Zero Punctuation: God of War III

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Hm, I wonder if anyone's commenting on...

... his...


... voice.
Well shit. Ninja'd.

Yes, well. Thunder rightfully stolen, I suppose I'm correct in my assumption that this game did not turn out to be the Earth-rendingly stunning must-experience experience I've been led to assume.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
i like how you look at the story and actually cretiqe it game revews are usually looks pretty moves pretty sounds pretty 10\10 go buy it now but never anything about the story thats what i hate most about games like that they tell you what you have to do and then give you vague answers on why you should care becouse i dont care i want a game where its a true sandbox a huge world where i have amazing powers but no goals shoved on me just start me off and say you can save the world take over the world destroy the world ignore the world and build an empire of what ever type you want build your dream house fill it with amazing things youve stole get followers henchmen teammates make an army do whatever you feal like we dont care
p.s loved the most determind athiest bit


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Fox242 said:
13thforswarn said:
Sounds like he's got a sore throat or a cold.

He didn't drop the "Like God of War but" bomb this time... I wonder why...
Because this is God of War. There's no need to drop the "Like God of War but..." on something that is God of War.

Anyway, to the main point of this post. I remember that after people viewed Yahtzee's Assassin's Creed 2 review, there was alot of discussion concerning his voice and how different it was. He then had to devote an Extra Punctuation article explaining why his voice sounded different instead of focusing on something more insightful.

For fuck's sake people, do we really need to keep talking about how his voice is different this time. Yahtzee has already stated that he has a sore throat on a Twitter post and other people here have already pointed that out. Do we need Yahtzee to waste his next Extra Punctuation article on his voice when he could be using it to bring his unique brand of wisdom to us all concerning Kratos' character or the God of War series in general? The answer is no. So please stop talking about his sore throat already!
I was being sarcastic.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Good review on this. I quoted a while ago why you sounded different, then learned that you had sore throat, so I take back what I said(Not that it was an insult, I just made fun of you.).


New member
Apr 8, 2010
The first part didn't seem as funny as usual. It might've been the voice, or it might've been the fact that yahtzee actually enjoyed the game undermining his valiant attempt to gut it on the spear of his wit. Was as hilarious as usual once he started criticizing with his heart in it, though. As good a review as I've seen, and several times more entertaining.

Miss Kass

New member
Dec 2, 2008
I actually usually really enjoy Yahtzee reviews, even if I've never played the game, but I think the sore throat took the usual edge of hilarity off. Not saying that it's his fault for being sick, I just... didn't derive enjoyment from this. D8


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Good review, it's nice to hear I'm not the only one who realizes Kratos is just a psychopath. I mean I thought it was pretty obvious from the beginning that he has no redeeming features.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Am I the only one who thinks his voice sounds more bad-ass like this?

His probably got a sore throat or something of the like, and I hope he gets better, But I still recon his voice sounds pretty cool like this ^.^

And another great video (y)


New member
Sep 1, 2007
SextusMaximus said:
I'm starting to grow weary of all the hate... I understand you want to please your fans, but now you're just nitpicking! You can't complain that a game has TOO MUCH variety... Ah well.
Actually one of the editors/staff here says that to, if ti snot easy and simplistic enough people wont like it(watered down paraphrase).......... Variety=replay if the game is worth replaying in the first place.


New member
Aug 4, 2007
Hmmmmmm, God of War 3 you say Yahtzee? Time to take some hits from the GonG while I watch.......

balloon with a face drew on driving a taxi lol. I liked this episode.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
soulasylum85 said:
MultiColouredWonder said:
I'm convinced not to buy it now.
i feel sorry for you, while he is right that it seems weird how you had to work so hard to kill one god and now they are dropping like flies, gow3 is a game that should be played by pretty much everyone who is interested in video games. although i may be a greek mythology buff my opinion is not biased in the least bit. this is an amazing game from start to finish. i hope you take my advise seriously and do not pass this game up.
Well, I have not even played any of these games. My brother told be it was awesome and showed me the cut-scenes he had unlocked from playing the game. After watching them I came to the conclusion that Kratos was a psychopathic asshole who blamed everyone else for his problems but himself. I did try to play the game but any coolness the game play might of had was destroyed by the sheer amount of disdain I had for the character I was playing.

So, yea, I'm going to be passing this game up.

Also, all this "God-of-War clone" business is starting to remind me of back when all First Person Shooters were referred to as Doom clones. I can't remember when it was people actually started calling them FPSs but I wonder when we're going to start calling god-of-war clones 3D beat-em-ups, or something else, I don't know.


New member
Feb 29, 2008
remember when his voice used to be fast... he really really dislikes unchartered though, which is amusing because he always used to attack tomb raider for the jumping mechanics, one of the things unchartered gets right for that genre :p

maybe he's just getting old and fails to see any good in games.... God of War 3 was a quick 8 hours with big bosses and although the plot is about as thin as a typical twilight movie, it's amazingly more fun...

glad it's finished though, hopefully the dev team can work on a new character, one that'll annoy yahtz.. i mean...

in all seriousness, i'd like to see the team from god of war 3 use what they've learned and recreate the god of war clone genre again. Maybe we'll get another influx of badly plot scripped games....

or maybe we'll get gems, pretty gems... that come at the end of a rainbow..either way Yahtzee will stll hate unchartered 2 and anything derived from the PS3... possibly because he accidently had it rammed up his.... anyway..

could explain his voice.


New member
May 25, 2009
lol i love your programs but i just felt bad that most of the things you said are answered in the game like he killed all the gods so he could show that there are no gods now and more stuff like that.

i should stop defending kratos and start loving parodies like i loved the resident evil parodies


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Yahtzee! You sound sick! Get well soon! Here's a Little present from Google Images []


New member
Nov 30, 2008
This was a proper zero punctuation.
It contained a good amount of review material and kept the puns related to it.
Very, very, very happy with this review.