Zero Punctuation: E3 2010


New member
Apr 29, 2009
as soon as he started to whine about motion-facepalming-tv-arm-frailing i couldn't stop laughing!
cause he does have a point - i took me years to stop waving the controller around in an attempt to make the game character do my actions on screen, and then suddenly BAM motion control comes out and i'm like "couldn't you have brought that out, like 15 years ago!!!" when me looking like i'm having a seizer didn't make people look at me funny! - when i wanna play a game, i wanna be comfortable not waving my arms around like i've just spotted a big slimy spider crawling up it to get at my face. and when you play a game, you don't want to get exhausted by it! because you'd have more important things to concern yourself with (which way your ment to go/paying attention to what characters are saying incase it holds clues/do your cheats work propley/balancing a guide on yer knees/stuffing yer face/randomly killing innocent civilians if the most brutal way the game will allow) the if your arm muscles are going cramp painfully from too much jiggling about like an idiot.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Nathaniel Formtwister said:
blah blah, not enough women, how dare you knock her down. Change your opinion, buddy.
I never said anything bad about Susan Arendt, and I respect people regardless of gender. It's 100% about her bad music.

Change this, k? take your own advice and fuck off. You like Musey? listen to her. We don't want her here.

Lord_Seth said:
Interesting. The song isn't at the end anymore.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
My theory of the lack of mention for Portal 2: He's scared. He's found what could be the best game ever for him, and a bad sequel would ruin all that.

That said, OMG, Portal 2's coming out! Yes!


Suffer not the Flamer to live
Jun 26, 2009
Jackpot said:
Nathaniel Formtwister said:
Funny, I don't recall ever mentioning Bach or Lady Gaga in what I thought about Rebecca Mayes. Seems like an odd thing to say, considering Mayes is definately a considerable improvement over Gaga (You cannot defend Gaga's "originality" when compared to the only musical gaming critic on the web) and Bach is dead, which puts strain on his current playing abilities some what.

Is it just me who thinks it hypocritical for people to complain that there are not enough female gamers or original webshows on the internet, then when a female game critic who criticises games through the medium of music appears, you find fault in that too.

How about you reconsider your own opinion instead of changing my own?

P.S The style is more "Alternative" than pop as she doesn't have a fixed style other than an acoustic guitar is played a lot, which isn't a pop instrument.
I never said anything bad about Susan Arendt, and I respect people regardless of gender. It's 100% about her bad music.

Change this, k? take your own advice and f*** off. You like Musey? listen to her. We don't want her here.
...Are you complaining about the wrong person? Who the hell is Susan Arendt and what the hell is her relation to either of our complaints? I already get the whole "Don't like Mayes" angle already and fine, they've taken it off the end now which is probably a good idea, as I was depressed when I found out that it wasn't going to be an 8 minute extravaganza.

What I don't like it when someone is complaining because they themselves cannot either read someone else's argument or just read full stop. Go back to under your bridge, troll.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Am I the only one who didn't notice the new song at all? Or maybe it was changed since this is the first I've seen the new vid. [shrugs]

Anyway, I agree with most others about the whole motion controller thing. I'm beginning to think that it's a response to get people moving more and stop turning people into stereotypical gamers (you know, the ones who are overweight if not straight up obese with really bad acne and have really weird voice tones and/or speech patterns).

Just a theory though.


Regular Member
May 7, 2008
Sorry, but sometimes motion controls work. I remember when I first started playing Mario Kart Wii with just the GCN controller. Then I switched to the nunchuck combination and a whole new level of fun opened up. Performing wheelies, tricks, and reducing the effects of POW blocks became so much easier when I started using that combination with motion controls.

And there's never anything wrong with another BLOODY Zelda, Metroid, whatever. There... really isn't. It's not like the games are the same. First-person shooters are more like each other than Zelda games are. Eh, maybe an exaggeration, but so is most of what Yahtzee has to say about Nintendo.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
motion control can be great for pornos. I can see that happening real soon. No really with all the features that are coming out for "motion Control" It won't be long until they make some really graphic m rated game for it.

