2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic (Vaccination 2021 Edition)


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
No, it might just be that people are not sufficiently compliant with lockdown instructions. I severely doubt enough people have immunity to substantially change infection rates at this point. Antibody studies in the UK suggest fewer than 7% of the population have contracted covid-19. In the USA, it will be lower (I'd guess about 3-4% nationally), albeit with hotspots like New York which will be much higher.
OR the threshold to see immunity prevent outbreaks is substantially lower than you expect it to be. Do you recall me saying back on the old forum that like 10% of the US would be infected and then it would be done?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
OR the threshold to see immunity prevent outbreaks is substantially lower than you expect it to be. Do you recall me saying back on the old forum that like 10% of the US would be infected and then it would be done?
I also remember you saying Biden wouldn't be the Democratic presidential candidate on the old forums.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
The second wave is an inevitable result of these protests. You see thousands of people standing shoulder to shoulder. Some might wear masks but when you ignore numbers and distance there's still risk of infection.

I hope we reached eradication of unknown cases in the general community in Australia because it was packed in Sydney.
Second Wave was coming regardless. Health Authorites have been predicting one for this fall. Because of people not giving a shit before the protests(Packing beaches, acting like maskes were the devil, etc) and now the protests, 2nd wave is gonna come a lot faster.....like a couple weeks at best.

So Hooray.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
Second Wave was coming regardless. Health Authorites have been predicting one for this fall. Because of people not giving a shit before the protests(Packing beaches, acting like maskes were the devil, etc) and now the protests, 2nd wave is gonna come a lot faster.....like a couple weeks at best.

So Hooray.
It's already begun. We've got an uptick from Memorial Day now. In another week, it'll balloon from the protests.
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
It's already begun. We've got an uptick from Memorial Day now. In another week, it'll balloon from the protests.
Do you have any data to demonstrate that Memorial Day uptick? Because I'm not seeing it in the reported numbers of cases.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
"This took about a month to go around the world," Fauci said. "When is it going to end? We're still at the beginning of it."

"We're at almost the beginning of understanding" the disease, especially the long-term effects, he said. "
In a way, I feel a lot of sympathy for politicians. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't on issues like this.
That was why it was so important for Trump to make sure he provided abundant PPE to the general public. He did not do so, but wants to behave like he did and his inaction will cost lives. Forcing people into dangerous environments and denying them protection makes him personally responsible. We have had people testify already Trump refused to act adequately on obtaining PPE for the front lines, let alone for everyone who needs it resulting in wide scale, unnecessary, preventable exposure and spread.
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Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I remember really enjoying The Atlantic in the zeroes, the quality of it's articles could almost match Foreign Affairs but wtf happened? The publication has become an activist mouthpiece for uptight millennials and reads like a semi-educated tabloid now.

Talking about 'plague' and showing statistics they can't even properly interpret with their liberal arts degree like doomsday has come. The actual plague offed like 40% of the population many of which in their prime but what about coronavirus disease? The average age of death in this case is about as high as the average life expectancy. Without risk factors like old age, obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, respiratory issues or blood clotting issues the risk for healthy people is almost negligible. Not zero as some younger, healthy people seem to have some kind of genetic susceptibility but on average the risk of severe complications let alone death from coronavirus for this group is lower than accidentally walking under the bus. Even with those statistics you will see it eventually averages out and taken over one or two years you might see a surplus in the last few months but a lower amount of deaths in the next few months or years. Countries with strict quarantine measures and countries with no quarantine measures will have absolutely no difference in outcome within a one or two year term.

As a civilized society we have moral responsibilty to protect those at-risk but I never understood those months long hysteric quarantine measures that come at tremendous costs both financial but also for healthcare in general. It is already estimated that delayed surgical procedures(like cancer treatments or organ transplants for example) is costing more years lost than coronavirus ever would. Hundreds of billions of dollars of debt that can never be repaid with the money presses printing money like it's toilet paper that will put western economies in permanent stagnation in the best case 'Japan' scenario.

