Zero Punctuation Nominated For Streamy Award


Statistical Improbability
Aug 5, 2009
PhunkyPhazon said:
I dunno, no offense to Yahtzee but I kind of think Homestar Runner should win. They've been providing the internet with top-notch comedy since before web videos even became well known. I think they deserve something for their work.
I totally agree. The reason they haven't updated in so long is because both the brothers chaps have families to raise, from what I've seen. Which, frankly, is more than Yahtzee can say.

lax4life said:
Homestar Runner has been going downhill for years. Yahtzee is gonna wipe the floor. (he better not, running 100 bucks on Happy Tree Friends.)
Bullshit: douchebags like you being A. too stupid to get the inside jokes or take time to learn about the characters B. Never looking a the site and therefore assuming it's dead and C. Being deathly afraid of change are the reason almost no one visits it anymore. They make their entire living off that site. Do you have any idea how hard that is? No, of course not. You're too busy looking at bunnies being chainsawed to death. Fuck Happy Tree friends to the hell it came from, why don't you. Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, H*R ftw.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Greg Tito said:
Think he'll pull a Sally Field and cry [!videos=dU-KkcIjIKQ&v=9PBQ0BAEgHU] during his acceptance speech? "You like me! You really like me!"
He's more likely to pull a Gollum...
I can see it now...
Yahtzee gets up on stage, accepts the award, and then some people dressed as imps and other characters he's drawn show up...


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Best Animated? Hmmm. HSR has been going downhill for awhile, and Happy Tree Friends, while still humorous, is a bit...dated, I should say. But ZP has gotten a little stale, with a bit of polish here and there, so I guess the floor's still open.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Doc Cannon said:
ZP is good enough to win, the overall quality of the "reviews" has never dropped, so I believe he deserves it (even though that would probably mean he'd skip one espisode!).
I dont think the quality has dropped either, people just get use to them. I now forget about them until wednesday then have a pleasent surpise when they appear.
Looking forward to them ruins them slightly.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Interesting how he is nominated for an "Animated Series" award whereas he doesn't do any animation at all.

Slideshows count?


New member
Mar 4, 2010
The category they put him under is absurd. He's a stand up comedian with funny animated props that tend to fuck burning dolphins. Theirs absolutely no resemblance to any of its competitors (which all suck more or less anyway, but that's not the point).

His closest real life analogue would be a component of a Tonights show or the Daily Show/etc. Hes an entertainer. And a good game critic. But he really lacks genre that encompasses him, unless you count shitty youtube reviews, in which he wins hands down, to nobodies surprise, his shoes too short to be a "hosted show", and if he tried to lengthen it significantly, he'd probably asphyxiate and I'd ram a screwdriver into my cerebrum, a casualty of sheer, undiluted /Australian/.

Comparing him to Homestar Runner is like saying Bill Hicks would be like Spongebob Squarepants if he taped a mollusk to his fucking scrotum.

I guess you could put him in the "experimental" category with all the other crap they didn't know what to do with, but I think he'd be more pissed then anything else getting grouped with "pretentious indie shit" anyway. :/


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Damn! Of course Yahtzee has to get nominated alongside another one of my favourites: HISHE. Well, I hope that ZP wins its category and HISHE wins every other one it is nominated for.


New member
May 22, 2009
It would be cool if Zero Punctuation won, but I'd be just as happy with Homestar Runner as the winner.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
All I can say is; good luck and may the force be with you. (I'm probably gonna get sued for that.)