Outriders, the actually released version now


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I had a pretty good time with the game. Waiting for my buddy to get to end game to pick it back up again. Wrote my thoughts here. https://www.escapistmagazine.com/v2/outriders-is-finally-a-looter-shooter-that-doesnt-waste-my-time/

Agreed with all points, though I havent really enjoyed any Borderlands game after the first one. After the original borderlands they made the gun and skill upgrades far more incremental and it became an unenjoyable chore for me of struggling through battles trying to find gun that feel "good", where as every time I get improved guns in outriders, I'm faced with a new exciting puzzle of how to rebuild my entire character around this new schema or to remod the gun to fit how I like to play. I love feeling I have options.

I played through Division and Destiny, but got bored with both maybe 10 hours in at best because they felt very ..shallow. Like it felt very chore like. Like I was punching a clock. I know I know Outriders has a stupid gears of war whatever story, but I'm invested and curious to see how it plays out, where as with Destiny and division...fuck I honestly don't remember. Destiny was something something bunch of races at war and all your missions...help? Division had something to do with retaking new york, but after recycling a piece of equipment with minute upgrades every 5 minutes for hour straight I just got exhausted and dropped. I don't like games that feel like a day job.
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Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
I had a pretty good time with the game. Waiting for my buddy to get to end game to pick it back up again. Wrote my thoughts here. https://www.escapistmagazine.com/v2/outriders-is-finally-a-looter-shooter-that-doesnt-waste-my-time/
That is what I love about this game. I love that its linear and I love that mission are in the small bite size chunks and I love that loot and plentiful and customizable. When I think of looter shooters Borderlands is the bar and others like Destiny does have the loot gameplay loop and Division the loot is a damn navy blue beanie.

But Outriders found that sweetspot I was looking for and its a damn shame its mare by post launch failures and incompentence. Not even angry just really disappointed.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Game devs/execs/shareholders need to think deeply about whether or not to pursue a live-service game.

A live-service game as someone who has played multiple is harder than you think to make, while a single-player game I would argue is easier to make if it's not open-world. A live service game is more expensive, needs more features, and needs to fight with the giants of Destiny, and Division 2, and even MMORPG. Whereas single-player action or adventure games yes complete with others, but people who buy one can spend their time on another in just one day to a month if they are very casual. Live service games need you to log on every day for the best ones/updating ones as if you don't you will be left behind.

That's why it baffles me why a smart company like Amazon picked an MMORPG, and a live-service game to invest in. This is a company where everyone plays devil-advocate and is critical of everyone else, but not one person said guys the live service market is oversaturated, and the single-player market could yield better returns.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Game devs/execs/shareholders need to think deeply about whether or not to pursue a live-service game.

A live-service game as someone who has played multiple is harder than you think to make, while a single-player game I would argue is easier to make if it's not open-world. A live service game is more expensive, needs more features, and needs to fight with the giants of Destiny, and Division 2, and even MMORPG. Whereas single-player action or adventure games yes complete with others, but people who buy one can spend their time on another in just one day to a month if they are very casual. Live service games need you to log on every day for the best ones/updating ones as if you don't you will be left behind.

That's why it baffles me why a smart company like Amazon picked an MMORPG, and a live-service game to invest in. This is a company where everyone plays devil-advocate and is critical of everyone else, but not one person said guys the live service market is oversaturated, and the single-player market could yield better returns.

It’s because “live service” to them basically reads, “continual revenue stream”. Which of course means jack shit if they don’t know wtf they’re doing in the first place.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Oh Jim. I’d say never change but he’d probably take it up as a challenge.

Also, this sums up the problems with the game’s “live” structure perfectly:

”Outriders forces its players to be *always online* (in Jim’s best sniveling voice) without extending the same courtesy to itself.”
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
It’s because “live service” to them basically reads, “continual revenue stream”. Which of course means jack shit if they don’t know wtf they’re doing in the first place.
This was written for MMO's but applies just as well for Live Service games.



Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Reached Expedition mode, the post-campaign game.

The game falls a little flat here. Admittedly, its not dissimilar from your Diablo/PAth of Exile model. Because in this mode you're just clearing maps of enemies, with differing challenge tiers. While trying to solidify your build into something more coherent then the random nonsense you equipped on the way up through the story.

And yeah, Maps in Path of Exile kind of had the same issue for me. IT reaches a point where there's nothing much new, and progression of any kind grinds down, with pretty barebone objectives. You do get Gold/Silver/Bronze ratings, which are entirley based on clear time, which may appeal to some of course, but there's not much meat here. All the enemeis are the same old fare recycled up. There's a couple of odder ojectives but nothing astounding (like having to control an obelisk area while it charges up).

Out of the looter games, I'd kind of have to give credit to Monster Hunter for avoiding this pitfall, since the post-games of Monster Hunter tend to have multiple new monsters, in Iceborne, even a whole new area to fill out the endgame more. Outriders does have a final "eye of the storm" mission once you collect enough drop pod resources from expeditions (your reward "currency" you can use with a vendor to buy specific legendaries, and offset pure RNG), but theres not much else in here to offer.


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
Ran into this hard bug on the Detour mission where if the Captain does not spawn then you just can't get through the rocks.
Also the down scaling is pretty off. I guess because of the upgrade mechanic the dev team did not want people using exploited the loot but it makes going down difficulty tiers feel pointless when other games do not have this problem.

Yet I still have to urge to get back on a play for maybe an hour and some change before bed so you still win People Can Fly.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
It's awkward. My cousin hit me up tonight and was like "dude what are you playing what game should I get?" and I mean just being honest its Outriders. I took a week off because my buddy got hit by the inventory bug and hes frustrated and all I can think about is betraying him and playing without him...must hold strong..

So like I recommend it to my cousin, but literally you go search youtube for Outriders and all there is is exploit videos and people complaining about the launch. I gotta link him the escapist article thing or hell think Im out of my mind for recommending this game.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Heads up it looks like fixes for outriders were rolled out this weekend. My buddy got his character back with all inventory. We played most of the weekend without issue. We had one minor bug where a mini-boss was stuck in a wall and we couldnt kill him. We just jumped back to the lobby and then are and it was fixed. Nothing else to complain about, games been great.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Heads up it looks like fixes for outriders were rolled out this weekend. My buddy got his character back with all inventory. We played most of the weekend without issue. We had one minor bug where a mini-boss was stuck in a wall and we couldnt kill him. We just jumped back to the lobby and then are and it was fixed. Nothing else to complain about, games been great.

Yeah the Restores were on thursday/friday. I got my teleporty shotgun man out of his perma-limbo.

There does seem to be an intermittent thing with damage mitigation at the moment. Hasn't affected myself though. (And may only come up in the super endgame tier)

I did roll up a Pyromancer in the meanwhile, which introduced to me to one critique of the game. Having duplicare class players in the same group causes some issues. Since you can only apply one stack of a status effect at once, you get a lot of wasted potential. And in the case of Pyros using Overheat (Which consumes burn status to burst damage) they can end up cancelling each others effects. Although both Pyro and Techno have alt trees (for ASh and Toxic) that can avoid that.