You mean, the way it's spelled and with both its syllables?Steve the Pocket said:Is that how Brits pronounce "squirrel", then? Like it rhymes with "Professor Quirrel"? Cute.
But how else could you put always-online-totallynotDRM in the game?Devin Barker said:OH MUH GAWD, I am so happy he talking about that bullshit "share my stats with friends" thing. I hate this feature and didnt even know it was on until one of my friends popped up on my IM and said "DUDE, im totally crushing you in headshots lol" If I want an experience that broie I would be playing CoD. Hate that feature. Let me play my single player games in peace.
It's probably going to take spot number 2 for the simple glorious fun of it all. His GOTY will probably be Undertale since it makes major innovations in video game story telling by waging active psychological warfare against what ever goal the player seems to be going for.Johnny Novgorod said:Looks like Yahtzee found his GOTY, or one of his Top 5 anyway.
Well, Undertale is going to present a bit of a dilemma, since Yahtzee always reminds us that the only eligible games for his Top 5 are the ones he has reviewed, ZP-style. Not that there's anything stopping him from breaking his own rule this year. Similarly, Elite: Dangerous is technically a 2014 game, but again, nothing's stopping him from declaring it GOTY 2015.empirialtank said:It's probably going to take spot number 2 for the simple glorious fun of it all. His GOTY will probably be Undertale since it makes major innovations in video game story telling by waging active psychological warfare against what ever goal the player seems to be going for.Johnny Novgorod said:Looks like Yahtzee found his GOTY, or one of his Top 5 anyway.
At this point I would also expect MGS5, and BloodBorne to definitely make it in, along with possibly Elite Dangerous, Talos Principle or Soma to round it all out.
In what sane world would "Xabcd", not rime with "abcd"?Steve the Pocket said:Is that how Brits pronounce "squirrel", then? Like it rhymes with "Professor Quirrel"? Cute.
That's how Americans pronounce it too. Where is it pronounced like anything else?Steve the Pocket said:Is that how Brits pronounce "squirrel", then? Like it rhymes with "Professor Quirrel"? Cute.
If I didn't get trade-in value for that Need for Speed reboot I would have taken sadistic pleasure in snapping the disc in half. I still wanted to, it would have been the best $30 I would have ever wasted.Dornedas said:But how else could you put always-online-totallynotDRM in the game?Devin Barker said:OH MUH GAWD, I am so happy he talking about that bullshit "share my stats with friends" thing. I hate this feature and didnt even know it was on until one of my friends popped up on my IM and said "DUDE, im totally crushing you in headshots lol" If I want an experience that broie I would be playing CoD. Hate that feature. Let me play my single player games in peace.