Zero Punctuation: Manhunt


New member
Sep 1, 2007
I for oen hate rethinking my control layouts just to play 1 simi half assed good game, as a south paw there have been a few FPSs that didn't have a southpaw options I then switched to the PC at least I can have button control options on it..well they are cocking that up lil by lil because the PC is what is gettign games ported to, I guess getting 3rd party adapters that give you some control options for consoles is what I need to start investing in the PC seems almost dead...then again I have not been happy with anythign from the 7th generation of gaming...its all shallow crap meant to blind 12 year olds >>


New member
Sep 22, 2007
That one did it! Now of course, I need to wait and see if I have to hear "my body talk" for another 72 hours.


New member
Sep 22, 2007
Just what the hell am I supposed to do until Wednesday? The wait is unbearable, no matter how drunk I am.


New member
Mar 1, 2006
Wanna get rid of a song in your head? Watch this:

That should fix you right up. Mmmm - not overly work safe.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
Jonathan Coulton's Mr. Fancypants gets stuck in my head for untold hours... He claims he wrote the damn thing just to get it out of his head.


New member
Sep 25, 2007
To continue the detour off into tangent land, is there the video game equivalent to an earworm? A game that you simply can't get out of your head? There are a few obvious nominees, like World of WarCrack, Civilization, and Tetris. (Seriously, just typing the word 'Tetris' gets the music playing in my head.)

Anything else?

(Also, nice work, Yahtzee. I'll be back on Wednesday. And if you're stuck for games to attack, you really haven't pinned down WoW and beaten it yet, merely given it a backhand slap with that 'second job' comment.)


New member
Sep 20, 2007
I had trouble putting Disgaea down. The constant need to level up items and figure out block patterns in item world was very engrossing. Not to mention trying to level to 9999


New member
Oct 7, 2007
I'm glad Thief has been discussed. I also didn't understand Yahtzee's crack against it, although I thoroughly enjoyed the Manhunt review, as I do all of them.

Anyone thinking that you couldn't play stealthily in the Thief zombie levels was not paying attention. Or they simply didn't understand how Looking Glass Studios gave you the option to play anyway you wanted. I chose not to kill a single soul (or lost soul) through the entire game, except the very few that were required objectives. Zombies were a bit different than guards. Yes they could detect you in the dark better, but they were slow so really they were easy to avoid and sneak past. And these levels made for some of the most scary game moments I've ever played to date.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
Break said:
Bender. Might I draw your attention to the following quotes?

constantly reviewing nothing but first person games
from the back end of whatever simulated pointy stick you're programmed to carry
wander into the reticule in the FPS's you've grown accustomed to reviewing
Now, do these words seem familiar to you? That's because you said them. I know, I know, you can usually be relied on to know what you say and don't say. But I just noticed that you didn't seem to realise that you said these three things. I can only assume that this is why you are acting like an arrogant bastard, and calling people names for talking about issues you raised. I understand that you meant simple action games, but can you really expect too many people to accurately paraphrase your messages when you go so out of your way to confuse? Besides, the market's a little slow right now. There aren't that many complex, exciting, or particularly interesting games out just yet, and it's a lot more entertaining to tear games that have been overhyped by the media and gaming community to small, gooey chunks, than it is to review some niche game that's actually quite a lot of fun.

And critism is a useful way to find out where you're going wrong, so you can improve on things that need improving, and gauging the current attitude of general society. Since this is the generally agreed upon method for reacting to critism, your description of someone who likes constructive critism as a "tool and a sheep, with a 2 foot perspective on life" marks you out as either:
A)Revolutionary, and a great thinker, or:
B)An arrogant fucktard.
Now, while both are fair possibilities, I'm more inclined to take option B. Mainly because I find a "tool and a sheep, with a 2 foot perspective on life" that, as you say, "sucks all kinds of ass" is a better description of your own behaviour, as opposed to someone who can listen to people.

If that's too complicated, or long, or whatever, this might be simpler:
Shut the fuck up, you arrogant, self-righteous dickhole, who's idea of a decent argument is to spout off random shit that makes as much sense as your mother on a warm day.
Break, that was one of the sexiest things I've ever read. I now have a huge crush on you(in a completely non-sexual way).


New member
Sep 7, 2007
I loved the little Australia running for the bandwagon.

And I'm glad to hear someone else complain about Thief. I loved the first level, and as a kid that was all I would play because I was stupid and the 2nd-level zombies scared the bejesus out of me.

Kind of makes me wish they would release another Thief that was exclusively you wandering a medieval town taking people's stuff and becoming obscenely rich.


New member
Oct 15, 2007
Another extremely violent game for Jack Thompson to rant 'bout violence... I know it's not new but the Manhunt 2 is coming soo...


New member
Nov 17, 2007
Break said:
brin5tar said:
Isn't it pronounced "ee-ko" not "EYE-ko"?
No. Well, probably not. No matter how I say it, I can't seem to make "ee-ko" not sound stupid. So I dub thee wrong. At least, I've never heard it pronounced that way before, and can't really see why you would.

Nice video, as usual, Yahtzee. The opening song combined with the subject matter made me laugh before you even started talking.
Someone refresh my memory as to what the extremely nerdy analogy was. It sounds so familiar, but I have no idea where to place it.


New member
Nov 17, 2007
Mr.Sign said:
Break said:
brin5tar said:
Isn't it pronounced "ee-ko" not "EYE-ko"?
No. Well, probably not. No matter how I say it, I can't seem to make "ee-ko" not sound stupid. So I dub thee wrong. At least, I've never heard it pronounced that way before, and can't really see why you would.

Nice video, as usual, Yahtzee. The opening song combined with the subject matter made me laugh before you even started talking.
Someone refresh my memory as to what the extremely nerdy analogy was. It sounds so familiar, but I have no idea where to place it.
I do hate to beg, but what is the Aiko and Yordriffle (I know I spelled it wrong damn it) refference from. I think it's Norse Mythology and everything mentioned on the board has me thinking it's Japanese.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Haha, fantastic clip man. Can't seem to find any of your reviews/articles in the Hyper magazine though. Would be good to read them.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
I bought this game 2 years before the Australian government
could even give a shit and say 'Oh my god, it's pretty bad' and ban
it. I highly loved the stealthy sort in the few first missions, was terrific
but of cause being a Rockstar game, went back into the shoot, block
and hear the faint taunts of the guys.

Not surprised Manhunt 2 is banned.
The Australian council have sucked what's really 'fun' about games,
what next? A rating on highly inapropriate books? c'mon!


New member
Mar 6, 2008
If you found this game to be distubingly enjoyable then you should try manhunt 2 for the Wii. That game throws you in to a virtual reality simulator of a homicidal maniac. For example, in manhunt 1 you had to mash buttons to kill, in manhunt 2 for the Wii you swing the wii remote or nunchuk in conjuntion with the type of manuever your using to kill someone... eg: 1) grab the guy by the head> swing wiimote forward 2) slam his head on the wall twice> swing wiimote forward twice 3) take the top off a toilet and break it over his head> swing both wiimote and nunchuk down. now im guessing this is as close as you can get to a real act of murder without it being one.