The ballooning medical costs are a serious issue that has to be addressed at every level of the supply chain. I had addressed how we could reduce the costs of medical supply and equipment AND maintain a healthy government stockpile by having the US government buy the equipment at cost in bulk and passing on those savings to hospitals and clinics. Of course the GOP adamantly opposes this as it knocks out the middlemen being able to profit on the markups. The markups on equipment costs are so ridiculously extreme, clinics are forced to do without equipment and basic supplies because they simply cannot afford them. Hell, even on something as simple as a flag system was so expensive, I said screw it and made my own for the clinic so we would not have to pass those added up little expenses on to patients because they really do add up just to be able to maintain the building and equipment necessary to remain operational.Medicare for All, Insurance, the like... They are not the solution. They are just a numbing agent for an out-of-control industry that has little to no financial regulation that wouldn't be controlled if M4A happened tomorrow.
Seeing government programs fail left and right is a cautious thing. I am a Bernie Backer. And I too had questions about his plan. Still do. At best, it would always be a hold over until Medical Prices are pulled down under control.
Besides, the stress to the medical infrastructure would be massive. This isn't Canada. We're 10 times the size of that population, and they have a gigantic wait time. The amount of hospitals and medical professionals that would have to be created to meet demand would be mind blowing.
And to be frank, the truth is that "Vote Blue No Matter Who" and "Either Red or Dead" is the core of what America is. We've just seen that it doesn't matter the majority of votes, it matters where the votes are. And because of how this nation is made up and the stupid electoral college, Republicans have a distinctive advantage. They don't need the voters, per se. After redistricting and gerrymandering, they have the districts. That's why we have who we have.
To win the presidency, you have to play your hand for all Americans, or at least as much as possible. If blanket good ideas were enough, we wouldn't even have differing opinions. But we have uneducated Republicans voters who are making minimum wage convinced that it's better that they make less money per hour because the way they could get more would be via socialist means, therefore 'Un-american' means. That makes no sense, but they are convinced anything non American is wrong. You don't have enough words in the english language to convince zealotry like that.
So how to win? Play the game. As disgusting as you and I find it, that is politics. He's playing the game. Biden can't yell "More Minorities in positions of power, More Socialist ideals in play, Women get to rule their damn bodies no matter what and you'll like it, cutting out the chemicals we pump into food, this will be before for you". Because while it might be true, no one wants to hear that. Because you're essentially telling the zealots that their entire mindset is wrong. And no one wants that.
Therefore you mute your ideals to a much more widely palpable speech. You get them to think you're not bad and you bring them over to your style of thinking. That's it. That's how politics have been played since forever. Biden is in Politics. I have no idea why people hate him for doing the thing that every politician has done since the dawn of the idea. I'm not in love with him for it. I barely even like him. But I see the other side played that game and won and we lost for it. A leader who is no where in sight while our nation is literally burning. Every day with him is more dangerous than the last. Trump has to go.
Lastly, I''m just fascinated about how the mainstream republican politicians more and more become cronies for Trump, and there's not as much disillusionment for their party. People just shrug and look at the democrats to pick up the slack. I am personally a progressive, and I recognize that we've stemmed from the democratic party, but I have no real love loss for the party. I just want to know why instead of taking republicans to task for their fucking up, it seems like people see their actions and then look at Democrats and go "So... what are you going to do to fix this?!"
All of the burden to fix this is placed on Democrats and republicans pretty much get a free pass to break everything without consequence since everything is already skewed in their favor. The only option I see available right now is to keep GOP out of power at all, then we can start shifting left after that. Trump already ran off republicans that opposed him, thus why many have left republicans all together now.