Far Cry 6 news


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Since Horizon Forbidden West was covered in the thread of its own, I decided to make this one for the other gaming news that was annouced today; The gameplay and the story of Far Cry 6.

After Fa Cry 3 drawing me into the franchise, Far Cry 4 leaving me wanting more, and being disappointed with Far Cry Primal and Far Cry 5, I was a little hesitant on which direction FC6 would go to. And I gotta say, it looks solid.

The characters already look promising. Giancarlo Esposito has already proven to be a fantastic actor to portray a suave, calculative, cold-hearted villain. I am really excited to see his performance. I am also excited about the main protagonist Dani Rojas. Now we will need to wait and see what kind of person she is, but I'm just glad that she will have some sort of personality. I am tired of silent protagonist, yhe classic excuse of "inserting oneself to the position" for bad writings. Granted, Jason in FC3 and Ajay in FC4 weren't too interesting, but at least they had motives and personalities. I'm looking at you, Rookie in FC5!

The gameplay looks fun. I love all the guerilla warfare-esque weapons. I wonder just how much mayhem we will be allowed to cause? Since the gameplay takes in urban area, and inevitably civilian NPCs, I wonder how far you can go?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I dropped Far Cry 3 when the only interesting character in it died, and haven't bothered with the franchise since. This one will have to do a lot to bring me back.
I haven't touched a Far Cry game since Instincts & 2. Every game after 3 has just been more of the same, except you have a different kind of sociopath(s). Keep in mind, I wasn't exactly big on the second game either.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I'd never played any FC game prior to 3, but figured I'd check it out, given all the praise it was getting at the time. I'm a sucker for stealthy/assassin games, and that definitely scratched an itch for me. I started to dip into FC 4 but, I dunno, I stopped at the dinner table scene at the start. Not sure why. I think it's because I'd been spoiled about the outcomes of the 2 different factions you can back in the game, and how Neither of them are really a GOOD faction. One keeps things "traiditonal"...but that includes things like arranged child marriage, and patriarchy. The other faction, is more modern and liberal in it's views but....it's literally turning the country into an opium farm. So, welcome to the global drug trade I guess. I might pick it up after FC 5, but I'm probably going to try New Dawn next, since it's apparently a direct sequel to 5. And I am curious how it will play out.

6 looks decent, it seems to be going for way more humor than I would normally like, but I guess it might be doing what FC 5 did, which is Business in the Front (storyline), Party in the Back (side missions). *shrugs*

Definitely doesn't look all that different from any other FC game, which is fine, gameplay/mechanics trailers don't really do it for me. I don't care that I can build a CD gun, or a flamethrower from scraps. I'm curious about the story of this person trying to help a rebellion overthrow a dictator. This trailer didn't do anything for that so....eh.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I am really excited to see his performance. I am also excited about the main protagonist Dani Rojas. Now we will need to wait and see what kind of person she is, but I'm just glad that she will have some sort of personality.
You know "Dani Rojas" is either male or female right? Like the non-characters of FC5 and New Dawn. Dani just happens to have a conveniently unisex name.


Elite Member
Jan 31, 2021
I'm more than ready for this one. I know some people don't like Ubi but the Far Cry team always seem to listen to the fans every release. All the changes from FC3 onwards were at worst attempts to fix things people didn't like from the last one. It's actually a great track record on improvement and growth in a franchise. Plus, they have been taking more and more time between titles, and FC5 was the most polished game yet, which only bodes well for 6.

The villain looks great, the companions I've seen so far have been crazy, the island is shaping up to be beautiful and they're promising a dark and gruesome story. Very, very keen.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
When the cute widdle doggie appeared at the end, I fully braced for the words "Pre-order bonus!" to be plastered on screen at any second. Am beyond tainted by this industry. Still, these types of freedom stealth wander games are kinda personally therapeutic, and 60fps mode is on the table so am keeping an eye on it for now.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
That's... every single Far Cry. The best ending for everyone is the one where you run away
Yes I know, I've come to learn that about the franchise. Doesn't make it something I ENJOY playing. Some people enjoy playing anti-heroes and psychopaths, I'm not one of them. It's my big issue with FC 5 so far, in that the "good guys" i'm liberating Hope Montana from, are pretty much the qanon fuckwads that stormed the capitol on 1/6. So it's a bitter pill, that makes playing the game, less fun than it could be for me.

I'm hoping 6 will not have that much of a problem, as the rebellion lines, at least so far, from the footage, SEEM to be genuinely going for liberty and freedom from a homicidal tyrant. Time will tell if it turns out their secretly sex traffickers or something, and I'm just helping them establish their base of operations in a now destabilized country.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Crazy excited for this. Last year I burned through Far Cry 3, 4, and 5. Each one has different advantages and disadvantages from the previous. I think Far Cry 4 was kind of the sweet spot. Its story was more interesting than 3 and gave you a ton of things to do and a huge map to explore.

Far Cry 5 had a lot of potential, but the story ultimately disappointed me. Specifically the villains were given an out. When they announced that it was a psuedo-christian religious cult set in Montana I was like "whooaaa", because I actually lived in Montana for a time. Montana is crazy religious. I've never seen this in any other state, but you literally cant go to the movies without them trying to indoctrinate you. They replace all the normal trailers and commercials with Ads for either that crazy Hillsong church or altright propaganda like HIllary 2016 or Obamas america whatever . Those fire and brimstone films that depict democrat's as child slave traders and demigogs. or those christian Confirmation bias films. I forget the correct term for the genre, but its those feel cool christian films where their belief in god saves their kid from cancer or being gay.

