YouTube Killed the Video Star


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Furburt said:
I never watch things on youtube before seeing them. Except for The Room, and that was just so gloriously bad I couldn't wait. 'You're tearing me apart Lisa!'

I freakin' LOVE that part!


Silver Scribbler

New member
Aug 5, 2009
The Bandit said:
swaki said:
this just sounds like an annoying hipster/emo/indie saying how he/she/it discovered this great band/movie/cartoon/game which they only like ironically and how they where into to that (ironically or not) band/movie/cartoon/game before it got all popular.

sure, you make some points along the way, but i just cant shake off the feeling that i just willingly listened to you whine about how something got mainstream and now you cant impress smelly women whit your knowledge of it anymore and also because now that people know about it, it sucks and sold out.
This. If something is bad, I don't want to watch it. So, I'll settle for just the good parts. If I miss out on some of your nostalgia, oh well. It's not my problem. It's not your problem either, really. You just choose to cry about it.
To address the first quote, I didn't get that feeling at all. He actually said that he loves telling his friends about the films, as long as they watch the whole thing. Endure the crap. That's the whole point, his problem is with people only watching the brilliant scenes, rather than the whole movie.

And for the second, he isn't talking about nostalgia. He's talking about how watching the whole movie, enduring the bad parts too, makes you feel like you've earned the brilliant scene, thus making it even better.

At least, that's what I got from it. And I'm never wrong.
Feb 13, 2008
A really BAD movie (so bad it's good) will have many such moments though.

Everyone knows "Kick ass and chew gum" and "The greatest fight scene ever" from They Live! but without sitting through the rest of the film you won't get why...

And really, even I fail with turkeys like Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Well, I'm mostly just glad to see somebody else who liked Death Proof. As far as I know, the film was universally panned. Even most Tarantino fans seem to hate it.

Oh, and as long as we're mentioning awesome/horrible movie moments:

"They're eating her! And then they're gonna eat me!"


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Maybe the Youtube effect will stop movimakers making movies with only 9 minutes of awesome, and make GOOD movies. You can't fit The Godfather into a Youtube clip (but i'm sure many have tried). I'm sure this effect also spoils the male audience for Chick flicks where the big A List celebrity has a 30 second nude scene whuch it TOTALLY justified in the context of the story.


New member
Apr 8, 2004
Correction, the best part of Surf Nazis Must Die was the pubic hair in your eye insult.

The problem with all these awful old movies as opposed to awful movies now is that the awful movies I grew up on there was a feeling that they were releasing the movie knowing it was utter garbage and could revel in that fact. Now you get the impression someone puts out a remake of The Fog turned into a teen slasher movie and have the arrogance to think it might do well.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
My question is this: how is the devolution any different from the ADD phenomenon in general in our culture these days? I don't think it's so much that You Tube killed Grindhouse, as our short attention span society put the knife in the hand of YouTube and then wrapped our hands around that, and proceeded to stab away.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Reading thsi article reminded me of Simpsons episode, Saturdays of Thunder, in which Homer goes to a movie rental store and sees this scene from this action movie, (called McBain, but only Simpsons fans would care about that) in which the bad guy tries to shoot the titular character, but ends up killing a man about a day away from retirement, who was just talking about his family and how he plans to spend more time with them after he retires. After being shot repeatedly, he tells McBain to do one thing: get back at the man who murdered him.

When asked if he wanted to rent the movie, Homer replied "Why should I? I just saw the best part!"

It kind of applies to what you where saying, somewhat, but I get what you mean.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
I guess this why I am not really into nostalgia. It gives people a skewed vision of their past. It also sounds like you are pissed that you did the work and sloughed through horrible movie after horrible to see the gold, but you are just becoming aware that other people do not have your patience and cheated.

Well, I am one of those cheaters, but I did not use youtube. I used the original killer of movies to do it. That's right these compilations were on tv. The studios were making the same arguments you are now. There used to be best scene montages on television on all the networks and I watched all the scenes you mentioned without using the internet.

Now, I watched my share of bad movies: Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke 'em High, Avocado women in the Amazon Jungle of Death, invisible maniac, girlfriend from hell, Meet the Applegates, Sweet Sugar, Hunk, just to name a few. I have seen everything Troma has made.

Fact of the matter is that people are going to cheat and not do the work regardless of the new medium. Quit sounding like a grandpa.


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Custard_Angel said:
Agreed... I watched some of Pulp Fiction on it and it kind of blew everything up for me...

When I saw the actual movie I already knew how awesome Samuel Jackson was and how great the movie was I didn't have to make up my mind on anything...

I've since resolved to never looking at anything I haven't already seen.
nevermind that popular culture has adapted/stole all the catchphrases in a movie and use them daily as if it was something awesome.