I'm also sure taht there will be other indrustrities taht would be intrested in this type of techology hince the porn indrustry


New member
Sep 12, 2007
>> [blink] Uh, you don't get it, do you? This isn't Ms. Mayes 'leeching' off of Yahtzee;
>> this was a promotion most likely devised by the Escapist staff to generate attention
>> (and hopefully pageviews) for another feature on their website by leveraging a connection
>> with one of their most popular features. Also, promotion of this song has been ongoing for >> about the last month, so it shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone who has spent any time >> whatsoever on the Escapist. Even fans who only come here for Yahtzee's stuff probably knew >> about it, since he twittered about it.

You can research all you want about leeching - leeching still is leeching, even though one might categorise it as "officially endorsed connection leveraging". But yeah, now you know how someone may respond to an event such as this; someone who visits The Escapist for Zero Punctuation and for Zero Puctuation only, ever since the series started; who doesn't keep up with The Escapist from A to Z on a daily basis; someone who doesn't Twitter or Facebook because there are other video games to play; and who certainly isn't interested in someone else's Facebooking or Twittering.

But heck, consider my personal opinion a part of this promotion's research results: some people might not appreciate this whole connection leveraging. Are they outliers on the bell curve? 5th percentile? Good times.


Gaming King

New member
Apr 9, 2010
He forgot to mention how idiotic Sony was with its constant montages and pushing of a 3-D that is expensive as heck.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Didn't Sony already make a full body motion thing? Remember, the Eyetoy and the Playstation Eye?


New member
Jan 6, 2009
Fuck off, Yahtzee, you old bastard. Your spoiler alert AFTER you say the spoiler wasn't funny.

I'm currently reading that book for the first time.

TheZaius said:
Sorry, but sometimes motion controls work. I remember when I first started playing Mario Kart Wii with just the GCN controller. Then I switched to the nunchuck combination and a whole new level of fun opened up. Performing wheelies, tricks, and reducing the effects of POW blocks became so much easier when I started using that combination with motion controls.

And there's never anything wrong with another BLOODY Zelda, Metroid, whatever. There... really isn't. It's not like the games are the same. First-person shooters are more like each other than Zelda games are. Eh, maybe an exaggeration, but so is most of what Yahtzee has to say about Nintendo.

It's not like Nintendo making these games stops developers from making completely new games. More importantly, a sequel CAN be a completely new game - what's wrong with using the same old characters? Nintendo has never made a 3D Kid Icarus, and no one can deny the vast differences between 2D and 3D Marios, or (to a somewhat lesser extent) Zeldas. And when Nintendo shoehorns Mario into a sports game, it's not like it makes the game worse - it just makes it sell better. In fact, sometimes it makes the games better. Would Smash Bros have been the game it is today if it didn't use familiar characters? Nintendo have come up with plenty of new IPs over the years, but people like to ignore that.

People just need to find a reason to hate on fun games.


New member
Jan 1, 2010
okay, time to make america's army 3 for the kinect. i will love seeing people having to jump around and pretend shoot in a videogame simulation of basic training. should be really funny when they have to do the obstacle course. jump! climb up on this ledge! shoot these guys! throw a grenade through this window!


i guess i support motion controls-mainly because other people using them amuses me.
personally, i'll stick to my pc gaming keyboard and mouse (the perfect input IMHO)


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Yahtzee, you f'n nailed it on this one. I agree with your state of the industry completely. I share your disgust of the motion control fetish! And this is coming from a Wii owner, I feel dirty.

Pikka Bird

New member
Mar 9, 2008
Oh lord, my sworn enemy- the shoddy-as-all-hell 3D dice from GIS. How could you bring yourself to using that in a ZP?


New member
Jul 31, 2010
Zero Ponctuation is funny and have a brillhant format, but even when Yahtzee says something relevant it's hard to take it seriously. Even when he enjoys a game he just says somethink like "i admit it's fun" in 5 seconds and expends the other 5 minutes looking for each little bad detail in it. I think he hates games more than Jack Thompson! And talk about tendentious! Gee... I'll always come back for the laughs but the contend... he could try to become a real critic and not the Comic Book Guy (Simpsons) of games for a change.