You're probably the only fan of this.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Let me show you a picture. It's a picture of a comic book that came out months back.

Recognize it?
You're not alone. That comics sales were so low it never even got a trade paperback collection. I'm pretty sure that in all Scandinavia, I was the only one who bought that comic series, or at least the book in the pic.

I've never heard anyone else discuss this comic.

Do you have anything that it seems that you're the only fan of?


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Hmmm, well. There's an American manga called Nightschool that came out a few years ago that I'm rather fond of. They sold the volumes at Barnes and Noble and it got a TV Tropes article, so it must have a fanbase. But damned if I ever met anyone who's heard of it.


I'm just a Smeg Head
Jun 30, 2010
There was an American written "Manga" called X-Men Misfits that only got one volume and I've never heard anyone ever talk about it but me and my lady.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
There are others out there (we call them <url=>Scorpibros), but I don't think anyone is as big a fan of <url=>The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption as I am.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Jasper Fforde's proto-Hunger Games novel Shades of Grey. Or, as even the author calls it these days, "No, not 50 Shades of Grey".

Seriously, it's the perfect deconstruction/parody/cynical reimagining of the YA dystopia genre, and it was written years before the genre was even popular.

James Rednok

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Otto-Matic. Played it on Mac years ago and got it immediately when I saw that it was on the App Store. I just LOVE that game and particularly it's soundtrack. Fingers crossed that Pangeasoft will release Bugdom and Nanosaur for iOS next! ;D


New member
May 11, 2011
Skyland: a cartoon (I always thought it was American, but I heard it might have originally been French) about a world made of broken up chunks of ground floating in the sky, and the main characters were caught up in a rebellion against the oppressive regime. Also one of the MCs had telekinetic powers. I absolutely loved it, but I've still never met anyone who's even heard of it.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
An old Tom Clancy game called Shadow Watch.

It was incredibly flawed and sold terribly. Nobody I know is aware of this game's existence. But there's something about it I really enjoy for some reason and I play a campaign in it around once a year. Go fig.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Italian Symphonic/Power Metal band Ancient Bards; I've never met anyone who had heard of them, or any of their songs, until I mentioned the band.



Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
The Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre video game series. I am the only person I know that seems to have even heard of it, and I've never really seen anyone talk about it on the internet either. Which is weird, because the series was apparently good/popular enough among some people enough that it's had a decent number of remakes/re-releases.


New member
May 11, 2013
There's this old action movie I saw when I was a kid about some NAVY Seals, and it ended with a kung fu fight in a flaming armoury which ended when the hero, who was tortured years earlier and got stabbed in both hands, pinned the bad guy to a wall by stabbing him in the hands before escaping with his love interest before a freakin' Scud missile goes off inside and hits the bad guy in the face blowing the whole place up!
Most unfortunately though, when I saw it as a kid I never payed close attention to what the title was so I have no idea what the movie's name is. I don't expect anyone here will know, but if you do could you please post it down below? I'd appreciate it, and so many other people would get to see it in all its cheesy glory.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I used to and still love this old show that once aired on cartoon network called "Time Squad".

About a genius kid taken from his life at a crappy orphanage by literally C3PO and buff idiot Hulk sized stereotype manguy voiced by the same fellow who voiced Hercule from DBZ.
Where they go on back in time adventures to fix wrongs but instead usually make things worse like accidentally not brining the genius kid along, resulting in Benjamin Franklin making the light bulb instead of Thomas Edison...

... take my word for it, it's much funnier than it sounds............... could explain why I alone like it. >_>

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I'll go with the anime named Needless which is a shameless over the top action anime with explosions, tits, a few lolis and a soundtrack that is 100% comprised of many, many different electric guitar metal solos. Like it transitions from one to the next within the same breath. Also Adam Blade carries the anime on his own even if you don't like the rest, everything he says is shouted at the top of his lungs.

Imagine Gurren Lagann but with no subtlety at all. Gurren Lagann had undertones and character development, Needless has an entire arc where the main characters fight a team of superpowered schoolgirls in one massive bombproof room, swapping out characters from both sides when needed to keep the pace up.

On the game front i'll go for Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius/First Arrival (Mask is the free expansion and combat upgrade, free on Steam download now beat the rush)

I've recommended it before but it's easily described as Fire Emblem in Space. If I think of it that way I can see so many tips they took from Fire Emblem to make their game good but just not a Fire Emblem copy/paste. I always had a soft spot for being the captain of a spaceship as well.

It's a Kickstarter game but you could have fooled me since the quality level is crazy high. There's actual good voice acting (granted not much but it's there) they commissioned a Japanese band to sing their opening and the combat is fun. It's not perfect but it's leagues above what most free games are like. I would pay money for it easily.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
A Story About My Uncle:
It's a fairly new game, with no combat, that nobody seems to have heard of.

It's like the puzzles of Myst meets first-person Spider-Man web-slinging meets the odd ball sort of world you'd expect from say 'Oddworld' or whatever.

Amazing game, with a patch that fixed almost all of my control/graphical issues, that seems to get NO love.


Senior Member
Jun 27, 2011
The British Rock/Punk band The Dirty Youth.
Well, apparently 48,554 other people like them on Facebook! But still, that's not really much for a band, frankly. So, I will count them! Fantastic band, yet very few people have ever heard of them, or even heard them!


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
I'll go with the anime named Needless which is a shameless over the top action anime with explosions, tits, a few lolis and a soundtrack that is 100% comprised of many, many different electric guitar metal solos. Like it transitions from one to the next within the same breath. Also Adam Blade carries the anime on his own even if you don't like the rest, everything he says is shouted at the top of his lungs.

Imagine Gurren Lagann but with no subtlety at all. Gurren Lagann had undertones and character development, Needless has an entire arc where the main characters fight a team of superpowered schoolgirls in one massive bombproof room, swapping out characters from both sides when needed to keep the pace up.
You are not the only one...I'm another fan of that ,)

I'm going with The Man from Earth. I've rarely seen another person even mention it.
Also, whenever I try to get people to watch it and have to explain it to them..well.

It all takes places in one house..or one living room is more like it.
6 people sitting in front of fireplace and discussing philosophical might & maybe's all centered around the idea that a cave-man became immortal and has lived until today.

Sounds exciting, right? ..But it is!

The Jovian

New member
Dec 21, 2012
JagermanXcell said:
I used to and still love this old show that once aired on cartoon network called "Time Squad".

About a genius kid taken from his life at a crappy orphanage by literally C3PO and buff idiot Hulk sized stereotype manguy voiced by the same fellow who voiced Hercule from DBZ.
Where they go on back in time adventures to fix wrongs but instead usually make things worse like accidentally not brining the genius kid along, resulting in Benjamin Franklin making the light bulb instead of Thomas Edison...

... take my word for it, it's much funnier than it sounds............... could explain why I alone like it. >_>
You're not alone my friend I remember this show and I am a fan of it too.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Pescetarian said:
Jasper Fforde's proto-Hunger Games novel Shades of Grey. Or, as even the author calls it these days, "No, not 50 Shades of Grey".
Speaking of Jasper Fforde, i really like the Thursday Next series and from what ive read, it's quite well received and all. But i've never met someone who heard about it and it almost never gets mentioned unless you search specifically for it.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I've found out that in terms of fandom... you're never the only one. I found folks who, like me, enjoyed Marvel's "New Universe" when I was a kid. I've even found fans of my favorite NU title "Justice."