You've NEVER SEEN (Insert popular movie here)??!? Popular movies that you've never actually watched.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009

Have you ever been in a situation where you're talking with someone about certain movies and you mentioned that you've never seen them?

I was talking to this guy about how I've never seen Indiana Jones or Back to the Future and he seemed genuinely surprised. I then mentioned I have watched Star Wars and he jokingly said "oh thank god" or something along those lines.

So anyway, what are some really popular movies that you've never seen? I'm sure there's at least one person on here who's never seen Star Wars.

I would post that one comic from Critical Miss, but I can't find it/I'm too lazy.

EDIT: Never mind, found it.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Aliens (I've seen Alien, though)
Terminator 2

Yes, I know that those are conspicuously all 80s action films, but I find they're most popular at this time, now that the fans whose childhoods those films were heavily resplendent in are kind of in charge of media.

After that I don't really think you can expect anyone of at least my generation to have seen Citizen Kane, Casablanca et al without specialist interest (though here's a recommendation, chaps, North By Northwest. Strangers on a Train if you can stick the monochrome)

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
Oh boy let's see here;

None of the Alien or Predator films except AvP
None of the Godfather films
Scar face
Reservoir Dogs
Anything directed by Quetin Tarantino
Shawkshank Redemption
Blade Runner
Terminator but have seen Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop but have seen Robocop 2

oh and Star Wars Episode 3 which I will now be using as an excuse that I may not have seen the above films but a least I've never watched that :p


New member
May 20, 2009
The Artificially Prolonged said:
Anything directed by Quetin Tarantino
My friend was the same. He hadnt seen pulp fiction. We watched an episode of the simpsons that referenced it. So thanks to the almighty god of movies that is netflix we watched and he loved it. After watching it he realised how much its referenced and he was looking back at all the references he'd missed previously

I didnt see fight club until I was a bit older. So glad I managed to avoid spoilers for that one. If you havent seen fight club its a movie you dont want spoiled


Aug 3, 2008
The Godfather
Forest Gump
I've only seen the Terminator reboot.
Wayne's World
Pretty Woman
Dirty Dancing (well I get bored to tears halfway through and turn it off)
Good Will hunting
Top Gun
The Hunger Games
Silence of the Lambs
Hannibal Lector
The Shining

There's quite a lot more I could list. Most of these are on Netflix though so I think I'll make a start with watching them.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
shootthebandit said:
The Artificially Prolonged said:
Anything directed by Quetin Tarantino
My friend was the same. He hadnt seen pulp fiction. We watched an episode of the simpsons that referenced it. So thanks to the almighty god of movies that is netflix we watched and he loved it. After watching it he realised how much its referenced and he was looking back at all the references he'd missed previously

I didnt see fight club until I was a bit older. So glad I managed to avoid spoilers for that one. If you havent seen fight club its a movie you dont want spoiled
I tend to get the references to films I've not seen, it's hard not find out about things after they've been out in the open for so long. Like how I always called the song Misirlou that song from Pulp Fiction despite never seeing it.

Funnily enough I've never watched Fight Club either.[footnote]Man I really don't watch many movies do I?[/footnote] I had a friend in school obsessed with it who basically spoiled everything about it for me anyway. Though I guess his over enthusiasm killed any interest I had for it anyway.


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
Until last night I'd never seen any of the Terminator films, but I've now got the first one under my belt and will work my way through the rest over the next few days.

Besides that, and despite being a total film nerd, I've actually never gotten round to watching a lot of the absolute classics:

Schindler's List
The Godfather Trilogy
Gone With the Wind
Brief Encounter
Saving Private Ryan
The Shawshank Redemption
Citizen Kane
Lawrence of Arabia
West Side Story
Apocalypse Now

In addition to those, I've never seen a lot of the "classic" 80s movies everyone seems to expect you to know inside out (Robocop, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, etc), since I'm a 90s kid and my parents weren't particularly into that sort of thing. For similar reasons, I've also missed out on a lot of classic horror movies (my mum absolutely hates horror with a passion), though I am gradually catching up on those.

Man, it's this sort of thing that makes you realise just how many great films there are out there. It probably doesn't look it from this post, but I swear I'm actually pretty "well read" (as it were) when it comes to films!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Would Godfather, The Exocist, Lawrence of Arabia, Casablanca andScarface count? (I only seen bits of it when it was on tv but I never really paid attention to it.)

If not I guess it would be these lots-
GI Joe
The Expendable
A Team reboot
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
(ok the above are not popular per say but they are modern films that I haven't watched yet)
Tropic Thunder
Good Will hunting
Dirty Harry
The Room
When Harry Met Sally
Legend (1985)
Book of Eli
Breakfast Club
Gone With the Wind


New member
May 19, 2014
This is going to be a difficult one, because I really don't know what defines a "must see" movie, but I can throw some names out there. Some of these are film I've considered watching.