Also I have yet to see any explanation of the long-term purpose of these drastic measures. If the purpose is to wait for a vaccine well Ebola took 10 years, for AIDS they were never able to find a vaccine and neither for coronaviruses. Sure things are 'different' now but that is still no guarantee a vaccine can be developed let alone within the next 5 years. The process and safety procedure is still the same. Like any 'living' thing the virus seeks a way to propagate itself and is already endemic having found it's reservoir in humans and as such it's inevitable everyone will come into contact with the virus sooner or later. That should probably also be motivation to move that fat ass and not drink buckets of coolaid.

"This took about a month to go around the world," Fauci said. "When is it going to end? We're still at the beginning of it."

"We're at almost the beginning of understanding" the disease, especially the long-term effects, he said. "

That was why it was so important for Trump to make sure he provided abundant PPE to the general public. He did not do so, but wants to behave like he did and his inaction will cost lives. Forcing people into dangerous environments and denying them protection makes him personally responsible. We have had people testify already Trump refused to act adequately on obtaining PPE for the front lines, let alone for everyone who needs it resulting in wide scale, unnecessary, preventable exposure and spread.
Not a fan of Trump but he can't really be expected to pull those masks out of his ass. He is still dependent on his supplier and guess who that is? Also in a non-medical setting without additional protective measures masks do very little, if anything, to prevent transmission or infection. Espescially for people at-risk masks might give them the feeling they're safe when really they are not.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Not a fan of Trump but he can't really be expected to pull those masks out of his ass. He is still dependent on his supplier and guess who that is? Also in a non-medical setting without additional protective measures masks do very little, if anything, to prevent transmission or infection. Espescially for people at-risk masks might give them the feeling they're safe when really they are not.
No one would want masks that have been up his arse, we want the ones he was supposed to have kept FEMA stocked with, but didn't, in addition to the rest of the PPE needed, not just masks you know, the ones he was supposed to stockpile in January, but didn't. The ones he was supposed to procure but instead had his son in law F it all up and didn't, The ones he was supposed to make via Defense production act, but then didn't make anywhere near the demand for the front lines, let alone the grocery store, gas station, mail carriers and dollar store workers who work in prime conditions to mass spread it to those most vulnerable the fastest.

"Outside of a medical setting", is only due to people not understanding proper usage, it isn't rocket science here. We have had people in non medical fields that utilize it daily already to work in for years here. That is easily remedied with public broadcasts showing properly handling, you know like they did in CHINA of all places. China was able to even have their street cleaners in hazmat, but our physicians, cops,nurses, social workers, paramedics, hospital staff who cleans the COVID-19 rooms, grocery store workers could not even obtain barely acceptable PPE and STILL are rationing and Trump hasn't resolved the issue, at all here and is still pretending like it isn't a problem. Having PPE>>> Not having PPE in terms of safety. I am not just talking about Masks here BTW. Though not everyone needs full hazmat, some actually do. The people in the meat packing facilities, for example, likely need full hazmat. There are different levels of protection depending on the environment you are in. The worst part of this, is we have known this for a very long time now, and all of a sudden mass amnesia or something, for some strange reason people act like we haven't had people working in PPE since my grandfathers day's. But DUHUR under Trump's regime , instead of teaching people properly how to properly utilize PPE to protect themselves, they instead start passin out dem der bandannas so we can all look like cowboys and pretend like it is helping. You should also keep in mind that the authors of the previous study claiming masks were not effective have since retracted that study after review.

The purpose of "Keeping as many people from becoming infected as possible" right now is to buy time so that when you do go to the hospital, we have some means to treat you, because right now, we still have no tried and true method that is universally being taught to healthcare workers everywhere, so there is still a good chance you could come in to a hospital with COVID-19 and either 1) Get sent home and die at home because they didn't recognize your symptoms, 2) Die in the hospital with it because they are not trained yet in what to do treat it.

Everything is experimental right now,so basically they find out whether or not something will keep you alive or kill you right now by testing it on you. Once we have more data, we can start devising better treatments, as of now, it is up to each individual Physician and facility to determine their own course of treatment, even if it isn't one that works. Once we have some better options here, then we STILL have to have time to educate healthcare workers to understand what to do. THIS is why time is so important here above all else. The vaccine would be great, however, we need to figure out how to reduce the death toll in the meantime and improve favorable outcomes. Unless you want to be the "lab rat" here, you want to avoid contracting it right now if at all possible.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I remember really enjoying The Atlantic in the zeroes, the quality of it's articles could almost match Foreign Affairs but wtf happened? The publication has become an activist mouthpiece for uptight millennials and reads like a semi-educated tabloid now.

