Zombies are attacking your town/city and you and three game characters have to stop them


New member
Nov 15, 2009
It's gotta be:

She's nigh on immortal, agile and has tremendous strength, all of which would be useful in taking down large quantities of enemies at a time. She's a beautiful shot with firearms and the grace with which she slices through flesh is hypnotic. Plus she cracks me up and we have similar sensibilities, so we'd have a great time defending the town. She might even make me an Umbra Witch ^_^

He's an intelligent guy, so we'd be able to come up with escape routes and plans to survive the apocalypse, and he probably knows of some very remote, unpopulated areas which could provide safety. Similarly to Bayonetta, he is highly experience with all kinds of firearms so we could have an array of weapons, choosing which suits the situation the best at any given moment (handguns for few enemies, M4s for taking down large hordes).
He would also bring a lot of charm and entertainment to a horrible situation, so he'd be able to keep the team's spirits up. Even in the face of death, he would carry on fighting until the bitter end, which is inspirational and encouraging for everyone else in the group.
Plus, I love him. He's gorgeous, but not TOO gorgeous in the 'pretty boy' sense. Did I mention that I LOVE him?

I was going to say Samus here but a few people have mentioned her so I'm changing my third to:

She's a dab hand with a knife and pepper grinder (is pepper lethal to zombies? I'm sure we'll find out soon enough!), and nothing really seems to faze the girl. She's been through some horrendous things, yet she keeps on fighting, so I think her determination would inspire the rest of the group to not give up.

Sorry, that was a rant and a half!


New member
Jun 15, 2011
samus aran
Claire redfield

Together we can repopulate the earth after killing the zombies


New member
May 22, 2011
Ddgafd said:
Joshimodo said:
Ddgafd said:
My Siren from Borderlands, she's got a 60x7 shotgun revolver with ammo regen. Win.
A Siren using a (weak) revolver? Facepalm city.
Don't care, it's working out for me.
A hint: Get a really good Anarchy SMG (torgue and dahl make the best non-elemental SMGs) and a mercenary mod with SMG ammo regen. It's practically a bullet decal spraypainter.
And a high level Hellfire wouldn't hurt either.
Another hint: Tediore weapons aren't really that good at all. Don't bother with them :(


New member
Jan 25, 2010
The Demi-Fiend from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. He's the Kratos of JRPGs: he's murdered just about every deity and all its kids. The ones he hasn't recruited to join him, anyway.

Laharl from Disgaea. Yeah, he's a loudmouthed little punk, but he's also very easy to bribe.

aaand Samus Aran.

Then my cool new friends and I will leave my POS little town to its fate and go throw a raucous kegger in Laharl's castle. We'll take hilarious photos of Demi-Fiend's demonic minions in compromising poses, and I'll get Samus drunk and we'll try out the ball thing. No, not that ball thing.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Optimus Prime seems like the sensible answer. I mean he's a robot and thus incapable of being infected.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
So it seems like this is L4D but with me and three other people, and those people are from video games? No problem... I'll take

the Medic from StarCraft (she can heal units... maybe the Infected too?)
Morrigan from Darkstalkers (not human - maybe immune? Also, she can fly)
Zoe from, well, L4D (experienced, positive attitude)

So maybe my choices are a little biased toward the healing/defensive end, but hey, in a zombie apocalypse, that's the way to go. Between the medic's healing, Morrigan's magic, and Zoe's guns, I should be pretty well good to go.

Huh. They're all girls, too. What a... coincidence.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
PlasmaFrog said:
Pyro - Team Fortress 2
The Fury - Metal Gear Solid 3
Megatank - Advance Wars: Duel Strike

Obvious reasoning really. I just drive around on my super-massive tank and reduce anything to cinders that approaches it, problem solved.
Why would you want to set fire to the zombies, that would just make them even worse!


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Darth Revan - the force powers would be great for damage and helping set up a secure area

The Hulk - awsome destruction/construction capabilities for battle and settlement, Plus he can revert to Bruce Banner and use his genius to help if need be.

and my wildcard?

Prince of Persia - great agile scout that can reverse time if any of us ever get bitten.

Evil Earlgrey

New member
May 14, 2010
1 Broodlord (Starcraft 2)
is enough to keep endless hordes of zombies at bay. So i use the remaining 2 choices for Chun li(Streetfighter) and Mai Shiranui(King of Fighters) to keep me company.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Or even better than Optimus, Gustaf Brackman in his megalith. Though it might have problems walking around a town without destroying everything..


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Simple really.

Leon Kennedy OR Chris Redfield from Resident Evil series
Grey Fox from Metal Gear Solid
Lone Wanderer (Fallout 3/NV)

Like previously pointed out, the LW would be the pack mule, able to carry enough ammo and medical supplies to heal an army, Chris or Leon for longer range combat (with my help, I guess) not to mention their extensive experience of dealing with zombies, and Grey Fox for high-speed melee combat in case any get too close, not to mention his laser-cannon arm.


Regular Member
Mar 15, 2011
Amaterasu (Okami)
Rinoa (FF8 - want to see her try to get a sun-goddess in wolf-form on her dog-catapult-thing)
Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue)

Maybe not the best choices, but I don't want my Zombie-apocalypse to be too much of a cruise anyway


New member
Jul 16, 2008
John Marston
Frank West

These guys know what they're doing. Plus if they die they can just go back to an earlier save point :p
Except Francis. He'll need someone to find him reincarnated in a closet...


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Steve (minecraft guy): To create walls so thick and tall (poor choice of words), it would make the great wall of china look like a childs lego structure! Hes also a master Crafter (to make ammo and weapons), farmer (for food to last till the end of days), and he would never question a single order given!

Chaplain Varrus : No team is truly complete without a space marine. And if your going to choose one, it might as well be one of the most effective ones!
He single-handedly took down a Bloodthirster. I dont think some small horde of zombies would stand up to the worse space marine, let alone one of the emperors finest Chaplains.

And to round the team out!

Fem-shep: A sexy soldier from the future, wielding some of the most advanced gear to every grace the consoles. Sophisticated, witty, and a good team leader ((as well as a rock'in bod)), she would get us through the zombie invasion with ease! (with hopefully 0 casualties.)