You're a superhero, but...


Travelling Mushishi
Apr 22, 2009
I would think that Electricity would be the most useful in combat against any of the enemies I might more realistically face. Especially considering that it would make it much easier to kill or taze stealthily from a distance (i.e. through power lines and stuff like that). You could act covertly, take out electronic security and surveillance systems, etc...

Maybe it's just that I imagine that as a hero my main enemy would probably be wealthy Wall Street players who game the system for their own greedy benefit. But for taking out large systems electrical based powers would be idea.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
pulse2 said:
How would wind = telekinesis? What, in the sense that you can lift things and move them around? If thats the case, well no, because you have no direct control over the force of gravity, you can thrust things into the air and propell them at people and I suppose you could hover objects like a helicopter, other than that, you don't really have a direct control over the object, you are just using your wind to manipulate individual objects.
what the hell can wind do?

Just felt like you should see what wind can do. Think you could fair any better? Well maybe if you use Earth.

Yeah, definitely wind. The sheer destructive force and ability to defend makes it the power to beat.


New member
Feb 2, 2010

For evil purposes, I could absorb all of the water of a person I don't like, leaving them a dry, emtpy husk, kinda like a dried prune.

I could focus water vapour in the air and launch it as a projectile. Water sure is fun.

Also, no more water bills! Win win baby.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Wind: Fly then shoot down to the ground iron man style also its the only one that goes with a cape


New member
May 28, 2009
Fire. No thinking at all involved with it.

Against wind, more fire. Against water, apply more fire. Against earth, apply more fire.

Everything burns eventually, just have to keep stubbornly piling on the flames.


New member
May 31, 2010
HEART!, nah seriously I'd pick Electricity and strike down my enemies with UNLIMITED POWER!!!


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
Wind or Fire. Probably wind. Though electricity is pretty fucking cool.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Definitely ground. Nothing says "Buh-bye bad guy" quite like a miniature fissure. Plus, you know, building crazy monuments instantly out of earth would be pretty tight.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
water as I could tear the water out of peoples bodies thus killing anyone who oppossed me

Also ice sort of is water... just saying


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Actually, I think I'll go into more detail about why I choose wind. I assume we're going by anime rules. In which case, not only can I use my powers to create tornadoes and powerful winds, but also vacuums, I can fly, and even cut things. Give me a knife and I'll throw it through solid stone.

Case by case fights.

Vs Fire
Probably the easiest element for wind to defeat. Try to create a powerful attack, and I'll disrupt it with a basic wind attack. Throw a fire ball at me, and I'll send it back to you. Even if you're immune to fire, you still can't see or breath in the smoke. So while you suffocate in the smoke from you own attacks, I'll just create a safe haven where it can't get me. Bottom line is this is a flamethrower going up against a tornado. Which do you think will win?

Vs Water
More dangerous than fire perhaps, but largely depends on how the water powers work. If you need a source of water, I could easily get you away from any such source and defeat you. Virtually any water attack could be overcome by enough wind. Tornadoes aren't just destructive I could use them to prevent any of your water from reaching me. On top of that, I could cut through water with sheer force being applied to it.

Vs Ice
Ice attacks would be much more threatening with their more solid force. Unlike water and fire, which would get easily carried away in the wind, Ice would need a more direct force. Still, wind would eat through any shield of ice, and ice attacks would erode against a powerful wind counter.

Vs Ground
Ground attacks would be more difficult to counter. Unlike the others, earth would not freely flow with my wind, or dissipate in a strong wind. I'd have to resort to using my wind powers to dodge and avoid the attacks rather than directly attacking them to overcome (Note: against the other powers I'd have that option, too, just more necessary here). There would also be the issue of overcoming earthen defenses. A strong barrier of earth would be very difficult to break down. On the other hand, it would also prevent them from seeing my attacks. Like I said, give me a knife or something, and I'll cut through solid stone.

Vs Electricity
Probably the most difficult to beat. Electrical attacks would be near impossible to counter of dissipate. Someone suggested earlier creating a vacuum to prevent the attacks from reaching me, but that seems like a bad option as it would reduce my maneuverability, one of the biggest strengths of wind powers. Assuming the power of flight, that would protect as long as electricity requires grounding, but would also leave me open to attacks, too, some of which might not need grounding. Keep in mind electricity would not have many options to defend against my own attacks, either. In the end, it would be a battle of attrition. Who would wear the other down first?

Wind powers all the way. Great offense and defense!


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Wow, I remember when you came to the Escapist for very deep and intellectual debate and now we have posts talking about things like this............

On topic - fire.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Electricity and ice aren't of the four elements. Ice is just water when it's cold, and you could really stretch electricity actually being fire.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I'd go with water. It covers about 70% of the earth's surface, and there are a crapload of things that are made with water; the powers I had could vary greatly through freezing it, condensing it, compressing it, or evaporating it; and 55% - 78% of the human body is made of water, too, so.... Going with water.


New member
May 10, 2008
TB_Infidel said:
Wow, I remember when you came to the Escapist for very deep and intellectual debate and now we have posts talking about things like this............

On topic - fire.
It is deep and intellectual :D

You'll thank me when in the future you are given the choice for real, you can just refer back to this post and check out what all your potential weaknesses would be, lol


New member
Apr 18, 2011
pulse2 said:
I'm actually going to start keeping record of the elemental armies we have on either opposing team.

Oh yes, and people, you ARE meant to be heros :/ Its cool and all that you have devastating power, but what does it matter if you kill everyone you know and love in the process -_-
I would be a hero.....[sub]just after I had fun first[/sub]


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Ryujisama said:
I'd go with water. It covers about 70% of the earth's surface, and there are a crapload of things that are made with water; the powers I had could vary greatly through freezing it, condensing it, compressing it, or evaporating it; and 55% - 78% of the human body is made of water, too, so.... Going with water.
Wind covers all of the earths surface