Movie, TV, Web Series, and Music Hot Take(s).


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
don't think I ever saw that movie the whole way through. Did see the sequel with the ship, though.
William Dafoe is the only interesting thing about Speed 2. I don't understand how you never finished the first movie. We're talking about a sequel so bad, that not even Keanu Reeves wanted anything to do with it. Even he thought the idea of a speeding cruise ship stupid. The only person I know that likes Speed 2 is my mom, but that's because she's a Sandra Bullock fan.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Everything the Wachowski Sisters have made after the Matrix movies was better than the Matrix movies. Yes, even the original.
Christopher Nolan hasn't made a good or even an enjoyable movie in a very long time. The last one was Dark Knight, and that was held up my the actors alone.

Most of the MCU before Civil War was tedious, generic and had a lot of uncomfortable, conservative subtext.
Most of the MCU after Civil War is still tedious and generic, but has slightly less conservative subtext.
I like Inception. Otherwise, I'd agree with everything, though not having seen all the films those include (especially as the MCU is consistently awful).

William Dafoe is the only interesting thing about Speed 2. I don't understand how you never finished the first movie. We're talking about a sequel so bad, that not even Keanu Reeves wanted anything to do with it. Even he thought the idea of a speeding cruise ship stupid. The only person I know that likes Speed 2 is my mom, but that's because she's a Sandra Bullock fan.
That was in the old days of TV and 5 channels, and you watched what was on, or at least parts of it between other shows.

(Back in the day, I'd stay up to 2am on Thursday mornings, and there'd be Birds of Prey, Mutant X and Witchblade (the live action one), 2 on 1 channel and the other on a 2nd one at the same time so I only saw bits when ads were on the other channel. Now we've got dozens of channels and nothing on)


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I like Inception. Otherwise, I'd agree with everything, though not having seen all the films those include (especially as the MCU is consistently awful).

That was in the old days of TV and 5 channels, and you watched what was on, or at least parts of it between other shows.

(Back in the day, I'd stay up to 2am on Thursday mornings, and there'd be Birds of Prey, Mutant X and Witchblade (the live action one), 2 on 1 channel and the other on a 2nd one at the same time so I only saw bits when ads were on the other channel. Now we've got dozens of channels and nothing on)
That explains that. You definitely had it worse than me when it came to TV selection back in the 90s. At least we had cable. At first, there is only Cable in the family room and every other room just had basic tv. When we moved to another city, every room had cable in it, because Comcast had a cheaper deal at the time. And this is before they got greedy and were dicks about everything. Nowadays of course, I don't even bother with cable it's either box sets I've already own and watch, Blu-ray and DVD movies, or streaming. Only my parents bother with TV at this point.
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Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
Everything the Wachowski Sisters have made after the Matrix movies was better than the Matrix movies. Yes, even the original.
Christopher Nolan hasn't made a good or even an enjoyable movie in a very long time. The last one was Dark Knight, and that was held up my the actors alone.
Southland Tales was a great work of satire that has gotten more relevant with each passing year ever since it came out.
Most of the MCU before Civil War was tedious, generic and had a lot of uncomfortable, conservative subtext.
Most of the MCU after Civil War is still tedious and generic, but has slightly less conservative subtext.
The only truly bad Star Wars prequel was Attack of the Clones. Phantom Menace was fine, Revenge of the Sith was good.
The only good Star Wars sequel was Last Jedi. Force Awakens was carried by good will alone, Rise of Skywalker was torturous.
Once in a blue moon, when he actually works with a good screenplay, Michael Bay can produce a genuine masterpiece. Pain and Gain was a brilliant movie.
Alien³ was a better sequel to Alien than Aliens.
End of Evangelion was a worse ending to Evangelion than the actual series finale.
People are underestimating how genuinely good Cobra Kai is.
1. So Jupiter Ascending is better then the Matrix?

3 and 4. Lost interest since Avengers 2. Iron Man 3 sucked. Winter Soldier was ok but nothing that makes me want to re-watch it.

5. Phantom Menace is still the worse for me and Attack of the Clones gets far too much hate.

6. Kylo Ren was the only interesting new character.

7. I feel Michael Bay hate has died down lately.

8. Never been a true fan of Xenomorph movies. Predator was the better alien movie.

9. I see this as the ending. Watch Anime episode 25-26 after EOE.

10. Cobra Kai?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
1. So Jupiter Ascending is better then the Matrix?
It has lots of Mila Kunis falling long distances? That happens to Keanu Reeves only once in the Matrix.

Less flippantly, Jupiter Ascending doesn't ever try to be deep and meaningful, so it can't exactly fail at that. Though, that was more a problem with the sequels.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Counter hot take: Captain America the First Avenger is one of the best WWII pulpy, two fisted tales movies since The Rocketeer. And a damn good movie.
I love the first half of Captain America: The First Avenger. When he goes on his mission to save Bucky and his unit, it becomes a so-so action movie, but before then? *chefs kiss*

The post-credits scene is also great.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Immortan Joe is not this brilliantly conceived villain.
I don't recall many people saying he's "brilliantly conceived" ? *shrugs* I think most just liked how over the top he was. I found his gun toting, blind brother to be the better villain as an actual character. Immortan Joe was more "powerful" in how he impacted those around him. Frankly HE isn't actually on screen much at all. But the culture he has developed has a huge impact on the entire world around him.

