See, Gamepass is a great deal, and I don't think anyone is really going to dispute that.
Gamepass is undoubtedly a good deal, if you haven't played those game before, or you have a habit of replaying old shit.
That's the point i've made over and over on this forum. Everyone brags about how great of a deal that Gamepass is, but remember that those game already sold at full price before. So it's a double-dipping subscription service to have the ability to play those games again, or for the first time if you missed them. And there is ultimately no denying that it is a good offering.
But the only reason why it's such a good offering is because without Gamepass, Microsoft literally would have fucking nothing on their console. If I recall correctly the only new Xbox Series X "exclusive" (we'll pretend PC doesn't count for now) is The Medium which was an okay walking sim. Not exactly setting the world on fire.
In a sense, you could even say PS5 is the only system on the market this gen that doesn't have a unique and compelling selling point.
Except for actually having exclusive, new, good games on it. Consoles don't need gimmicks, they need games. PS5 and the Switch are the only systems currently offering new things that you can only get on their systems.
Frankly if Xbox doesn't start pumping out bangers this generation. I don't see Microsoft bothering to remain in the console market for the PS6 era unless they just want to bleed money for no reason.
Also in terms of your game's count. The PS5 has all the Ps4 titles, plus some PS2 games off the store, plus all upcoming PS5 titles. Which will only continue to expand. Not to mention those numbers are inflated by titles that are cross platform. Technically i guess only the Nintendo handhelds and the PS3, truly offer real baffling numbers because those titles weren't on everything else thanks to cartridges and lack of disc based competition in the PS1-2 era.