Zero Punctuation: E3 2010


Ridiculously Awesome
Jun 4, 2008
ragestreet said:
Are the views for Rebecca Meyers Muses so low that she thinks the only way to increase them is to attach herself to Yahtzee like some kind of horrible parasite?
I don't think this was her choice. I think her video was tacked on to Yahtzee's to drive more traffic to her original video or generate interest in her music. In that, it was a success.

Even if all its done is raise the ire of quite a few people within the Escapist's community, more people are talking about her. There's no such thing as bad publicity, as they say.

So, in a way, everybody who's insulting and hating on Rebecca Mayes right now are actually supporting this plan of theirs to increase that interest in her music.

Nice work, Escapists!


New member
Oct 1, 2009
When he started talking about sequels, I paid attention to what was coming out, since I pay about as much attention to E3 as I do my laundry. Anyway, I think I liked the E3 take down last year. I thought it was funny enough and ripped through everything like a chainsaw does to Leon Kennedy's head.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Naaaaaw, I was hoping for a super extended E3 episode, I was hoping for the credits to roll and be interuppted by a confused yahtzee saying: wait, this isnt over...and continue bashing E3!! i didnt want Rebecca Mayes to Muse!!! roar

i wonder why he didnt mention Portal 2

that game gave me chills..

the woo-hoos

the ya-yas

the whatchamacallits...

i should stay off the crack


New member
Jun 19, 2008
b) if you think it's so bad, let's see you do better.
No. No no no no no. This has been, and remains, and awful argument.

First off, if I can't do better, that's why I'm not doing it. I can't draw to save my life; that's why I don't go and draw comics (outside of some stick figure ones for my own amusement). I don't know anything about law; that's why I'm not a lawyer. I only know the basics of medicine, if that; that's why I'm not a doctor. But I expect people who do something, especially if they're getting paid for it, to be GOOD at what they do. I expect published authors to be writing decent stories. Now I know the majority of literature is pretty bad, but that's my point: If they're not good writers, they shouldn't be writing, they should be doing something they're good at, or improving their writing before being published. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with calling them out for doing a bad job.

If your argument is honestly "let's see you do better" then you cannot complain about anything, ever. Your computer crashes? Let's see you make a better one. Your car doesn't work well? Let's see you make a better one. You think a politician is incompetent? Let's see you get elected and do a better job. Your cable reception is bad? Let's see you make a better reception. You don't like a video game console? Let's see you make a better one. It's a horrible argument that's nonsensical. I'm not saying the song is bad (I thought it was okay), but "let's see you do better" is an argument that annoys me.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
...what the hell is wrong with you people? Stop hating on the integration of motion and 3d. These are necessary stepping stones on the path to the holodeck.

And we DO want the holodeck, yes?

Go ahead and rat on how bad the Wii is. Go ahead and trash on how PSMove is probably going to suck. Continue to soliloquize on how 3D doesn't really work as well as they say it does. BUT DON'T say that these are things that don't need to be investigated and put to the test. They NEED to get through these crappy first-gen versions of these things so they can move on to what WILL work...and what will bring us closer to a Matrix-style plug-in experience. Just because these hypothetical industry developments MIGHT suck doesn't mean they shouldn't try them.

And Yahtzee, I expected more from you. Do you want the developers to reduce the milliseconds from human reaction to character control, or do you want immersion? You can't really be more immersed into, say, a chunbara game than if you're actually, accurately swinging the fucking thing. If you're going to go on about controller methodology, then you should probably address the issue of PC vs. Console, seeing as everyone who games on PC says its the bestest, and everyone who games on Console says its the mostest intuitive.

And then, we find you didn't even GO? You're one of the most famous video game critics in the world, what the hell could keep you from even going? You can't just watch press conference reports and get an accurate feel for the models in practice...shame on you! Bad form. Until you actually get these controls in your hands and try them out yourself, I'm afraid I can't accept your opinions on them.

Go ahead, losers, send the flame...but deep down, you know what I say is true.

Fuck that Rebecca Mayes song.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Okay, it works now.

Am I the only one who thinks that Yahtzee is just... trying too hard?

He just seems to be pushing hatred for everything in for the sheer sake of it now, rather than using it when necessary or backing it up like he did in earlier reviews. It was informative and funny. But now it's almost like a self parody.

He's flanderised himself.


New member
May 19, 2009
I wonder if Nintendo was trying to bait its competition. using motion controls until Sony and Microsoft decided to try it and then let them sink while Nintendo goes back to tradition style games.

It would both be a surprise and not be for various reasons I cannot easily describe.

Top Dollar

New member
Jan 3, 2009
If it wasn't for the shoddy Yahtzee themed video along with the song I wouldn't have had a clue what that woman was bleating on about. Witty as a bloodhound? Propping up the man? WHAT.
If you want to suck his cock just say so, Jesus, lady.
Jokes much better here than recently.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
The funny thing is you have to pay for Sony and Microsoft's motion controllers. Why the hell would I pay money for a shittier controller? Good thing my family doesn't give gifts that aren't money because I guarantee I'd have to turn a set of Move controllers on the holiday after their release.

EDIT - Whats all this blubbering about Rebecca Muse in here for? Yes its horrible, I would've thought you'd realize changing subjects to Yahtzee wouldn't change that. Was it attached at the end of the video for you people or something?


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Nice little touch to the overall review:
Imps wearing collared shirts. I thought that alone was hilarious in its illustration of how out of touch gaming is with the people who market it.

Probably should use those images again whenever you end up reviewing one of those bland motion control games. Drives the point home for me.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
ItsAPaul said:
EDIT - Whats all this blubbering about Rebecca Muse in here for? Yes its horrible, I would've thought you'd realize changing subjects to Yahtzee wouldn't change that. Was it attached at the end of the video for you people or something?
I didn't see that song either (at the end of the video, anyway). Was wondering what everyone was going on about haha.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
ActionDan said:
I think that 3D games could be very immersive. Imagine if you are in the middle of a battle and bullets and grenades and all types of projectiles are flying past your ears, and really see the depth of a game. I think 3D gaming could be one of the most immersive ideas ever.
You have to be joking. They have yet to invent the 3D that has things zipping past your ears. Things that go off screen still go off screen, meaning you can't see them. And I doubt that such a jump in technology will exist in a handheld gaming device first. What you're describing is that sort of Star Trek holographic thing that Yahtzee said to wake him when is real.

3D IS a gimmick, and even worse most things that make use of it do it poorly, shoehorning in images of things being pointed at the screen that practically yells "LOOK AT THIS HO HO HOOO!"

crazy connor

New member
Sep 3, 2009
Surprised you didn't mention Portal 2, though it'll probably be addressed in the Extra Punctuation next week. Oh well. Funny video as always.