Talking about 'plague' and showing statistics they can't even properly interpret with their liberal arts degree like doomsday has come. The actual plague offed like 40% of the population many of which in their prime but what about coronavirus disease? The average age of death in this case is about as high as the average life expectancy. Without risk factors like old age, obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, respiratory issues or blood clotting issues the risk for healthy people is almost negligible. Not zero as some younger, healthy people seem to have some kind of genetic susceptibility but on average the risk of severe complications let alone death from coronavirus for this group is lower than accidentally walking under the bus. Even with those statistics you will see it eventually averages out and taken over one or two years you might see a surplus in the last few months but a lower amount of deaths in the next few months or years. Countries with strict quarantine measures and countries with no quarantine measures will have absolutely no difference in outcome within a one or two year term.

As a civilized society we have moral responsibilty to protect those at-risk but I never understood those months long hysteric quarantine measures that come at tremendous costs both financial but also for healthcare in general. It is already estimated that delayed surgical procedures(like cancer treatments or organ transplants for example) is costing more years lost than coronavirus ever would. Hundreds of billions of dollars of debt that can never be repaid with the money presses printing money like it's toilet paper that will put western economies in permanent stagnation in the best case 'Japan' scenario.

Also I have yet to see any explanation of the long-term purpose of these drastic measures. If the purpose is to wait for a vaccine well Ebola took 10 years, for AIDS they were never able to find a vaccine and neither for coronaviruses. Sure things are 'different' now but that is still no guarantee a vaccine can be developed let alone within the next 5 years. The process and safety procedure is still the same. Like any 'living' thing the virus seeks a way to propagate itself and is already endemic having found it's reservoir in humans and as such it's inevitable everyone will come into contact with the virus sooner or later. That should probably also be motivation to move that fat ass and not drink buckets of coolaid.
Yeah, the numbers for people under 50 are showing the virus is a smaller risk than traffic accidents. And there's some ridiculous numbers about Vitamin D deficiency being a characteristic in the upper 80s-90% of a deaths. So just taking some Vitamin D if you're deficient could greatly lower risk from serious symptoms and death. The point of the lockdowns was that it spread too fast (due to unpreparedness) overwhelming healthcare along with the fact that we didn't know much at the time either. We would have probably had a vaccine ready if funding wasn't cut for the doctors like Dr. Peter Hotez that had already developed a vaccine for SARS and were about to start the testing phase. But since no one cared about SARS and MERS anymore, funding was cut because profit (if any) would be rather low. Their vaccine is the one currently going through testing and trials because they already made it.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
As a civilized society we have moral responsibilty to protect those at-risk but I never understood those months long hysteric quarantine measures that come at tremendous costs both financial but also for healthcare in general.
A few thoughts:

a) It's a lot easier to think it's an overreaction when you're not in the at-risk group.
b) If measures don't control the spread, you don't just lose a lot of the covid-19 patients but a lot more when the health service collapses under the strain.
c) Given pretty much universal principles of control across the world, perhaps this IS how we protect the at-risk groups.

Realistically, of course, one of the best ways to have prevented the months-long shutdown was to have a started a lot earlier with quarantines and restrictions. What happened was that numerous countries didn't want to take difficult measures or had no adequate plans or ability to respond, so the disease embedded and propagated, and then it's a crisis that will take a long time to pull out of.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
We would have probably had a vaccine ready if funding wasn't cut for the doctors like Dr. Peter Hotez that had already developed a vaccine for SARS and were about to start the testing phase.
Questionable. Vaccines usually are very specific for certain viruses - a small differences in protein amino acid composition in the wrong place can render them ineffective against a different strain. And then you've got to wade through the whole testing rigmarole for the new vaccine - that's what often takes the time.

