Trump announces withdrawal from WHO


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009

Trump sent the World Health Organiastion a letter on 18th May making vague demands along the lines that it had 30 days to provide assurance that it was not dominated by China. He evidently couldn't be bothered waiting that long. Naturally, departing really would make the WHO much more under Chinese influence.

At the meeting of the WHO member states earlier in May, it was agreed to thoroughly review the WHO's response to the pandemic. A call to have Taiwan present as an observer was defeated, where according to sources, despite substantial support from Europe, the USA failed to campaign vigorously and effectively, with speculation that US influence has recently plummetted.

Some reports suggest Trump might not actually have the power to withdraw from the WHO, it requires Congressional approval. There is suspicion that this is yet more asinine flailing and headline grabbing to divert attention from the USA's own poor response to the covid-19 pandemic now that officially-recorded covid-19 deaths in the USA have exceeeded 100,000.


Elite Member
Aug 23, 2011
Trump sent the World Health Organiastion a letter on 18th May making vague demands along the lines that it had 30 days to provide assurance that it was not dominated by China. He evidently couldn't be bothered waiting that long.
Someone should really explain the thing about proving a negative to Trump

At the meeting of the WHO member states earlier in May, it was agreed to thoroughly review the WHO's response to the pandemic.
So, an investigation was already launched into china which would, hopefully, uncover any meddling by outside forces, should such a thing exist.

Some reports suggest Trump might not actually have the power to withdraw from the WHO, it requires Congressional approval.
Fingers crossed, with the US it is always interesting to see what power has been ceded, intentionally or not, to the executive.


Hating everyone equally
Nov 28, 2012
United Kingdom
Someone tell Trump that leverage is obtained by threat of withdrawing money and when you no longer contribute, you no longer have any leverage. Instead, have talks with major WHO contributors about setting up an alternative. Don't just walk away and have no one agree with you. That just gives the WHO directors an excuse to deal with budget shortfalls and not the actual problems.

lil devils x

šŸMore Lego Goats Please!šŸ
May 1, 2020
He is just scapegoating WHO in an attempt to deflect the blame, because he chose to decline the COVID-19 tests they offered. Because Trump CHOSE to ignore the warnings and change the subject to vaping products, because he chose to call it a hoax instead of get the PPE to the front lines. He chose to let his unqualified and extremely inept son in law control the supply chain to give it to Trump supporters even if they had no intent on fulfilling the contracts they were not ever capable of filling, because he chose to not only not help and tell the states they were on their own but then made everything more difficult on those who were helping, because he chose to not maintain FEMA stockpiles and reduce Pandemic response resources prior to a pandemic. Since everyone is blaming him for what he actually was responsible for here, he thinks cutting off funding to WHO in the middle of a global pandemic will somehow make him look better to scapegoat someone else for his incompetence and extreme gross negligence that resulted in over 100,000 Americans dead thus far.

He always scapegoats anyone but himself for his own actions and is clueless about responsibility.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace

Someone tell Trump that leverage is obtained by threat of withdrawing money and when you no longer contribute, you no longer have any leverage. Instead, have talks with major WHO contributors about setting up an alternative. Don't just walk away and have no one agree with you. That just gives the WHO directors an excuse to deal with budget shortfalls and not the actual problems.
For someone who keeps saying he's gonna get us the best deals, he kind of sucks at making any.

Are we great yet? Are we winning so much we're sick of winning yet?


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Someone should really explain the thing about proving a negative to Trump
Dude, I'm not sure he possesses object permanence.

Someone tell Trump that leverage is obtained by threat of withdrawing money and when you no longer contribute, you no longer have any leverage. Instead, have talks with major WHO contributors about setting up an alternative. Don't just walk away and have no one agree with you. That just gives the WHO directors an excuse to deal with budget shortfalls and not the actual problems.
Trump fundamentally misunderstands the fact that global politics are not the mobbed up NYC real estate market. His entire thing as a negotiator has been to blow up the negotiations and walk away the instant he hears what he doesn't like and threaten to take his business elsewhere. But there is no competing Congress that Trump can appeal to, just the one. There's no That Other World Health Organization. So all he ends up doing is holding his breath until he passes out.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Trump fundamentally misunderstands the fact that global politics are not the mobbed up NYC real estate market. His entire thing as a negotiator has been to blow up the negotiations and walk away the instant he hears what he doesn't like and threaten to take his business elsewhere. But there is no competing Congress that Trump can appeal to, just the one. There's no That Other World Health Organization. So all he ends up doing is holding his breath until he passes out.
I keep seeing this sort of thing said about Trump, but I'm not convinced.

Now, maybe he just simply doesn't understand such things, but I personally feel that it's more that he doesn't care.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So all he ends up doing is holding his breath until he passes out.
Dude, don't get my hopes up by saying things like that. If he passed out, then at least he'd stop fucking crying for 5 minutes.

At least with a baby you can give them a bottle to get them to shut up. Nobody at the White House Day Care Center is either willing or able to do so with Trump.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I keep seeing this sort of thing said about Trump, but I'm not convinced.

