Zero Punctuation: Prince of Persia Retrospective


New member
May 14, 2008
I actually think that this is the best review yet. My face hurts from laughing so hard, and I have the totally incontainable urge to go and play through the games again. And that, as they say (whoever "they" are; the wizards, I presume) is a result.


New member
May 2, 2008
god i loved the original prince of persia games, though the skeletons with swords used to give me nightmares....


And how much is this Pub Club?
May 18, 2008
I agree that these all had the potential to be wonderful games, but each screwed up something. I finished 1 and 3 but 2 glitched on me right near the end so i haven't played it since.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
because i am an emotional masochist who like yahtzee's work very much, but is always trying to get on his bad side:

1: portal
2: silent hill 1
3: prince of persia: sands of time
4: painkiller
5: fantasy world dizzy

SarahhC post=6.68312.624260 said:
1. Portal
2. Silent Hill 2
3. PoP Sands Of Time
4. Resident Evil 4
5. Fantasy World Dizzy
sorry, i don't think he did like resident evil 4 very much..


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Congratulations you fools. it blows my mind that so many of you would nibble at that little piece of completely irrelevant information trying to decipher his list-o-five. sure, one page of it was excessive, but its still going on after eight pages. You've made me loose allot of faith in the general public and you disgust me. some of you even registered just to post that gorram list. There is no hope for you now and i guess ill just have to continue living knowing that you people exist.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
To quote the interwebs: zero punctuation and croshaw are getting fukken old by the hour. The first time I saw ZP, it was funny as hell. I almost fell off my chair. But now I just smile and occationally let out a little laugh. This kind of humour isn't lasting, trolling pretendously day after day. I'm waiting for the next internet fun machine.

PoP:SoT was quite a mediocore expirience. The platforming was nice (except for the parts when you didn't have the dagger of time), but combat was a big 'meh'. Either hacky hacky with the big guys who could defend or vaulting over more stupid monsters and after the credits I found myself with a dull face, sighing. It was well done and you'd see that it was made by professionals, but also it gave an impression that there wasn't actually much effort put into it.

Anyways, I hope to see some psychotic rage from fanatics. Eventhough there is none.


Most Refined Escapist
Jul 4, 2008
Not sure if anyone noticed but he was talking about league of extodenary(why can't I spell it!!) gentlemen which (if you've been to his website and read his review) he was pretty pissed about.


Ridiculously Awesome
Jun 4, 2008
M0rp43vs post=6.68312.627546 said:
Not sure if anyone noticed but he was talking about league of extodenary(why can't I spell it!!) gentlemen which (if you've been to his website and read his review) he was pretty pissed about.
After LXG it's no wonder Alan Moore hates Hollywood with an unholy passion. I'm surprised Yahtzee never posted reviews of any of the Spider-Man movies, especially 2 which is arguably the best one of the three, all of which include his hero, Bruce Campbell.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
I basically agree with the whole thing. I loved SoT, but the combat always came to a place where the challenge was mostly pitching more and more opponents who could block more and more of your attacks.

WW could very well have been my favorite game in the series if it hadn't been presented so tastelessly. It's like all of the designers sat in a room thinking about what was hard. Angst? Yeah, that's hard! Violence? Yeah, that's hard! Electric guitars? Yeah, that's hard! Women wearing hot clothing? Yeah, that's hard!
I did like the artistic qualities of cleaving an enemy and seeing the resulting cascade of blood and sand mesh together in a spray of red, yellow and orange, though. Maybe I'm odd like that.

I liked TT, but a lot less than I felt I should. I think it has to do with the fact that the whole scenario doesn't fit very well together. Like, even though you're in one of the largest cities of the time, there is a very distinctively marked path for you to follow for no obvious reason, alleys are are walled off arbitrarily, rooftops link neatly to only two other roof tops, and for some reason people put springy platforms on their walls... a lack of IMMERSION as it where.
The springy boards where kinds balanced by the speed kills you could do off of them, though. They were, to say, totally bitchin'.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
I have a bit of a double feeling about PoP.

Sands of Time kept locking up on my PS2. Every time after one of those forward flashes you get at the start of every room none of the controls but the start button responded anymore, leaving me with no option but to go to the menu and back for up to three minutes until the Prince realized forward made him move, after which the game continued normally. Tried to find someone else who had the problem but to no avail. In the end this completely broke the experience. Shame, I liked it when I could actualy move.

I absolutely adored the original PoP though. I could almost play that thing blindfolded after a while. There's also a Prince 2 btw. Which has the exact same gameplay as the original, except for the timelimit, a graphical overhaul and different levels naturally. Strange Yahtzee missed that one.

Alan Moore was done with movies since ever. I don't believe he's actually seen any of them (he said as much during an interview somewhen). Even with V being pretty good, From Hell decent (even if it is NOTHING like the book) he made the right decision all along simply because it spared him from having to watch the League...


New member
May 21, 2008
Number 4 is spiderman 2. I'm assuming the Xbox version.

To all those thinking about how the PC version sucked so many big ones, the xbox version was probably my most played game before I switched to the 360.

I wholeheartedly agree with the rest of the list as well. Portal is God.

Oh, and the review was one of the best in a long time. Really reminded me of the first few reviews.

Cheers, keep up the good work.