One of the reasons the vaccine may be less effective than hoped is because - depending on what the vaccine targets on the virus - mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 across the global population may render some vaccines ineffective against some strains.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Questionable. Vaccines usually are very specific for certain viruses - a small differences in protein amino acid composition in the wrong place can render them ineffective against a different strain. And then you've got to wade through the whole testing rigmarole for the new vaccine - that's what often takes the time.

One of the reasons the vaccine may be less effective than hoped is because - depending on what the vaccine targets on the virus - mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 across the global population may render some vaccines ineffective against some strains.
I'm just going off what the doctor that develops vaccines is saying because he knows far more than I do. There haven't been any new strains of the virus yet.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Yeah, the numbers for people under 50 are showing the virus is a smaller risk than traffic accidents. And there's some ridiculous numbers about Vitamin D deficiency being a characteristic in the upper 80s-90% of a deaths. So just taking some Vitamin D if you're deficient could greatly lower risk from serious symptoms and death. The point of the lockdowns was that it spread too fast (due to unpreparedness) overwhelming healthcare along with the fact that we didn't know much at the time either. We would have probably had a vaccine ready if funding wasn't cut for the doctors like Dr. Peter Hotez that had already developed a vaccine for SARS and were about to start the testing phase. But since no one cared about SARS and MERS anymore, funding was cut because profit (if any) would be rather low. Their vaccine is the one currently going through testing and trials because they already made it.
The issue is this is not SARS, and does not actually behave like SARS, SARS is a respiratory virus, once it damages the lungs, it does not then go on to infect endothelial cells and cause blood clotting and organ damage in the way that COVID-19 does. What this virus does is very different, it does not even have to infect the lungs to kill you due to what it does to your blood vessels.

The Physicians and nurses treating some of the patients at the first nursing home that was known to be infected with COVID-19 in the US, had stated that some of the patients had no respiratory symptoms, but instead had " red eyes" and died in the same day. Although most people have been infected via lungs and thus have lung damage in order for the virus to enter the blood stream, it is not the only means by which it can be spread. If it entered the bloodstream by another method, through an open wound, eyes or through sexual contact, it is possible that they would not have respiratory symptoms at all and still have severe illness. Sadly though , due to how widespread this currently is in hospitals at the moment, even if you did not have it in your lungs prior to being admitted, there is a high probability you would once there due to repeated exposure in the hospital itself.
You should also understand that people may not have been vitamin D deficient prior to illness and that could also be a result of hypophosphataemia induced by the infection in their lungs. Not everything is as simple as taking vitamin' D in advance. I have seen this in some of my pediatric patients prior to COVID-19, even in those who are otherwise healthy prior, as this can actually occur from hyperventilation alone in otherwise healthy patients. Often, levels will return to normal after resolving dyspnea. I certainly hope people are not out taking too many vitamins they do not know they need thinking it will protect them.



Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I'm just going off what the doctor that develops vaccines is saying because he knows far more than I do. There haven't been any new strains of the virus yet.
A useful comparison is the 'flu vaccine: this is actually a combination of several different agents, all of which target a different major 'flu strain, and we have to add new ones as new 'flu variants arise.

Antibodies are proteins formed of two main zones - one that binds to antigens (targets for the immune system to attack), and one that binds to elements of the immune system to signal an attack order. The antigen-binding zone is often very specific for a particular target: the target has to have just the "right" sort of chemical structure such that even small changes between two different antigens may make an antibody unable to bind. Present someone with a vaccine, the body generates antibodies to elements of the vaccine that are identical to the target virus, which then means a viral infection will rapidly be hunted down and destroyed. However, this means that if SARS-CoV-2 has differences in the structure of whatever the putative SARS-CoV-1 vaccine caused antibodies to target for, it probably wouldn't work. On the other hand, with a working SARS-CoV-1 vaccine, it might provide a modest "head start" to make development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine quicker.

I have seen reports that a small percentage of the population of SE Asia have quite a wide range of anti-CoV antibodies, probably because these sorts of CoV infections might be quite common in that area. Some also suggest people may have resistance from antibodies against CoV variants associated with (for instance) the common cold - although that's quite theoretical.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
I'm just going off what the doctor that develops vaccines is saying because he knows far more than I do. There haven't been any new strains of the virus yet.
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