Zero Punctuation: Dying Light - Yay, More Zombies


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
Jaggowrath said:
Yahtzee, you said you liked the element and emphasis of parkour in Titanfall, a FPS of all genres. So why don't you think it doesn't work in 'action & adventure'? On paper it sounds ideal.
The answer to that is really simple; lack of jet-packs! We all know where Yahtzee stands on this subject too: "Jet-packs make everything better."


New member
May 29, 2012
Yahtzee did not say parkour cannot work, just that they could not be bothered to make it work in this game. It is a matter of perspective, and first-person does not give enough dimension to accomplish this. When you do not have an innate sense of how tall your character is vs the distance to jump vs the size of the platform to land on, you tend to miss more than you should if you have all those wonderful parkour-fu skills. I hate to say this, but for once they just need to remove the player-based skill and automate the system. Move to ledge, check for skill level, wait for button press, and either perform maneuver or tell player they are not quite ready to commit suicide in that manner.

+1 for Jet packs or wingsuits (+2 for both).


Turtle king
Apr 7, 2012
I liked Mirrors Edge... Thank god experiences are subjective.

Great video though, I"m so glad ZP is still around and not going anywhere ever because reasons...


New member
Mar 13, 2015
I usually agree with Yahtzee's comments on games, or can usually understand the other perspective when I don't...but a lot of his comments concerning Dying Light's game play make it sound like he's simply just bad at the game. Dying Light's parkour system works really well with only minor issues. It's also something you get better at as you play which I thought synced up greatly with the game's pace (until you get the grapple hook, then why even bother). You start off unsteady, missing a lot of your jumps and grabs but by the end of the game you're flying through the city with well placed steps on the smallest bits of city-scape.

I also think a third person camera would have hurt the game tremendously, part of the fun is not being able to see those zombies sneak up behind you while you're otherwise distracted.