Now, maybe he just simply doesn't understand such things, but I personally feel that it's more that he doesn't care.
Those don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, with Trump there's pretty heavy overlap.

Dude, don't get my hopes up by saying things like that. If he passed out, then at least he'd stop fucking crying for 5 minutes.

At least with a baby you can give them a bottle to get them to shut up. Nobody at the White House Day Care Center is either willing or able to do so with Trump.
At least, not for fear of being sent to the cornfield if they do.

Sneed's SeednFeed

Elite Member
Apr 10, 2020
For someone who keeps saying he's gonna get us the best deals, he kind of sucks at making any.

Are we great yet? Are we winning so much we're sick of winning yet?
Trump's approach to bargaining is like the incel mentality towards women. At the same time he thinks there's a lack of negotiation power, but there's also an abudance, but all the other weaker parties are collaborating together in their weakness out of spite, but they'll come around. Much in the same way incels think they're the dog's bollocks whilst also openly dreaming about suicide, but women spite them for their male essenceTM not being able to realise they'd be better off without rights, but they'll also come around if they just post enough memes and horrible music on image boards (and act out violent fantasies where the only penetration they get is from the guns of law enforcement and being thwacked by their peers).
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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Trump's approach to bargaining is like the incel mentality towards women. At the same time he thinks there's a lack of negotiation power, but there's also an abudance, but all the other weaker parties are collaborating together in their weakness out of spite, but they'll come around. Much in the same way incels think they're the dog's bollocks whilst also openly dreaming about suicide, but women spite them for their male essenceTM not being able to realise they'd be better off without rights, but they'll also come around if they just post enough memes and horrible music on image boards (and act out violent fantasies where the only penetration they get is from the guns of law enforcement and being thwacked by their peers).
Great, now I'm picturing Trump Negging world leaders and his constituents in a "Super Strategist" game a la banned 'fun' time, Super Seducer

Sneed's SeednFeed

Elite Member
Apr 10, 2020
Great, now I'm picturing Trump Negging world leaders and his constituents in a "Super Strategist" game a la banned 'fun' time, Super Seducer
Lol, I mean isn't that kind of what his whole life has been? Just negging everyone about everything?
Have to agree with Worgen, he lacks any kind of personal charm to not just bully people into liking him or not just intimately surround himself with like minded people who have the same qualities. If there's any charisma then it's about the same animalistic lust that Mel Gibson, Piers Morgan and similar boomers inspire in repressed housewives.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Trump needed a distraction from his retweeting a "the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat" video and echoing the "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" quote from an extremely racist '60s sheriff. Unfortunately, the only tactic Trump knows to distract from something horrible he's done is to do something even more horrible.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Trump needed a distraction from his retweeting a "the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat" video and echoing the "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" quote from an extremely racist '60s sheriff. Unfortunately, the only tactic Trump knows to distract from something horrible he's done is to do something even more horrible.
Well, that is President Trump for you. Unnecessarily inflicts a load of self-damage, and then does something damaging to the nation to distract everyone.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
If his issue with the World Health Organisation is too much Chinese investment and ergo, influence, then a complete withdrawal is going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I mean it would be one thing if he managed to get most of the other western powers to do likewise OR create some kind of new funding block to beat the Chinese influence by combining their contribution. But pulling a middling diplomatic version of ā€œScrew you guys, I'm going homeā€ is just baffling.

lil devils x

šŸMore Lego Goats Please!šŸ
May 1, 2020
If his issue with the World Health Organisation is too much Chinese investment and ergo, influence, then a complete withdrawal is going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I mean it would be one thing if he managed to get most of the other western powers to do likewise OR create some kind of new funding block to beat the Chinese influence by combining their contribution. But pulling a middling diplomatic version of ā€œScrew you guys, I'm going homeā€ is just baffling.
Trumps only issue is he needs someone to blame for his mistakes. When you look at the timeline above, it becomes blatantly apparent that WHO tried to give him tests and warning and Trump refused to listen.

In addition, Trumps China ban did nothing to slow the spread as most of the US was infected from Europe, not China. Trump excluding his resorts in the UK from restriction, allowed for many new infection points rather than a few.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Trumps only issue is he needs someone to blame for his mistakes. When you look at the timeline above, it becomes blatantly apparent that WHO tried to give him tests and warning and Trump refused to listen.

In addition, Trumps China ban did nothing to slow the spread as most of the US was infected from Europe, not China. Trump excluding his resorts in the UK from restriction, allowed for many new infection points rather than a few.
It's also good red meat for his base, the only people he knows how to talk to, who resent the idea that anyone remotely more intelligent than them could have any kind of intellectual authority. There's that strain of American anti-intellectualism that holds that gut feelings are better than dedicated study and practice, that expertise is a weakness. They seem to ascribe to intellectuals and other educated people a kind of obliviousness or duplicity that is unique to education. Kind of like how anti-semites think that there's a special Jewish way of being greedy that even the greediest gentiles don't have.