Zero Punctuation: Top 5 of 2017


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
Don't look at me. I voted for the Giant Killer Meteor in 2016.

After seeing this list, I am going to be a groundhog and wait to buy a current generation console in six months.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
And a fine year it was.

EDIT: My favorite thing about these lists is always the new convoluted ways in Yahtzee devises to announce each "winner".


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
And a fine year it was.
But but everyone said it was the BEST YEAR EVEA!!! Because it had like that one kinda okay game in like March that was kinda okay.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Ah, Ajit Pai, a deadeyed dweeb who desperately wants people to ask him about his Reese's mug.

anyway, I think what really got me about this year was how much Japanese devs spent it going on a rampage across the landscape with stuff like Persona 5, Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, Nioh, and of course Nintendo (showing why you never write them off).


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Did the hell freeze over? One of the best games on this list is Zelda? Also, glad that Odyssey ALMOST got 2nd. Almost may not count, but it does in my heart.


New member
May 11, 2016
I personally thought the Surge was pretty good, I actually liked it better then any of the previous Souls and Souls-like games. I would've put Vroom in the Night Sky on the worst list over that one.

I don't think Bioware's games are "bland" at all, I think they are really damn good and Andromeda was no exception.

Destiny 2 had a good campaign but a lackluster endgame.

Dead Rising 4 is goddamn awesome.

Assassins Creed Origins should've been on the bland list instead of Wildlands, Wildlands was actually really damn fun.

Sonic Forces is quite underrated. I also quite liked BF2's single player campaign, but everything else about it sucked.

I thought Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 was pretty fun, we don't get many AA games like that, so i'm happy that series is still going.

I think the worst game should've been Life of Black Tiger, a shitty game that should've been thrown up on Steam and forgotten that somehow got endorsed by Sony.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Anyone else freaked out at first hearing Yahtzee's voice multiplied before each Best and Worst entry?
KissingSunlight said:
Don't look at me. I voted for the Giant Killer Meteor in 2016.
I'm voting for Bender in 2020. Something about his "Kill al humans!" platform really speaks to me.


New member
Apr 12, 2016
My reactions to the list:

Top Five

Yup, hell just froze over, Persona 5 a JRPG on the list as test to Atlus and their suberb writing.

Just remember that this is the game that was the selling point of the Switch, so congrats on BoTW for being the first game on a Yahtzee list.

I am more of a Metal Slug/Contra man myself, but Cuphead is alright if you miss those.

A Hat in Time is a Kickstarter from the days these were humble projects and love letters for their franchises and being put here in place of Mario Odyssey shows that 3D platforming is still alive despite naysayers and me.

Another reversal of fortune for RE, this time for the better, now we will have to suffer through RE5 and RE6 fans calling those games underrated until RE8 finally comes.

Bland Five

I guess Volition should have distanced itself further from Saints Row so the cameos weren't that bitter of a pill to swallow.

This game is all of Bioware's developer quirks coupled with EA's mismanagement to put out something disappointing at best.

So much for the 10 year plan for the first game...

"Oh yeah, this game came out in 2017" award goes to...

To unlock this comment, you'll have to log in Origin and pay $2.99

Bottom Five

Yup, the Souls-like thing is really going nowhere.

The FNAF-style attempt to hide lore into minor details on its world show the desperation if the scythes weren't enough.

Frank is Back, except his voice actor, his personality and fun game, something that even MvC Infinite got right.

Sonic Forces, the "fastest reversal of fortune" award returns at full force, it didn't even took a year.

Another CI Games proud jewel, if you feel that COD, Dinasty Warriors or Assassin's Creed have too much inovation, CI Games has the catalog for you.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Well that surprised me. I honestly thought 1 and 3 would be the other way around.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Igor-Rowan said:
now we will have to suffer through RE5 and RE6 fans calling those games underrated until RE8 finally comes.
I've been calling RE5 underrated since it came out. It's my #5 RE game actually (yes, that is a coincidence, not me being clever). It's not perfect, and does get a bit actiony for my taste, but I still think it's pretty good at the end of the day.

Can't comment on RE6.

Igor-Rowan said:
So much for the 10 year plan for the first game...
The ten year plan referred to the Destiny franchise, not the first game.

Igor-Rowan said:
Yup, the Souls-like thing is really going nowhere.
Didn't Nioh come out this year and get rave reviews?

Can't comment on Dark Souls, but I kinda raise an eyebrow as to the idea of a "Souls-like" genre, since I'd have thought they'd easily fit under ARPGs.


New member
Apr 12, 2016
Hawki said:
I've been calling RE5 underrated since it came out. It's my #5 RE game actually (yes, that is a coincidence, not me being clever). It's not perfect, and does get a bit actiony for my taste, but I still think it's pretty good at the end of the day.