When the game starts they lean into that theme pretty hard and the Montana people and landscape are pretty spot on(its also an absolutely gorgeous game), but by the end of it they made all kinds of excuses essentially saying its all a hoax, giving them an out to not offend Evangelical christians, which is pointless as its not like those people would play the game anyway. It disappointed largely in that instead of exploring the real monsters of rural religious america, it switched gears to a cartoonie pretend villain.

What I'd like to see them do with Far Cry 6 is create a more nuanced villain and geopolitical landscape. That they be honest about how these dictators stay in power rather than pretend like dictators can stay in power without some support from the people.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I wasnt happy with Far Cry 5. But i dont mind the core gameplay loop of the series. 5 bored me because of the lack of a real player character. I enjoyed 3, 4, and primal. And ill certainly give 6 a chance.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Nothing will drain my enthusiasm more than the words 'Ubisoft open-world', I don't care how many Giancarlo Esposito's you throw in there.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
We could entertain ourselves with a betting pool on how long the game will let you go before you have to climb something to unlock/reveal part of the map.
FC5 already dismissed it as a mechanic. You do it once during the tutorial and the game makes a joke about "this being the only one, promise". Don't know if they made a return in New Dawn.

Couldn't care less for Esposito. He always plays the same character, and Far Cry always uses their big bads the same way. He's gonna show up once at the beginning and once at the end. 90% of the game will be dealing with minimum wage day players while Esposito phones in the occasional smarmy audio recording.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I wasnt happy with Far Cry 5. But i dont mind the core gameplay loop of the series. 5 bored me because of the lack of a real player character. I enjoyed 3, 4, and primal. And ill certainly give 6 a chance.
I enjoyed Primal, partly because it was a very interesting direction to take things. I also really loved that old dude who kept calling you Piss Face. Everytime he would see you, and cry out "Smygome!!" in this super cheery voice, I couldn't help but smile. I did have trouble not always picturing Adam Jensen running around like a caveman because of the voice actor. But it was still a pretty fun game.

I'm almost done with 5, probably finish it tonight. It's...interesting. Some things I like, like how you don't really have levels. You are as deadly at the start as you are near the end. Your perks mostly just make things faster and more efficient. That's a neat new take on this style of game, and character progression. The problem is it makes doing a lot of side stuff pointless after a while, as some of the perks are just not useful. Like the entire "your allies will show up faster" line is just a waste of my time really, given my playstyle.

I plan on trying New Dawn next, as I'm curious how it sequels to the events but, we'll see. I just wish they would pick a fucking tone for the game and stick with it. I just finished a side mission that was based around a movie director trying to film Blood Dragon 3, and he broke the 4th wall and talked about how he'd never go back to working on Far Cry again. All the bitching fans complaining about stuff, and named a ton of the IRL complaints people have. Felt a little too on the nose, as a "fuck you" to the player base to me. Plus, considering they can't seem to decide if their franchise is pants-on-head cooky, or uber-grim-dark serious, I kind of don't have any sympathy for them when people ***** at them about realism or not.


Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
I'm of the belief that modern Far Cry is the best of the Ubisoft Open World game formula.

This looks way more fun the AC Valhalla and Watch Dogs Legion
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Crazy excited for this. Last year I burned through Far Cry 3, 4, and 5. Each one has different advantages and disadvantages from the previous. I think Far Cry 4 was kind of the sweet spot. Its story was more interesting than 3 and gave you a ton of things to do and a huge map to explore.

Far Cry 5 had a lot of potential, but the story ultimately disappointed me. Specifically the villains were given an out. When they announced that it was a psuedo-christian religious cult set in Montana I was like "whooaaa", because I actually lived in Montana for a time. Montana is crazy religious. I've never seen this in any other state, but you literally cant go to the movies without them trying to indoctrinate you. They replace all the normal trailers and commercials with Ads for either that crazy Hillsong church or altright propaganda like HIllary 2016 or Obamas america whatever . Those fire and brimstone films that depict democrat's as child slave traders and demigogs. or those christian Confirmation bias films. I forget the correct term for the genre, but its those feel cool christian films where their belief in god saves their kid from cancer or being gay.

When the game starts they lean into that theme pretty hard and the Montana people and landscape are pretty spot on(its also an absolutely gorgeous game), but by the end of it they made all kinds of excuses essentially saying its all a hoax, giving them an out to not offend Evangelical christians, which is pointless as its not like those people would play the game anyway. It disappointed largely in that instead of exploring the real monsters of rural religious america, it switched gears to a cartoonie pretend villain.

What I'd like to see them do with Far Cry 6 is create a more nuanced villain and geopolitical landscape. That they be honest about how these dictators stay in power rather than pretend like dictators can stay in power without some support from the people.

Ubisofts are cowards afraid to offend, conservatives and any one in the far, far right.

Adam Jensen

Elite Member
Apr 3, 2020
I actually like Far Cry. In fact, I'd say that Far Cry 5 was an improvement over 4 and 4 was an improvement over 3. I still wish they'd go back to Far Cry 2 setting and do it justice, since there's nothing quite like the African setting. And some of the mechanics from Far Cry 2 should also return, like the handheld map and weapon degradation. It really added to the feeling of being desperate and in a shithole.

Still, I'm not really excited for this one. And the reason for that is weird. I think that knife takedowns (from leaked gameplay footage) are way too brutal. I pity the people who had to work on those animations. It must have been a nightmare because that is just psychopathic.
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Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Oh. Ubisoft.

Was the people that covered up sexual misconduct there held accountable?