YouTube to allow filtering of comments, users prove it's a smart idea.


New member
May 17, 2010
Is "ALL FAGGOTS MUST DIE!" (for example) on a messageboard really abusive? I mean, at some point it passes into comedy. Is the intent of such a poster really to harm the self-esteem of homosexuals, or rather is the intent to paint the haters of homosexuals in a terrible light by showing their hate in the worst possible light (through terrible articulation and impotent rage)?

Generic slasher films aren't horrifying because the victims are such empty, meaningless people (typically mere party animals) that the film becomes a sporting event where the entertainment is in the creativity of the kills. So while a "straightforward" interpretation of slasher films is to call them "horror", and this interpretation is used when cataloging films at a video store, the real interpretation of slasher films is to call them sporting events or comedy/sporting events.

Try this as a test - travel around in traditional reality and have discussions about homosexuals, note the responses, and then compare those to youtube comments about homosexuals. Youtube commenters are found in traditional reality too, right? So what's the theory here, that society consists of lots of closet homophobes who are "respectable people" in traditional reality who then show their true homophobic colors when they get on youtube?

Or is instead my theory correct, that *most* (not all) hate speech on the internet, and *especially* terribly articulated and impotently raging hate speech, is actually not hate at all, but rather an insult toward a particular type of hater?

I've now said "ALL FAGGOTS MUST DIE!" twice in one post - does that make me a raging homophobe deserving of either censorship or elimination?

This is another reason why we might just want to give serious pause before eliminating the "abuse" on youtube.

There's a term for this I'm very happy about which I'd like to share - it's called White Knighting. The idea is that damsels in distress are looked for, and when not found they are invented out of nothing, in order for the "good guy" (you, of course) to swoop in, kill the dragon, save the day, and if there's a girl involved get the girl. Arguably that's precisely what Dungeons and Dragons is.

Is "ALL FAGGOTS MUST DIE!" youtube guy really a monster at all, or is he on your side?