You do! They have such lovely arses in "No Mercy"SendMeNoodz84 said:God damnit: I WANT TO SEE THE ZOMBIES NUDE! That would be hilarious.
You do! They have such lovely arses in "No Mercy"SendMeNoodz84 said:God damnit: I WANT TO SEE THE ZOMBIES NUDE! That would be hilarious.
A little off-topic but I get pissed off when my cat doesn't notice my wiggle physics.Allan Foe said:Now how about naked male mods, with all new wiggle-physics?
And you can even do it for male zombies, it'll make tank encounters a whole lot more terrifying!
I would just like to point out, that for Oblivion and Fallout3, there are naked male mods. There's even "slof's boners" for Oblivion and the "giant boner" mod for Fallout 3. Pure class.Allan Foe said:Now how about naked male mods, with all new wiggle-physics?
And you can even do it for male zombies, it'll make tank encounters a whole lot more terrifying!
The ungimped Zoey has pretty small boobs, the 'designers' just made them larger.Dark assassin for hire said:It happens with just about every game with a female character that has huge boobs
Unless the infection made him prude...LtFerret said:I bet that makes the smoker one very happy Zombie
Been living in a cave for the past 20 years? Nerds = Make Money = Attract bimbos and the like.magnuslion said:yeah so this is just pathetic. maybe all these nerds downloading this kind of crap should spend some time socializing and developing a personality, and they could see an actual woman naked.
Yeah, in the Porn movie made of L4D.WrongSprite said:DON'T GIVE THEM IDE---- has?Abedeus said:No, but I guess they will make Smoker's tongue into a giant wang...metroidgearsolid said:oh yay... cyber pervs ftw. sigh, whats next? a tentacle rap mod?
Oh, wait, has been done.