And it wasn't even a movie where Max was a major character.
Of course he was a major character. He was instrumental all the way through the story, from start to finish, for multiple reasons. He wasn't the MAIN focus character, but so what? He was more a catalyst for other characters to enact change in Thunderdome as well.

Everything the Wachowski Sisters have made after the Matrix movies was better than the Matrix movies. Yes, even the original.
I do feel that Cloud Atlas and Sense8 are great, Sense8 in particular being a personal favorite. I still love The Matrix, but I haven't felt compelled to watch it in years. Sense8 I would happily watch any time.
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Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
Everything the Wachowski's made before Matrix is better than Matrix too! Can't forget Bound, it might be their best work!
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Everything before the Wachowski's made before Matrix is better than Matrix too! Can't forget Bound, it might be their best work!
Curvy Jennifer Tilly is always a win in my book, no doubt. *enthusiastic nod* I remember her in a short lived tv series back in the 90's called Key West. She played the small towns like, one prostitute. She was so good in it. Plus she was just so plump and gorgeous, and they dressed her to capitalize on her thiccer than normal figure and beauty. And that was always a favorite of mine so, win win. Plus she did a really good job playing that character. She had a lot of depth and nuance.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Hot take: Willow is a better movie than Star Wars.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The Fast and Furious movies should have ended at 7. Once Paul Walker died, there was no reason to continue and everything feels like a fan fic.

  • I still like the original despite having age in certain ways.
  • 2 Fast Furious is weak sauce Bad Boys, but I would watch the former over BB II any day of the week.
  • Tokyo Drift is decent, but I do have a soft spot for the 3rd entry. Mainly, because it's light Initial D, and the movie has the best soundtrack in terms of all variety in the entire franchise.
  • F&F4 is whatever and kinda blends in with the rest.
  • Fast Five is a fun heist film, and I enjoyed it.
  • F6 sucked and is a glorified soap opera.
  • Furious 7 is the best in the franchise.
  • I refuse to watch 8, Hobbs & Shaw, nor 9.
From what I heard, the reception for 9 has not been positive from all the leaks. I have yet to look at all, nor much invested to do so.

While I do have my respect for hip-hop, I never cared much for Gangsta Rap genre as a whole aside from a few exceptions. Time proved you can't be "gangsta" forever. You either stagnate, turn in to a immature asshole, or die young. I hate a lot of mainstream hip-hop from the mid to late 2000s. A lot of them are shit and too shallow with the materialism. The indie and underground people are fine. Always has been.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
You bet your ass it is.

The sequel series to Karate Kid. It's on Netflix. You should check it out.
Here's a hot take for you: Cobra Kai is the best thing to come out of The Karate Kid franchise. Yes, even more than the original movie.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I've said this before back on the old forum and I'll say it again: English dubbing is just as good or even better than their original Japanese counterpart for anime. It's been building that way for over 20 years. You have anime directors that prefer the English dub to some or many of their works. I'm at that point where most Japanese subs do nothing for me. I only watch the sub in case I'm that invested in the anime and can't wait for the dub (which is super rare for me now), or it's an older anime where the Japanese voices are better than the English. The English dubbing has to be really terrible though.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I've said this before back on the old forum and I'll say it again: English dubbing is just as good or even better than their original Japanese counterpart for anime. It's been building that way for over 20 years. You have anime directors that prefer the English dub to some or many of their works. I'm at that point where most Japanese subs do nothing for me. I only watch the sub in case I'm that invested in the anime and can't wait for the dub (which is super rare for me now), or it's an older anime where a Japanese voices are better than the English. The English dubbing has to be really terrible though.
A good dub of an anime is worth its weight in gold. Honestly the only dubs that I don't find work for me is ones for shows that are strictly high school slice of life fluff. Like I enjoyed Azumanga Daioh - acquired taste that it was - but the dub didn't hit me where I live. I feel like loads of the specific experience was being lost. But procedural based stuff like Ghost in the Shell, or straight forward action fare like Teknoman had enough effort put into their dubs that made them really shine.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
A good dub of an anime is worth its weight in gold. Honestly the only dubs that I don't find work for me is ones for shows that are strictly high school slice of life fluff. Like I enjoyed Azumanga Daioh - acquired taste that it was - but the dub didn't hit me where I live.
AD I could never get into, no matter the dubbing. I don't like the majority of high school/slice of life anime. They tend to age the worst and are usually stuck in the era they aired or premiered. The only one I liked was Pani Poni Dash, but that was more of a parody. And that show aged even worse, because of all the anime and Western pop culture references. The dubbing is excellent, so I will give it that.

I feel like loads of the specific experience was being lost. But procedural based stuff like Ghost in the Shell, or straight forward action fare like Teknoman had enough effort put into their dubs that made them really shine.
That is certain advantage of action shows or less dialogue heavy anime. Plus, actions get to have and play fast and loose with their dialogue without losing anything. Though I like said before, shows or movies are dialogue heavy have exceeded years ago in quality. Look at Monster or Death Note.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Been trying to think, but none of my takes are hot, they're all too chill or tepid. Like a forgotten coffee left outside as it collects a growing graveyard of soggy bug corpses. Though in a world where everyone has a hot take, mayhaps not having a hot take is the real hot take, eh? ...Ehh?? Ah, whatever. Never liked the heat anyway. Maybe wanting to listen more to Audioslave these days than Soundgarden might count? Haven't bothered to test that opinion on music snobs or grunge purists yet though. 🤔🧐
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