Zero Punctuation: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Woodsey said:
But... But... He doesn't tell you anything! I can't see how you can take anything from this other than a laugh. He exaggerates beyond belief (for good reason), I doubt anything is supposed to be taken from it.
I said enough. Not into too much detail, I just know which games are for me and are not for me. I know I should give it a try, but I'm not even too much of a gamer.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Hallow said:
So it's basically like the Transformers movies?
Where you can enjoy it for a few hours and leave your brain outside, but doesn't offer anything new to cinema or it's own franchise?
If that's the case then I'm cool with it, because I just want to have fun with bells and whistles for a hour or so. That's the purpose of games, right? To have fun?
I somewhat agree. There's nothing wrong with a game being nothing more then a distraction as long as it's an entertaining one. Regardless, while I don't mind it, I hope not all game makers rely on this tactic since there is so much more that we could do with this medium.


This Title is Ironic
May 17, 2009
insertclevernamehere said:
Mr.Lucifer said:
dbrose said:
insertclevernamehere said:
dbrose said:
Considering how much Yahtzee disliked the first game in the series, and sequels in general, I'm surprised he reviewed Uncharted 2. I guess he must not have finished Dragon Age yet or something.

Oh well--it was funny and concise, and gave me fair cause to avoid it.
He didn't dislike the first one, he said the gameplay was all good it was just unoriginal. More than he says for most games.

Ugh after 3 (maybe 4) posts I realize that there are more idiots who think Yahtzee is a good person to get an unbiased review, and if he says it's bad it's bad than I can deal with. Enjoy missing a lot of quality gaming because you listen to a funny man and take everything he says seriously and acknowledge it as the end all truth.
I hardly think Yahtzee is unbiased--far from it! I simply find that I agree with a majority of his statements and thus am more inclined to agree with him. That being said, I do have a mind of my own--I actually liked the third Thief game better than the first two, and I do enjoy a number of JRPGs; I enjoy Yahtzee's reviews and usually agree with them, but I always go with my own gut feeling in the end as to whether or not I should spend money on a game.
He's not unbiased, he's just super picky.
BS. He even states multiple times that he hates things before he even plays them, and of course with everyone calling the next coming being brought about by U2, Yahtzee is going to trash it. He also had to seem neutral about it at best to maintain consistency with his first review. His job is more complex than yelling stuff into a mic, he needs to be consistent or he'll lose his audience.

I also have the feeling he enjoys games more than he lets on, just it wouldn't be funny if he said "Ya it's ok" to everything instead of ripping it to shreds.

Also no offense if you agree with Yahtzee almost all the time I'd hate to be you, must be hard to be entertained! XD
I agree with you, but his reviews still manage to convince me not to buy some games I've looked forward to in the past by making me rethink my decision to get them, and I don't even buy many games to begin with. Come to think of it, I haven't bought one for over 6 months, although that's also due to not as many interesting games coming out. Dragon Age looks enticing though, and I may have to get that.

Not buying games may save me money, but it's also kind of disheartening, especially since I love video games so much.


New member
Apr 12, 2008
I think it's funny he brought up DA as I'm playing through it now and I'm hoping, with all the hope I can muster, that there comes a point where I stop having to pull enemies like it's an MMO. And it's not like it's not my choice ~ I don't think you can even beat the third bandit encounter without pulling like you're back in Oasis pulling Specters to the beach because there's no way you can deal with that tower with anything short of a raid.

And, despite all the nice dialog, the game is otherwise pretty bleh. This is coming from someone who still plays Baldurs Gate on a regular basis.



New member
Oct 26, 2008
This is the only time I have ever not been satisfied with one of Yahtzee's Rants, UNCHARTED 1 AND 2 ARE F***ING AWESOME, nuff said


New member
May 7, 2008
Most of the people who are "agreeing" are :

1) XB2 only owners

2) People who never played the game

3) People who thinks Transformers was the best movie ever


New member
Nov 1, 2009
If you don't agree with yahtzee, thats fine. Just don't take his opinion too seriously. He's admitted bfore that his opinions are subjective. Though my personal complaint about his reviews is that all the nitpicking he does usually makes the games he does like sound mediocre with some redeeming features.

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
Twilightruler said:
Interesting to see someone rag on this game since companies and reviewers seem to be beating this game to death with game of the year recommendations...Personally, doesn't look all too great to me, certainly nothing new. But then again, if halo and COD has shown us anything, it's that doing nothing/very little new sells much better than doing something original.
Yes, damn CoD for making the new and refreshing Modern Warfare and then making a sequel since everyone wanted one.

And how is it interesting to see Yahtzee rag on a game that has gotten good reviews?

And just because something isn't new and original doesn't mean that it isn't great. You're talking like we should ban things like Halo to hell because they have the nerve not to do extreme changes to their games that would be met with anger.

Uncharted 2 may be unoriginal to some, but it probably has the best quality of any game out this year.

I hate it when people say "Doesn't look original" as a reason to why it would be bad. It's gotten GotY recommendations for a reason.


New member
Aug 15, 2009
lol funny as always and I think he should the add the automatic stick to walls thing on his list of sins for game developers


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Dragon age is way over Yahtzee head. He will get board with it like any nonmindless game. Face it if the game makes Yahtzee think it sure to get a bad review. Just like the Witcher I and some other great games. Yahtzee will kill Dragon Age on a idiot review cause it does not have to do with some easy mod. I might give the love story a + do to the face he will be thinking of his boyfriend.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
great review, and to all the defenders on uncharted: it's unoriginal because it's basic gameplay is directly ripped from every successful game in the past few years. does it make it bad? no, it just means that it's something you haven't seen before and if you are like most people who don't have money pouring out of their ass to buy every game in existence, then it's ok to skip this one and look for a more interesting game worth your time and money


New member
Apr 15, 2009
people who think that transformers 2 was the best game ever would like this game because it's just like it: all flash and no (deep) substance.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
It almost felt like a half-assed review. It doesn't matter what game it was, it just felt lackluster. No oomph, ya know?


New member
Mar 16, 2009
qbanknight said:
people who think that transformers 2 was the best game ever would like this game because it's just like it: all flash and no (deep) substance.
And people who think that a game like Uncharted 2 (or any game for that sake) can be compared to Transformers 2 need to get their heads examined.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
BaldursBananaSoap said:
It's pre-teen 360 fanboys like these that constantly need to justify their purchase that make me feel much better in owning a PC and PS3.
Well said.

Don't take this review too seriously, it is an absolutely outstanding game. At least rent or borrow it, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

If you own a PS3 that is. If you don't there isn't much point mentioning that 'you're not going to buy it now'. You know who you are.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
"For the record, enemies laughing at you after you die has NEVER positively enhanced the gaming experience."

I beg to differ!
I loved Joker's laughing at your sorry arse after you die in Batman Arkham Asylum.

Great review, by the way.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I'm amazed at the amount of people saying they won't buy this game based on this review. If you based all your gaming purchases on his reviews, you'd end up playing one game a year.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Sounds like another C class game they are trying to fake as an A class one.... oh well worth a try at least...if ever comes to the PC that is.... :p