Iron Man 1-3 (Don't know if these are must see)
(Until recently) Avatar
Battle Royale
Fight Club
Frozen (the new Disney hit. Borrowed it on BD from my sister).
Edward Scissor Hands (Got it on BD, haven't seen it yet)
Black Swan (got this one on BD too)
Hannibal (I've seen the two first movies, have yet to watch this one)
Godfather 2+ (I've seen the first one, still don't get what all the critical acclaim is about)
The Room (because fuck no)
The Amazing Spider Man (or the preboot Spiderman, except the first one, with captain uncharismatic & awkward).
Most of X-men after X-men 3 or something. The one where that lady has gone insane for no apparent reason, and is throwing houses around.

As well as some of Kubrick's more obscure titles, that are long and drag on for-fucking-ever. I can mention Eyes wide shut and Barry Lyndon. That last one is just weird, wasn't able to watch all of it because it's INSANELY long. According to IMdB it's only 184 minutes, but it sure felt a whole lot longer just watching the first half.

That's what I remember for now. I figured it was no point repeating what other people have already mentioned in a weak attempt to inflate my own list. (Those I've mentioned were the ones I thought of myself).


New member
Oct 17, 2012
I've never seen the Kill Bill movies, or a single episode of Game of Thrones, or any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

And I honestly couldn't care less.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Pretty much everything by Quentin Tarantino. The only Tarantino film I've watched start to finish was Django Unchained and I found it decent. Anything else I've sampled bits and pieces of but just can't be bothered to sit through the entirety of. Tarantino to me is pretty much the definition of style over substance, and even the style gets very obnoxious very quickly.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Well Frozen was on my list of "Nope, never seen that one" until just yesterday. :p

Gotta say, I call shenanigans against it. No epic villain song = no "it's good" vote from me! For that matter, it seemed like they got to the 3rd act and realized "Crap! do realize that we don't even have a villain in this story, right? We at least need SOME kinda conflict!" so they kinda shoehorned one in literally in the last 20 minutes. They should have been setting him up from the beginning to be the villain or they should have said "fuck it!" and gone all out: just straight up no villain to be found.

To be more on-topic, I can honestly say I've never seen The Lego Movie. I've wanted to see it, but I just...kinda...haven't.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I've never seen the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, I think those are ones you're meant to have seen. I've also never been able to get my blood up to watch that Grave of the Fireflies film. Also, I know it isn't a movie but it might seem odd, I've not seen any of Breaking Bad.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
RJ 17 said:
Well Frozen was on my list of "Nope, never seen that one" until just yesterday. :p

Gotta say, I call shenanigans against it. No epic villain song = no "it's good" vote from me! For that matter, it seemed like they got to the 3rd act and realized "Crap! do realize that we don't even have a villain in this story, right? We at least need SOME kinda conflict!" so they kinda shoehorned one in literally in the last 20 minutes. They should have been setting him up from the beginning to be the villain or they should have said "fuck it!" and gone all out: just straight up no villain to be found.

To be more on-topic, I can honestly say I've never seen The Lego Movie. I've wanted to see it, but I just...kinda...haven't.
I personally like how they handled the villain in Frozen. The lack of foreshadowing made the reveal pretty shocking to me. Although I can understand wanting a good villain song.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
It'd be really hard for me to make this list. Just assume that anything that isn't Disney and is popular is on it, except for Jurassic Park.


New member
Jan 30, 2014
EeveeElectro said:
Dirty Dancing (well I get bored to tears halfway through and turn it off)
I think Dirty Dancing is a terrible film. My friend's mom had a VHS tape of Grease, Dirty Dancing, and Grease 2, in that order, and we watched Grease and halfway through it we we're like, "Nope, we're done here."

I have never seen

Ferris Buller's Day Off
Any of the Terminator Films
Any James Bond films except the most recent, but my attention wasn't 100% on it
I have several Studio Ghibli films that I own on DVD but have still yet to watch

You'd think that with Netflix and owning a bunch of different movies I would have had seen more, but I just like to watch the ones I like over and over.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I'm really trying to think of a good example, but I've seen most pop culture movies. I've seen every movie by Spielberg, Scorsese, Lucas, Coppola and Cameron, so that rules out most of them.


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
Any of the Back to the Future series
Aliens, or Predators, or Alien Vs. Predator
Groundhog Day
Most of the X-Men movies, which is surprising given that my mum owns pretty much all of them
Iron Man 2/Thor/The Incredible Hulk
Young Frankenstein
Robin Hood: Men in Tights

I also fell asleep during Citizen Kane, so I don't know if that counts.

There are inevitably others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
The Shining
Pulp Fiction
21 Jump Street
Predator (was shooed out when my mom realized I was a 6 year old watching Predator, didn't stop my dad showing me Heavy Metal as a toddler though)
District 9

I'm sure there are more but can't think of them right now.