You heard me. What's your favorite or what you consider the best scythe/scythe type weapons in games? Does not matter the genre. If the characters or things you play as has or can wield a scythe, all are welcome.
Nevan - Devil May Cry 3
An electric guitar that doubles as a scythe. The scythe part mostly comes in to play when you have Dante equipped to Sword Master
Chernbog - Bayonetta 2
A tri-bladed scythe that doubles as a rifle. Think of Ruby's scythe-rifle weapon, but even better.
Osiris - DmC (2013)
A bit mundane compared to the others, but this weapon is fun and useful.
An electric guitar that doubles as a scythe. The scythe part mostly comes in to play when you have Dante equipped to Sword Master

Chernbog - Bayonetta 2
A tri-bladed scythe that doubles as a rifle. Think of Ruby's scythe-rifle weapon, but even better.

Osiris - DmC (2013)
A bit mundane compared to the others, but this weapon is fun and useful.

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