. This had barely any physical pain but some damage to my pride. Fuckin' st00pid.

The third I got because I was lazy. I was helping my dad in the backyard, moving some metal sheets (those {ripplie}], wavy things you see on some roofs). We went around the corner and the tip of the bottom corner on my end sliced my left foot along the "big toe's" tendon, right before the toe leaves the foot (so basically where the knuckle would be on your hand), luckily the wound was rather shallow. I was like 7-8 when this happened, but not a single tear, and I remember dad being proud of that, even when rubbing on the Dettol.

TL:DR; Fell on my knee, gouged to the bone. Cut finger with nail on a handle being pulled through my grip. Sliced open foot with sharp metal sheet, not deep though.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Where to being?
I lost whole fingernail part on by left index finger by sticking it between chain and gear of motorbike when I was 2-3 years old.
I have two small scars on my right hand, one on left leg and one on right foot from molten plastic. I liked to play with fire when I was a kid.
Scar after appendix operation.
Brown mark with size of a larger coin on my chest and smaller and fainter one on my side which I got when my mother got burner when she was pregnant (at least thats the official theory), but Im not sure if that really counts as a scar.

Girl With One Eye

Jun 2, 2010
I have a scar on my knuckle from where I punched my ex bf in the face. I also got a pretty ugly scar on my knee from when I was a kid, fell off my bike and onto broken glass.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I once sliced my finger to the bone with a saw. I just walked up to my Dad and said "I'm done" (cutting wood). Then showed him my cut, he rushed me to the hospital. Never really hurt... I guess that was a bad thing.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Well, the scars didn't last, but I did take pictures during the healing process of two of em...

Anyway... drunk, pretending to knife fight (showing off at a party with a bunch of prospective Marines), accidental imprecise hand placement happened.

There was also the time I rolled a 3-wheeled ATV into a chickenwire fence. Some of the fence decided my knee was a good place to take up residence.

I've done a lot of stupid things, but those are the only two I have photograph documentation of.
As for scars that did stick around... it's mostly just burns. Cuts and punctures never seem to leave anything behind on me. Not even the bullet did.

Patrick Buck

New member
Nov 14, 2011
Haven't got any stupid scars, but yesterday, I attempted to action dive over a fence yesterday, and did it.
I then tried to do it on a bigger fence, and bottled halfway through, landed badly and sprained my wrist. SMARTS! :')


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I have a scar on the corner of my left eye from hitting the side of my head on a hearth. Not that bad, really, as I was only 3 years old.
My brother has a similar scar, because he hit himself in the face with an oar while rowing. I think he wins the stupid scar race.