‘Supercrooks’ Live-Action Millarworld Series Ordered By Netflix As ‘Jupiter’s Legacy’ Releases Cast
Netflix is turning Mark Millar's Jupiter's Legacy series into an anthology franchise, setting a live-action adaptation of Supercrooks.
It's not technically canceled. They released all the actors and are instead taking one of his other books and adapting it to a series that would take place in the same world "super crooks". They say they are going in a new direction with Millarworld adaptations and will come back to Jupiters Legacy at a later date. This is especially frustrating for me because the first season was only a prequel and increased the scope of the story in ways that dragged pretty bad. Mark Millar deserves all the accolades for his amazing work on both his own series and as arguably the creator behind MCU, but I have little faith in his adaptations. For my taste Kick-ass was the only one that was fairly close to the comics.