Can't comment on RE6.
I believe RE1 still holds up as an adventure game with atmosphere, RE4 is awesome in ways I can't describe in a sentence, and the others fall in between the two, but RE5 and RE6 did not click for me, and as someone who played 0, that's saying a lot.

Hawki said:
The ten year plan referred to the Destiny franchise, not the first game.
I don't know, I had a friend who followed Destiny from day 1 and he told me it would be like this when I saw The Taken King get a physical release.

Hawki said:
Didn't Nioh come out this year and get rave reviews?

Can't comment on Dark Souls, but I kinda raise an eyebrow as to the idea of a "Souls-like" genre, since I'd have thought they'd easily fit under ARPGs.
Mark Brown made a video about creating entirely new genres into a single game or series and how it's detrimental both to the definition of the genre being created and the games being made under that umbrella.


Hating everyone equally
Nov 28, 2012
United Kingdom
Gah! The overlapping voices are really annoying. I know Yahtzee hates humanity but he shouldn't contribute to its suffering. Humanity is suffering enough self-inflicted problems as it is.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I'd actually place The Surge somewhere on my top 5. It's the only game I'm still playing. I keep meaning to buy one of the Souls games, and then remember that it has mandatory online functionality, and I know how mandatory online functionality works, you can't pay me to play a game like this with other people showing up in my session.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
To be fair: Rosalina's ass is far better than Peach''s canon. After all, despite having a similar figure to Peach, Rosalina's in the Heavy weight class in Mario Kart where-as Peach is only in the Medium. That can only mean that Rosalina's got an ass so grand that if you smack one cheek it turns into a Newton's Cradle with the other. :^)



New member
Dec 5, 2008
Ajit Pai ranks below a turd. How eloquent.

(I'm not even kidding. Sometimes brevity is the soul of wit, even in the form of a poop joke.)

I've only played a few games on the list this year, good, bad, or indifferent. Hopefully next year will see me with a faster rig and more time for gaming.


New member
Mar 12, 2014
Gennadios said:
I'd actually place The Surge somewhere on my top 5. It's the only game I'm still playing. I keep meaning to buy one of the Souls games, and then remember that it has mandatory online functionality, and I know how mandatory online functionality works, you can't pay me to play a game like this with other people showing up in my session.
I played the first hour of Demon's Souls online...after that, the rest I played offline. Played DS2, DS2 SotFS and DS3 all offline.

DS3 actually let's you choose to play offline via an option. The others required starting the game while disconnected from the network (and once it registered as offline, you could reconnect).


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Hawki said:
Didn't Nioh come out this year and get rave reviews?

Can't comment on Dark Souls, but I kinda raise an eyebrow as to the idea of a "Souls-like" genre, since I'd have thought they'd easily fit under ARPGs.
They are essentially action RPGs, but of a specific niche. I've been thinking about this since Nioh came out and came to a more specific definition of what "Souls-like" should be made into: Survival Horror RPG. Like survival horror games the odds are stacked against you and there is serious risk in getting into fights due to limited resources and thus a player must calculate said risk, sometimes even requiring the player to flee. Furthermore tension is enhanced through atmosphere and exploration is encouraged to make sure the player is prepared for the challenges ahead.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Persona 5/ Breath of the Wild: I honestly thought these two would be the other way around, considering he kind of dunked on Breath of the Wild a bit after his initial review. And I thought both of them would be ahead of A Hat in Time.

Cuphead: Yeah, this seems about right.

A Hat in Time: See above. Igot that he liked it, but I'm surprised that it ended up being top 5 material.

Resident Evil 7: Yeah, saw this coming.

Agents of Mayhem: Oh right, this thing existed.

Mass Effect Andromeda: I supposed it should be thankful it didn't hit the worst game list.

Destiny 2: Yeah, seems about right.

Ghost Recon Wildlands: I only vaguely remember this one, probably because it's just another limb on the sandbox/modern military shooter monsters of blandness.

Battlefront 2: Rightfully earned.

The Surge: Dark Souls except shit seems to be the general opinion on this one. Surprised it didn't get higher up for that.

Outlast 2: Oh yeah, I remember him shitting on this thing. And can someone tell people who use upside crosses that they're using the mark of St. Peter and not Satan?

Dead Rising 4: I honest to god forget there WAS a Dead Rising 4. That should say it all.

Sonic Forces: Some people certainly did shit on this, but Yahtzee certainly shit on it the hardest, so for him this fits.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3: What? *Watches ZP video* Oh right...that game that I heard about through ZP and nowhere else.