Everything the Wachowski Sisters have made after the Matrix movies was better than the Matrix movies. Yes, even the original.
Christopher Nolan hasn't made a good or even an enjoyable movie in a very long time. The last one was Dark Knight, and that was held up my the actors alone.
Southland Tales was a great work of satire that has gotten more relevant with each passing year ever since it came out.
Most of the MCU before Civil War was tedious, generic and had a lot of uncomfortable, conservative subtext.
Most of the MCU after Civil War is still tedious and generic, but has slightly less conservative subtext.
The only truly bad Star Wars prequel was Attack of the Clones. Phantom Menace was fine, Revenge of the Sith was good.
The only good Star Wars sequel was Last Jedi. Force Awakens was carried by good will alone, Rise of Skywalker was torturous.
Once in a blue moon, when he actually works with a good screenplay, Michael Bay can produce a genuine masterpiece. Pain and Gain was a brilliant movie.
Alien³ was a better sequel to Alien than Aliens.
End of Evangelion was a worse ending to Evangelion than the actual series finale.
People are underestimating how genuinely good Cobra Kai is.