It does not absolve him either, but she worse because she knew from the start. She knows Mark is a super hero, and tagaloned like she did nothing wrong. If she did not want to get involved, Amber should have said, I" can't handle the relationship of being with a superhero" or "I just want to be with a normal guy". Mark is out there, busting his ass everyday, saving lives. while she's upset because their is not enough "me time". It's one thing if she never knew, but this is different. Amber comes off looking worse beacause of the twist. She's been giving him the roundabout from the fucking start.
I am glad she comforted him, but I wanna hear an actual fucking aplpogy. Not this "You were lied too as well" bullshit. Amber's situation does not compare on come close to Mark's. She got lied to for six months, Mark was lied to for seventeen years and almost killed by his own father. Amber got none of that, aside from a guy ho could not keep on schedule, because he's out saving the world. I'll give her this, at least she showed some fucking compassion towards the end, but I expect either: a full blown apology with words next season, tone down her selfishness, or demote her to extra. Either one or all the above will satisfy me.
The "romance" is the weakest element, because it's trite cliche that is beyond cliche. This is not beating the dead horse. This is taking the half dead horse, throwing it's body in acid, and pulling out whatever remains just to piss on the animal.